2019-04-30 - Sweet Dreams Are Made of These

Alex learns a bloody lesson about not tempting fate.

IC Date: 2019-04-30

OOC Date: 2019-03-25

Location: Beyond The Veil

Related Scenes:   2019-05-02 - What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Plot: None

Scene Number: 54


This day was not going to start off on the right foot for Alex, our intrepid hero. It begins late, twenty minutes past when his alarm was meant to go off. Who knows what woke him, but he was almost definitely going to be late for work if he didn't hurry.

He awakens to an empty bed, which was not necessarily odd except for the fact that he'd be certain he left Violet there when he'd gone to bed the night before. Perhaps she'd gone down to make breakfast, because her presence was still very clearly tossed about his room. There was a trail of clothes littering the floor from the bed to the bathroom; a damp towel hanging off the toilet and still dripping onto the tile floor. She'd forgotten to put her toothbrush away and there it was, hanging on the edge of the sink, bristles still thick with paste. While Alex was the type that believed everything had it's place, Violet's place in his home was certainly everywhere this morning, cluttering up the otherwise pristine space he'd created for himself.

It's a clutter that isn't contained to just the bedroom. It continues down into the kitchen, where a note's scribbled on the backside of a piece of paper that's probably vaguely important: Early delivery, got a ride back to my place. See you tonight? was all it reads. One might wonder what kind of ride she got this early in the morning, but time was not on Alex's side. And though Violet was not here, her presence was still felt - there was a book on the kitchen counter, another hanging off the back of the sofa, a bowl taken down from the cabinet and not put in the sink. It was little things, careless things, things in places where they do not belong.

And to make matters all the worse? When he walks outside, into a day that was perfect for bike riding? His bicycle has a flat tire.

Waking late... waking to an unexpectedly empty bed... these two things alone give Alex a moment's pause. Only a moment. Only long enough to blink groggily at the empty space where Violet should have been. He can feel things starting off on the wrong foot, that pinching irritation when he knows this day is going to be a bad one, but there's no way around it.

Out of bed. He wants a shower, but twenty minutes late puts the kibosh on that. It's while dressing and prettying himself for work that he's confronted with the chaos left in Violet's wake. Most of this, he simply tidies up mechanically: brush his own teeth, rinse and put away her toothbrush along with his, wash his face, hang up her towel properly, dress himself, collect her clothes off the floor. He could skip those things, leave the mess, not stop to make the bed, possibly collect a few of the lost minutes just by ignoring all this, but that would only make this day worse, so he just does them.

The upstairs mess brings a sigh out of him. Only a small one. It isn't so terrible, in the grand scheme of things, and he will take her little messes in his bedroom without complaint, with a sort of fondness, even: it's part-and-parcel to the strange delightfulness that is Violet.

But his kitchen? Come on!

That's when he puts his hands over his eyes for a moment, breathing beneath his palm, steeling himself. Exhaling, he starts through this mess, putting things to rights quickly. Something about her note rings false - not a lie, but he squints at it before he folds the paper into his jacket pocket.

And, after a last look at his messy kitchen (which, really, is not messy anymore except to him), he locks the door and swings around to the side of the house to his bike and - "Chingado!" Among other expletives, some of them in English. He has himself a proper temper tantrum while he stomps back through the house, re-locking it, and gets the car out of the garage.

<FS3> Alex rolls Alertness (7 6 5 3 2 1 1) vs Shadow (a NPC)'s 7 (8 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1)

<FS3> Alex rolls Alertness (7 6 6 4 3 3 1) vs Shadow (a NPC)'s 7 (8 8 6 5 5 3 2 1 1)

<FS3> Alex rolls Alertness (8 7 7 5 1 1 1) vs Shadow (a NPC)'s 7 (8 8 5 4 4 3 2 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Alex.

At least the tires on the car weren't flat. The garage itself seems wholly normal, though as Alex approaches the driver side of the vehicle, there's a sensation like the hairs on the back of his neck are rising. It's hard to tell what could possibly be triggering this sensation, though his eyes are drawn to the far left back corner of the garage. There's nothing there, nothing that he can abruptly see, mostly because the garage light doesn't illuminate that specific spot. It is dark, a mass of black shadow.

He can get into the car, but as soon as he slides into the driver's seat, there's a sudden commotion coming from that side of the garage. A clatter, something falls and breaks, and the shadows seem to flee. But before they fully dissipate, something crawls out - a blob that takes shape as it creeps into the light.

"Meow," says a white cat, with big blue eyes, as it oh-so-gracefully walks around the car, tail swaying like a pendulum.

<FS3> Alex rolls Composure: Great Success (8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 2)

The hairs on the back of his neck may be a-tingle, and Alex cocks his head curiously while he thumbs the fob for his car and trails his string of irritated profanity into silence, but he's not going to let this put him off his day (any further than he's already off it, anyway). He gets in, he pulls on the seatbelt, and - despite the awesome composure check - he about jumps out of his skin when something falls outside the car, jolting upright and letting the seatbelt snap back from his hand. He breathes out, reopens the car door.

He talks to the cat in Spanish. "Cat, you are lucky I didn't run you over." Out of the car - at this point, late is late, and he's definitely late; it makes him jittery, irritated, but he's passed the point of no return when it comes to tardiness - and he starts to chase after the cat the way only a person that has never owned a cat would do. You know, like the cat will stay there and let itself be caught instead of be an asshole and flee.

At least he as the sense to make the sort of whispery noises that cats seem to like, pss pss pss, here kitty kitty. As recognition settles in, "How did you even get here, you silly cat? Come here, I will take you home." Somehow, he must be rationalizing this: did Blue Bell just jump in his car when he wasn't paying attention? Did Violet bring the cat without telling him? Did it just follow her? That this doesn't make sense hasn't occurred to him yet.

"Meow," replies the cat at the flurry of Spanish, lowering itself onto its haunches to bring those inhumanly blue eyes up. As Alex makes his approach, the cat - Blue Bell? Perhaps - cants its head to the left and then to the right, its tail slithering on the garage floor behind. But despite the pss pss here kitty kitty, the kitty kitty does not come hither. In fact, when Alex gets near, it bolts underneath the car and out the other end.

Cats are slippery fellows. That's the only logical explanation as to how it scampers straight into a puddle of shadow and simply disappears. There must be a hole somewhere, just big enough for a cat to slip through. No time to think about it, Alex - tick tock, the clock is ticking. At this rate, even in the car he's going to end up getting to work late. Maybe he just needs to favor the gas. Ten above shouldn't trigger the cops, right? Maybe he should go fifteen.

<FS3> Alex rolls Drive: Good Success (7 6 6 5 4)

Alex drops to a knee briefly, peering under the car with his fingertips bracing his weight delicately against the weather-stripping below the driver's side window, trying to keep his finger-prints off the car itself. More pss pss noises chase the disappearing cat... and then she's gone, and he straightens up, looking baffled. No, looking understandably baffled. For a moment, he starts to the back of the car, like he means to chase this little escape artist - but okay.

So this makes him a terrible human, but it's not his fucking cat, and it's not supposed to be in his garage, so if it happens to have escaped? And it does turn out to be Blue Bell? He'll feel really bad for Violet, but - between you and me? - he will not be sorry the cat is gone. <.<

So, yes. He looks for this cat for a second, but then it becomes Somebody Else's Problem. He gets in his car - and isn't it lucky he went for the A8 after all? That thing is FAST out of the garage, and apparently Alex is feeling quite in-tune with all 286 BHP, because zoooooms~ right on down Bayside toward town.

<FS3> Alex rolls Alertness+Driving-2: Success (7 5 4)

<FS3> Alex rolls Driving: Success (8 6 4)

Yes, the cat was somebody else's problem now. So Alex gets into his car, and he makes good time headed into downtown Gray Harbor. But while he's cruisin' on down main street, he's not relaxed nor feeling good. And next thing that he knows?

It's the fucking cat again.

It happens as he drives right past the antique shop, though he probably misses just how dark it looked while he was flying by. The light's orange on the corner, he has to jam his foot right into the gas pedal to make it before the light turns red, and from a dark alleyway shoots another blob of shadow that morphs into a little white cat with stunning blue eyes. It darts across the street like it's determined to end up flattened by the tires of Alex's A8.

It's by sheer luck he sees the cat before the cat meets the tires. And it's a good thing he's got a handle on all 286 BHP, else he would've ended up in the light-post when he swerves. Instead, he manages to both miss the cat and not crash the car.

Maybe-Blue Bell looks up. "Meow," it says, before it scampers to the sidewalk, and disappears into the alleyway across the street.

That tire-squeal, though. Alex grits his teeth when the car loses traction on the wet pavement, when it veers into the bike-lane, and he quietly thanks God that he's the only person in this town that rides his bike on a rainy day, so there's no one there to smash. "Fucking cat," is the breathless, jittery follow-up to that gratitude toward his God.

He peels his fingers off the steering wheel, flexing them, feeling them tense and tough with the recent effort to grip and hold on for dear life. Somewhere, in the way way back of his mind, something wants to tell him that this isn't normal - but what the fuck is normal around here? He tells that something in the back of his mind to STFU, and - before anyone has time to honk at him or get irritated that he's halfway in his lane and halfway in the bike lane - he eases his foot off the brake, lets the car sliiiide its way out of traffic entire, taking up the entirety of the bike lane.

And he puts it in park, gets out his phone, and:

Hello, Violet. It's Alex. I almost killed your cat.
But it also almost killed me.

The text is registered as sent, but there's nothing returned. Not even a [...] that suggests a response is incoming. It's just radio silence, but she must be very busy with the delivery that she had to leave early for. There's no time to think about it though, he's very very late. Besides..

"Hey asshole. This is the BIKE lane, not the rich fucking asshole car lane. Get out of the way!" There is at least one other person in all of Gray Harbor that bikes on a rainy day, and that person decided at this precise moment to pedal up onto the sidewalk and toss his soda cup furiously at Alex's A8. Sticky Cola splatters across the windshield, the paper cup bounces off the hood, and the asshole on the bike veers into the alleyway that the cat appeared out of. At the same time, Alex's cellphone rings.

It's Marilyn, the receptionist from the hospital. By Alex's watch? He's five minutes late.

Don't think about suddenly breaking that guy's bike, Alex. That would not be a very Christian thing to do. Besides, Alex would be pissed if some asshole was parked in the bike lane, so - despite how irritated he is when he pulls on the wiper-lever, spraying down the windshield with that weird, car-version of Windex - he does not try to break the dude's bike.

Instead, he's juuuust about to start driving again when the phone rings. And his car is awesome, so he can push buttons and talk and make Marilyn listen to him on speaker, which is everyone's favorite way to have a conversation. "Yes, hello." Then he turns the car on and eases it back onto the road. Carefully. The lead-foot is more like an aluminum-foot now; he's already late, no point getting a ticket to go with his sticky windshield.

For just a moment as the call connects to the bluetooh, ear-splitting static bursts across the A8's speakers. The crackle warps into a voice - well, it more or less becomes the voice, sounding like something straight from the depths of Hell before the terrible connection rights itself. Satan herself was actually just Marilyn, who sounds terribly bored.

"Doctor Reyes? This is Marilyn," Alex can practically hear her filing her nails, the telephone receiver is probably hanging off her shoulders and barely even held to her ear. "You're supposed to be the doctor on staff today, are you planning on coming in or do I need to contact the on call doctor?" Heavy sigh, this was a lot of work.

There's a hard hiss from Alex at that burst of noise, and he immediately starts pushing the volume down button on the steering wheel. Seriously, who needs to hear Marilyn/Satan bursting in their ears at full blast? Not Alex, that's who. And definitely not Alex after the morning that he's had already. So he listens to her at a lower volume, and he steers his car around the park - and this is why he hates taking the car in, because getting around the park from downtown to the hospital is a fucking nightmare.

(Pause here and appreciate the term nightmare in context, please.)

"Yes, Marilyn. Hello, it's Doctor Reyes." So, hey. At least he talks to pretty much everyone like he thinks their phone isn't keeping them up-to-speed about who they dialed. "I'm five minutes away. I'll be there presently, thank you." Can he just hang up on her? Is he allowed to do that?

'Cause he does. [End Call] is a very satisfying button to press. Especially while rolling one's eyes and navigating the "traffic" of a Gray Harbor morning. All nine cars are between him and the hospital, and why does this town even have stoplights? Seriously, a town of 20,000 people doesn't need 19,000 stoplights. He drums his thumbs on top of the steering wheel and stares at the one that really needs to change.

"Mmm, all right," sighs Satan. Err. Marilyn. "I hope this patient doesn't bleed out in five minutes." And before Alex can hang up on her, she hangs up on Alex. And probably says a few nasty things about him to the nurse who wanders by at that exact moment. But hey, traffic. That's normal, right? Perfectly normal, nightmarish traffic, with a red light that won't turn green. It would be nice if it would.

Of course, just before it does, from around the morning shadow of a tree near the edge of the park, a white cat grows. It hops through the beautifully dew-stained grass. It traipses over the sidewalk. It walks into the road. And it hops onto the hood of Alex's car, to rub its face upon the windshield that was only just before covered in sticky Coke. Good thing he used the windshield wiper fluid, else there'd be Coke and cat hair on his glass now.

"Meow," says the kitty kitty, sitting pretty pretty on the hood of his car. The light turns green. Behind him, three cars are blowing their horns.

Okay. This is a short one (lol like alex).

Alex turns on the wiper-juice again and tap-taps the horn. You know, so the fucking cat will get off the hood of his car.

<FS3> Alex rolls 6 (8 7 5 5 3 2 2 1) vs Shadow (a NPC)'s 6 (8 7 6 6 5 4 2 2)
<FS3> Victory for Shadow.

Bad move. With a hiss, the cat scrambles off the hood of the car, but as it goes? It leaves four long scratches along the paint. Fuck you, Alex. Have a nice day at work.

Mental note: Buy a new box of Kleenex to have handy when Alex has to tell Violet that he murdered her cat. She is probably going to be bummed, and he expects there will be tears. He keeps his eyes on the window while that cat skitters away, looking daggers at the monster while he eases his car on through the intersection.

And rubs his face with the hand not on the steering wheel, really smearing it into his forehead and up across the top of his head, dragging his hair back irritably. He has to go be a doctor still. 🙁

It's positively terrible to blame this on adorable Blue Bell. Did he even know that was Violet's cat? Maybe it was a stray! Too bad about that scratch, though. But hey! He makes it to the hospital without further delay, and is even able to park in his spot. There's an ambulance parked in the emergency lane, lights still flashing but the siren turned off. The doors are open wide, but the ambulance is empty. Whether Alex goes through the designated staff door or the lobby door, the end result will be the same: a young and busty nurse comes up to him immediately.

"Oh thank the Lord above, you're here!" she crosses herself, must be a fellow Churchie. "We've got the patient back now. Female in her mid-teens, presents with vaginal hemorrhaging. We think we've stopped the bleeding for now, but.." she takes him by the arm, and looks grave: "Her father brought her in. She's unresponsive, but the tearing, Doctor Reyes, and the tests..."

The pause is a tangible thing. It hangs there for just a moment.

"She was pregnant."

Alex has a routine. That routine went off the second he woke up, true, and each... second... that passes... it's like that routine keeps slipping more and more out of sync. Normally, he goes to his office first, to collect his coat. Or at least the locker room for his spare coat. But apparently that part of his routine is fucked, too. Hey, at least he has his badge~!

There's no explanation for the nurse about what happened on the way in, just him falling into doctor-mode between one step and the next, following on her heels because nurses always lead doctors around, right? Like, they really kind of run things, and doctors are just the guest stars that show up to boost the ratings. "Was?"

"Was," The Nurse replies, but she doesn't fill in the blanks. Alex was a doctor, he was going to have to fill in the blanks himself. She rushes him past emergency, into a private room where serious cases are kept. "I told the father he had to stay outside, but.." it was like she was bracing him for something. Or bracing herself. She takes in a breath, pushes the door, and shadows scamper across the pristine tile floor, pulling back towards the window.

It is a small room, and the stench is strong. It reeks. Alex would be vaguely familiar with this smell; the scent of death. It hangs in the air like a heavy blanket, it wraps into the bloodied rags that fill the biohazard trash can and threaten to spill out (not very biohazard friendly, is it?). There's a curtain around the bed, but it is pulled back. A young girl, she couldn't be more than fifteen, so pale that she is nearly translucent. She's not awake, but the heartrate monitor is steady. Beep. Beep. Beep. There's a fetal heartrate monitor strapped to her flat stomach, but that line is flat.

She's too young to be Amy, but God she looks like her. And the father that sits on the chair in the corner bears such a striking resemblance to Amy's father, if he was several years younger. His face is drawn, but he looks up when he sees Alex. Locks eyes upon him.

"She's too damn young."

A nod gets the gist, thank you, nurse, and Alex stops for a second before pushing into that room, for the sake of his composure. One breath in, one breath out, that's what it takes, and then he's in that horrible room with that painful smell, and those people who aren't the people he knows, but oh dear Lord.

He's a father. He sympathizes. It washes over him in a momentary rush, his heart goes out to the guy, even as the urge to choke the bastard rises in the back of his throat like bile. She's too damn young, "You need to wait outside. Page security, please." There must be nurses or other people in here, right? They're not just letting this poor girl die without at least trying till he got here? Right this second, Alex doesn't have time for not-Amy's-dad. He has time for not-Amy, the one that he can fix if he tries hard enough.

It's time for latex gloves and doctor things and to have dads bodily removed by people bigger than Alex is if need be.

<FS3> Alex rolls Medicine: Good Success (8 6 6 6 5 4 3 3 1)

"That boy, good Catholic kid. He shoulda known better," the father continues on, even as Alex calls for security. The man does not move, he stays on his seat with his long face and his hard eyes, and he folds his arms over his chest. Where was that nurse from a second ago? She's gone now, the door firmly shut. There is nobody here except Alex and not-Amy, and not-Amy's father. Maybe she was going to have security paged. Until then, Alex needed to do doctor-things upon this girl that lay there dying in a bed that already stinks of death.

"She's too damn young," the father says again, a broken record. It would be easy for Alex to determine what had been done to this girl. Flecks of wire embedded in the skin, the coat hanger had gone too deep. There was a puncture, tears and rips. If only he'd been on time.

"You shoulda known better. Good Catholic boys don't sin!" the father was practically on top of him, a vein threatening to burst in his neck. That's not just some girl on the bed anymore. That's definitely Amy.

At first, Alex doesn't seem to understand the... coincidence. Or maybe he's just not willing to acknowledge it. He's focused on what he can do, on the assumption that the nurse will be back any second with orderlies that would be only too happy to escort Mister Not-Amy from the room; their jobs weren't exciting, they'd be glad to have something to do for a minute. His back is too the man, and he's doctoring it up, making a vague(ly insulting in its dismissiveness), "Hm," noise at the man's rambling.

It's not until the rising pitch that he looks back and up to this man, dark eyes rising while his head tilts into a shake, askew. "You stupid fucking prick," comes out of him, slow and low, disappointed but not surprised, like he saw this coming a mile away. A gloved hand pushes into the middle of his ex-father-in-law's chest, his arm meant to extend to put a little distance here.

He should realize it's not real. But, "You stupid fucking prick. Go over there, or she's going to die. Go over there, or I'm not going to save her." Which is a lie, 'cause he'd do it even if it's while he's being berated and Amy's dad is having an aneurysm. (Hospital is a good place to burst a vessel, at least.)

<FS3> Alex rolls Athletics (8 6 5 3) vs Shadow (a NPC)'s 8 (8 7 7 5 5 4 4 3 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Shadow.

He should realize it's not real? Well, the hand that comes flying straight across his mouth should feel very real, even if he's able to save himself from the full brunt of the backhand. "Don't you fucking talk back to me, boy!" the father bellows, red in the face, maybe he'll keel over. "You should be on your fucking knees prayin' I don't kill you for what you did to her! What you did to my baby, you brought this on her! You brought sin onto this whole family!"

In the bed, Amy groans. "A-A-Alex? I think... I think... Sophia.." she utters, her breath rattling. Between her legs, there's another sudden gush of blood, but it's not bright red that pours from her. It's dark crimson, mixed with shadowy black ichor that writhes, morphs, takes shape. A baby, a small little baby, his tiny little baby, his precious Sophia who had once taken breath and was now there covered in black and red and smelling of death.

<FS3> Alex rolls Spirit (6 6 1 1) vs (a NPC)'s 6 (8 7 6 5 3 3 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for .

<FS3> Alex rolls Spirit (7 6 6 2) vs Shadow (a NPC)'s 6 (8 6 5 4 3 2 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Alex.

Alex takes that blow right across the mouth, like a good (bad) kid does, and his lip splits (and that's a bummer, 'cause his lips are pretty), blood slicing down the corner of his face. Almost immediately, reflexively, he lashes right back out - not with his hands, just the hard look while he uncurls from the flinch that blow brought to him. An eye for an eye, a busted lip for a busted lip, for the Bible tells him so~. Slurred, "We were kids, and we made a mistake. But I married her, and I made it right. I made it. Fucking. Ri - oh God."

The rapid series of no-no-nos that comes out of Alex is right on the fringe of panic. Once again, he does not have time for Amy's dad. He shoves heedlessly, over this dick-measuring contest, and he scoops that tiny thing up in both gloved hands, holding it in the cup of his palms, never mind that it's awful and gross and not real. "Sophia, baby, it's okay. I'm here, and I have you. Nurse! Somebody fucking help me!" He screams it at the door, holding this tiny thing in his palms, against his shirt.

While Amy dies. 'Cause fuck her. He has priorities.

The sound that comes out of Amy's Father when his lip splits open is not human. It's something of a sharp hiss twisted into a monstrous bellow, and it's not blood that squirts out but the same black ichor that is wrapped around that tiny little baby that's come out of Amy. It erupts from his lip with a disgusting pop, splattering Alex across the left side of his face. And it burns when it makes contact with the skin, a sickening sizzle. "Make it right? Make it RIGHT?! You ruined her!" screams the father, as Alex grabs onto the baby and is screaming for help.

No help is coming. It's just him and the shadow and this cold little wet little baby with her head of hair and darling limbs and still heart. The monitor that Amy is connected to gives one last beep, and then she flatlines.

"She gave the best part of her life to you! You ate up her happiness and you took her best years, you and that disgusting little brat." Amy's father was reaching for the the baby in Alex's hand, but his fingers were like claws made of shadow.

<FS3> Alex rolls Spirit (7 7 5 2) vs Shadow (a NPC)'s 4 (4 4 2 2 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Alex.

Alex spent twenty years biting back arguments against this SOB just to keep peace in his house. Just so he didn't have to listen to Amy's bitching every time he so much as corrected the guy about anything. But right now? Holding his aborted daughter in both hands while Amy is laying dead in a hospital bed? "Fuck you, I gave her everything, everything she asked for."

And the only thing he wanted in return is the tiny thing cupped in his hands, held against his chest, ruining his perfect shirt. So, "NO," it cannot have his daughter. He puts his shoulder between the monster and the baby, scooting around the end of the bloody bed to put it between them, too, and there's another cut - this one a slice across both of those reaching hands, scalpel-sharp.

"If you gave her everything, why did she fucking leave you for somebody else?!" sneers Amy's Father, who launches forward to grab the child that Alex was clutching. That perfect little, dead little thing. "Why is she pregnant with his babies, why wouldn't she give you any more? Why wouldn't she love you, why did she fuck him in your bed while you were at work, sucking his cock while you were making money for her to go out and blow just like she was blowing him?" The shadows claw down Alex's arm, ripping off ribbons of skin. Every word flicks more of that black blood into Alex's face, crackling onto his flesh.

But that hit, that invisible scalpel to the hands, it makes Amy's Father stumble back with an inhumane hiss. More black spills from him, a sudden torrent of shadow. It hits the ground with a splattering sound but somehow contains itself to a single tile, pouring and pouring and pouring until the body shrivels up and only the shadow remains. The shell of Amy's father flops to the ground. The shadow chases out the room, slipping underneath the doorway.

The door opens.

Marilyn stands there, kicking the shadow with the sharp point of her high heels. It squeals. Marilyn wears a saucy smile on her face. "Thou shalt not murder," she murmurs, hips swaying as she comes into the room. A flick of a glance to Amy, dead on the bed, Marilyn's face full of disdain. "Thou shalt honor thy father and mother. Mm. That one's tragic." She licks her lips, her fingernails click together, and she approaches Alex with slow and even steps. "They never worried about your best years, did they?"

<FS3> Alex rolls Religion: Good Success (7 6 6 3 2 2 2 2)

Each question makes Alex flinch hard. Not the splatter of black blood that hits him or the rip of his own skin beneath those nails, but the hard questions while he clutches what was supposed to be his daughter to his chest, huddling around her carefully. The only answer is the hateful look he pushes back, and then the thing...

...dissolves? Bleeds out? Pops? WHY DO WORDS FUCKING SUCK SO BAD?!

When the door opens, the strength goes right out of his knees, and he hits the tile on the floor next to the hospital bed. It hurts, jolts through him, and he looks up and of course it's Marilyn. "Get out. Get out! GET. OUT." And he closes his eyes hard, busted lip moving with prayer, flipping through his mental catalogue - Saint Michael, the Archangel, to defend him in battle and protect him against the wickedness and snares of the devil, a tumble of frantic Spanish. Also, God, he's like super sorry he cursed all morning and will go to Confession immediately after this.

<FS3> Alex rolls Religion (8 5 3 3 2 2 1 1) vs Marilynshadow (a NPC)'s 7 (8 7 7 6 5 4 4 4 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Marilynshadow.

"Mmmm..." Marilyn purrs as Alex hits his knees, frantically praying. Her heels click-clack upon the pristine tile, until they make a squish along the shell of skin that was once Amy's Father. "Do you really think He listens to you? God?" her voice was mocking, all encompassing, surrounding him. She draws her fingers through his hair, scraping her nails across his scalp. It's just the tips, but they cut like sharp knives, drawing blood to the surface. Then she drops to her knees, too, there before him. "Our father, who art in heaven, hail Mary full of Grace, St. Michael, and in the name of the holy ghost and Oh my God, I'm so sorry for sin my sins, God forbid I should be human like you made me." she rolls her eyes, "Fuck your God, Alex," she laughs.

"Where was God all these years, Alex? Where was He when your wife was spending your money, fucking your pool boy, using your daughter like a pawn?" she asks, rolling her head from the left to the right, "Where was your god when she found Phil? She didn't just fuck him in your bed. You know she wants your daughter to call him dad, too? Her brothers will, Amy doesn't want them to be confused," she murmurs. "Mm, maybe it's for the best. He's probably more of a daddy than you are anyway. More of a husband. Certainly more of a man. Six foot four, tall, dark and handsome, mm-mm-mm!"

<FS3> Alex rolls Perception: Success (8 7 3 2)

Marilyn continues on: "At least they're not hiding their happiness from her. But maybe the truth is.. you're just not happy. Who would be? Sticking your dick in crazy, HA!" she laughs. "I wouldn't tell my daughter either. You know it just takes one call, Alex. We'd love to have Violet Whitehouse up there, and you wouldn't have to be so ashamed. The phone's right there," she points a finger to his cellphone, which materializes on the table. "I'll kill Amy if you do. No one will even know," her teeth are like daggers when she smiles.

But Alex will see something else in all of this. It's out of Marilyn's eyesight, but from out of the shadow behind her? That god damn white cat is back. It looks confused, having literally just tumbled out of the wall. But it brings its brilliant blue eyes to Alex, and he could swear that damn cat's got a chesire-wide smile of his own.

In a strange way, it's ... comforting.

Alex's two data points insist that all he has to do is wake up. He can't just drop the little thing that is his daughter, even if he knows beyond knowing that it's not her. So he closes his hand around it carefully, clutching that hand to the center of his chest, and he prays right over the top of the things that monster is saying. Blood drips from his scalp, across his forehead, to the corners of his eyes, and he squints against them while his busted lip continues to move, but none of it hurts like the things 'Marilyn' is saying.

And nothing she's saying hurts like the momentary twinge of wanting that her offer kindles in him. But not at the price it would exact; he might want Amy dead and gone, but not enough to barter for it. "No," is all there is to say for that.

His two data points war with Violet's [however-many-more]. Nothing is going to wake him up, so - already on his knees, with only the one hand free - he crawls awkwardly toward that cat. "Psss pss pss, come here, kitty." Because he thinks it's Violet's. And something has to get him the fuck out of here, why not this grinning cat. SINCE APPARENTLY GOD IS ON VACATION OR SOMETHING.

<FS3> Alex rolls Athletics (7 6 2 1) vs Marilynshadow (a NPC)'s 8 (7 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 1 1)

<FS3> Alex rolls Athletics (7 7 5 3) vs Marilynshadow (a NPC)'s 8 (8 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2)
<FS3> Victory for Marilynshadow.

<FS3> Alex rolls Glimmer (7 3) vs Marilynshadow (a NPC)'s 8 (7 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Marilynshadow.

"You're an idiot. Listen to what I am telling you, Alex," Marilyn's tongue is sharp, she leans into him and he can feel the heat of her breath. He can also smell her breath, that same gag-inducing scent of death. "Call the hospital and I will kill her. I will torture her for years, like she tortured you, and I will let her know every second of every day that she's a disgusting whore who wasted your best years. Who took away your happiness. Who stole your life, Alex. Call the hospital," she insists, "Because Violet Whitehouse is nothing but some lunatic who fits nice on your dick right now but she'll never fit into your life. She's a fucking mess, Alex, she'll make you one too. You can't introduce her to your perfect daughter, give her a place in your world, what would Sophia even think? Probably that you lost your goddamn mind. So call the hospital."

He starts to crawl towards the cat and the shadows reach out. One grabs for his ankle and the other for his wrist, slicing into his skin, and tries to yank him back, tries to pull him to his phone. Call the hospital. Call the hospital.

But that cat. It tilts its head this way. It tilts its head that way. And then: "Meow."

<FS3> Bluebell (a NPC) rolls 9 (7 6 5 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 1) vs Marilynshadow (a NPC)'s 8 (8 8 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1)

<FS3> Bluebell (a NPC) rolls 9 (6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 1) vs Marilynshadow (a NPC)'s 8 (7 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Marilynshadow.

The cat startles Marilyn, who turns just in time to see this white beast burst from its haunches and launch itself onto Marilyn's face. There's a sudden burst of commotion as the two spar it out, shadow leaking everywhere, but also blood and fur. Alex is going to have about thirty seconds to run, and it helps that the door suddenly flies open again. There's no shadow out there. But that poor cat. It's screaming.

<FS3> Alex rolls Spirit+3 (8 8 7 7 6 2 1) vs Marilynshadow (a NPC)'s 6 (8 6 6 5 4 3 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Alex.

Wow, Alex is just going to be all kinds of fucked up after this. His scalp is bleeding, his lip is bleeding, his arms are bleeding under his shirt, and now his wrist is bleeding. So there's just Alex-blood all over the fucking place. There's no way REAL Alex is coming to work today. REAL Alex is going the fuck to church today.

Stumbling, flailing, he catches the edge of the bed with listless fingers and uses it to help pry him to his feet, hands slipping in blood - either his or the thing that used to be Amy or maybe it's that cat's or that Marilyn's, he's not really too sure. But he gets his feet under him, and he clutches his little dead baby (omg), and he wants desperately for that thing to bleed everywhere like the other thing did.

But he also scoops his arm around the cat; the REAL cat is a Rag Doll, and Alex is kinda hoping this one just rolls with it the way that one does, because - if not - this cat is on its own. He peels it off, and he falls toward the open door.

There's so much blood and shadow but there's a sudden burst of brightness that comes out of Alex when he reaches for the cat. Maybe this is God's delayed gratification; more likely, this is a burst of adrenaline that's giving him an added boon to his glimmer. Marilyn folds, the skin suit deflating as all the shadow suddenly explodes from it, and the cat is bloodied and limp in his arms but not dead. And that baby? That precious little baby?

Alex hits the light in the doorway and the baby shrivels, too. From it leaks sticky black shadow that leave burns on his arms and a hiss in his voice. "You should've called the hospital. She's not gonna fit, she's just a warm hole for your dick," the shadows scream, but the cat bites Alex on the arm and wills him to run. And run. And run.

He's back in his bed. It's dark outside. All that mess from before? It wasn't ever really there. Blue Bell lays on the bed where Violet usually sleeps, and her paw is bent and much like Alex she's bleeding and broken. But she's alive. He's alive. There are several missed calls on the phone on his bedside table. Even more texts.

//Hi Alex. It's Violet.
Did you go to work without saying goodbye? I must have slept through! It's okay, I'll find another way home.
I'm at my place if you want to meet for lunch? I can't find Blue Bell though. I'm sure she's around here somewhere, she doesn't ever leave the house.
Alex? Sorry, if you're at work and busy. I just haven't heard from you and it's almost 3. Can we do dinner instead of lunch? 🙂
Alex? It's Violet. Are you okay?//

And the last one, fifteen minutes ago:

FIND A WAY OUT. I can't lose you.

Hey, so. At least now Violet isn't the only one that bled all over Alex's sheets and ruined them. He's going to have to buy more sheets - and maybe one of those vinyl mattress protectors to go underneath them. And then explain that to his housekeeper. Should be fun.

But not right now.

Right now, it's his turn to gasp awake; but he doesn't curl up and cry, he just falls off the side of the bed, hits the floor hard, because he needed that on top of everything else. He tries to pull himself up, sees the cat laying there, and tells the poor cat, "I'm sorry I wanted to run you over." But he can't quite get off the floor yet, needs a minute of staring at the ceiling, breathing, bleeding on the floor, too.

After a few seconds, his battered hand reaches up, finds the phone on the nightstand, and he lays flat on his back on the floor, gasping for air, before he can make the phone-screen resolve into something he can read. No text; he calls to tell Violet, "I think I'm not okay."

Alex can't tell, but as he falls to the floor? He shines just a little bit brighter.

Maybe he also learns not to tempt fate by talking about how his dreams haven't fucked him up so bad yet.

Also the hood of his car still totally has the scratches on it.

<FS3> Alex rolls Glimmer: Failure (5 4 2)

Do you have any idea how much it's going to cost Alex to get that car fixed? 🙁



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