2019-07-29 - A New Friend

Blake is instructed to keep a journal, so he makes a new friend to talk to.

IC Date: 2019-07-29

OOC Date: 2019-05-25

Location: Bay/Sea View Suites

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 922


Hi Friend.

Dear Friend sounds so cliche. I don’t know what to call you. I don’t know what to write, but the therapist I’m supposed to see says I have to keep a journal and it feels weird writing to you. I picked her out of the yellow pages. Yellow pages. At least I think I did. I thought, who advertises in the yellow pages?

Old lady therapists. That’s who. But she wasn’t an old lady. I think maybe she just opened the practice. Is this her first one? Why didn’t I look into this shit before I sent her name into the court?

I think Eve is done with me. I didn’t say the right things.

Met some woman namedFUCK I can’t remember her name. She said she would text me tomorrow and I could visit her at the strip club where she dances. Surely there’s someone there who is connected with the drug scene here. I’m getting so fucking twitchy.



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