2019-10-03 - Missing Person Found

Octavius sets out to find a missing person.

IC Date: 2019-10-03

OOC Date: 2019-07-07

Location: Cemetery

Related Scenes:   2019-09-30 - When Dreams Bite Back

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1914


Octavius had been in town for less than a week and catching up on what was going around town was something he’d definitely not expected.

Where the hell was the small town?

He’d been shocked to find out that Irvriya had gone missing and it had been from a HOSPITAL. He’d set out to find her when things calmed down on his end. He’d been by her apartment, her parents and the hospital again to see if they’d recovered her.

They hadn’t. And it was concerning.

It was raining when he’d pulled into the cemetery that Abel was buried in and it was just a hunch that she would be there. He didn’t actually think he’d find her there, but as he’d pulled up to the office there was a man that was coming down the stairs on the phone, “She’s not waking up, no. And I can’t move her.” the man said.

<FS3> Octavius rolls Composure: Success (8 8 5 5 3 2 2 2 1 1)

He exited the car quickly, pulling out his badge as he did, “Can you point me towards where that person might be and if she’s missing an eye just nod.” the man states in voice that states he doesn’t have time for beating around the bush.

The caretaker points off in the direction of the area where Abel was buried in and there’s a stiff nod of his head.

Octavius gets back into his car with a quickness and heads over to that area of the cemetery that he’s been to before. The hairs were starting to raise on the back of his neck as he stopped the car.

He was halfway down the path to the grave when he caught sight of a figure that was huddled against one of the headstones. With all that black hair that was falling down over the figure he could only guess that it was the missing Doctor.

He hurries over to the grave, reaching a hand out to touch a shoulder, “Irvriya, can you hear me?” he asks.

There’s a groan that answers him, not intelligible, it doesn’t sound good though. And she was so pale.

Octavius makes a split second decision and closes the distance to pick Irvriya up and he turns to head back to the car with her. “You’re still a pain in the ass.” he mutters to himself.

The door to the back of the car is opened and Irvriya is deposited into it. She wasn’t moving much. She was at least alive and breathing.

After she’s deposited in the back seat, he heads back to the drivers side, “We’ll get you back to the hospital and then I’ll ask you what in the name of Jesus Christ made you run away from the hospital.” he growls as he puts the car into drive and starts back to the hospital.


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