2019-10-07 - What He Deserves

In this scene, Graham meets his future kid, kills his BFF, and accidentally shoots his future baby mama

IC Date: 2019-10-07

OOC Date: 2019-07-10

Location: 23 Oak Avenue

Related Scenes:   2019-10-07 - Drowning   2019-10-07 - Fever Dream Aftermath

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1999


It all starts with a sniffle.

Surprisingly, Elise isn't the kind of person that has a lot of chill. Being out of work - the hospital is apparently rather generous with bereavement leave considering how often people die in this town - has left her feeling rather restless, especially since she couldn't fill the time with anything except Graham filling her. Not even Felix seemed to need her lately, though it was doubtful it had anything to do with him being charitable and more to do with the fact that his guys weren't getting blown up 24/7. And since the house could only be cleaned so many times and there's only so much funeral planning one can do and there's only so much room in the refrigerator for the seemingly endless leftovers that Elise was making? She started working out.

She runs early in the morning. Yoga is at ten, followed by kickboxing at 11:30. Then she comes home for a shower and probably to have sex with Graham. Then it's house cleaning, followed by more sex and then another run around the neighborhood when the sun goes down. Dinner. Sex. TV. Relaxation yoga. Relaxation sex. This was Elise's new normal. But today? Today, she comes home from her morning run looking like she hit a wall. Clammy, kinda pale, and sniffly, she slumps into the house in her cute yoga pants and cute top and kinda ugly-cute face, looking like she could use a nap. "G? G!" she groans, staggers, and decides the couch is about as far as she can go right now. "Do we have any soup?" Like he would know.

Contrary to popular opinion, Graham doesn't just hang around all day long doing (Elise and) nothing (else). True, he still attempts to keep his backward hours, which means she has to do all that shit in the morning by herself while he commits himself to sleeping like the dead - which joke he almost makes at some point, then quickly walks that back 'cause too soon. <.<

Anyway. Since she's home all the damn time now, Elise will learn that Graham spends a lot of his time on Google Maps, driving around adjacent towns, looking for likely places to rob - though he doesn't tell Elise that's what he's doing; we can just assume she's not stupid and can figure this shit out on her own. That's what he's trying to do this morning, slumped at the kitchen table with his tablet and a box of tissues ('cause his nose is running but he's fine, gdi). He perks up when the door opens, leaning to be sure it's Elise that comes in and not, yanno, a person like he is.

"Why would you ask me that question," he grouses at that volume that allows Elise to ignore him, but also is loud enough that he could be accused of picking a fucking fight. Regardless, he peels himself out of his chair and heads to the refrigerator, like that's where he's gonna find soup. "There's, like, six hundred containers of curry in here. Which one is the most like soup?" He'll feel bad about being an asshole in a minute, don't worry.

Elise is not stupid. Elise is also not in the fucking mood for Graham's bullshit right now. Which is why she says loud enough for him to hear all the way in the kitchen: "I'm not in the fucking mood for your bullshit right now, fucking Christ!" She pushes herself up off the sofa and staggers into the kitchen, looking like death warmed over. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you sitting at the fucking table and looking up places to rob, because I really think you getting yourself killed is a fucking awesome idea right now," excuse her. She's just a little emotional right now.

Like this is his takeaway from her clap-back, Graham tilts a little container of some kind of curry and replies, "So not the yellow one? Pink it is." He gets a different container, one whose contents are pinkish, and goes to all the trouble of putting it in the microwave for her and everything, such a swell guy. He's not dressed, because why would he be? T-shirt, boxers: before noon, that's his uniform. "Go sit down or something. I can heat up 'soup.'" Air-quotes because it's not soup, it's Thai whatever, and he's obviously a racist. But he does feel a little bad and softens his tone to add, "Seriously, El. I got this. Go watch TV." With some coke-whore sniffling on his part; that curry is going to be at least 1% snot.

The stare that Elise levels at Graham is one of those that conveys her willingness to totally kick him in the fucking face right now, break his stupid sniffling nose, and not care. "There's no such thing as pink curry," she huffs, slams the refrigerator shut when he goes to the microwave, and collapses into his chair at the table. "I don't want to watch TV, I clearly came home to watch you be an asshole to me in my kitchen," but there's a whole lot less heat in the clap-back, mostly because that overwhelming crappy feeling is warring with her desire to be a bitch right now. Oh, and also she finally notices his sniffling and the tissues, and now she sort of feels bad, too. "Are you coming down with something?" and/or doing coke. She bites the tip of her tongue before the accusation comes out. At least she's gone from kill-staring at him to concern-staring.

Under the hum of the microwave, Graham will just tell Elise that she's fucking wrong, because that's curry, and it's pink, and also, "No," he's not coming down with something. So they're going to have a fun day bitching at each other, 'cause this is clearly the mood they're both in now. Thankfully, the microwave intervenes - DING! - and he brings warm food and a spoon to the table, swapping it out for the dormant tablet. There's a 'happy now?' smile, then another big sniff, then he plants a kiss on Elise's temple and takes his tablet and goes in the other fucking room.

Don't talk to him. He's busy not being sick. Till tomorrow when he it's all shivers and GOOD CHRIST ELISE, can't she psychic-heal this shit?!

Elise can't psychically heal this shit but she can psychically break his fucking tablet, which is exactly what she does before she goes right upstairs, slams the door, and has no after-run sex with him. It will be the first night in a long time where they also have no lunch sex, no dinner sex, no dessert sex, and definitely no relaxation sex.

And in the morning? Yeah that's definitely not happening either. Mostly because in spite of being achy from head to toe, Elise wakes up sometime in the early morning, bolts out of bed, and brings up all of that not-pink curry soup before collapsing on the tile floor because it's cold and her face is way, way too hot.

You know what Graham does when she breaks his tablet? He sits around and cleans his goddamn guns at the kitchen table all day. He has like eleven of these fuckers stashed around here somewhere, so that's what he does all

Then drinks about half a bottle of NyQuil and snores in Elise's ear all night. Thus, he peels an eye open groggily for her dramatic wake-up call, asking a blurry, "What the fuck," before the penny drops. His stumbling out of bed after her would be super-sweet if he was trying to be nice and come make sure she was fine, but really it's just because, "Move," his turn. At least he lands on the rim of the tub afterward, not the floor, though he nudges her in the thigh with his big-toe. "Don't die, Elly, I'mma go get us some medicine." Eventually.

Nothing is more romantic than throwing up together~

"What the fuck," Elise repeats the thing he said in bed except she says it on the floor while he does his thing. But after he lands on the tub and nudges her with his toes (gross), she manages to crawl over to him and drop her head in his lap. She was burning up and so was he, but he was also soft and therefore better than the tile floor. "What the hell is this, I never get sick. No, no.." she flops a hand at him when he talks about getting medicine. "I got this, baby, I'll take care of you, I'm so sorry I was a bitch to you," you know, just in case she really is dying. "I love you, G, I'll take care of you."

Except nothing happens when she puts her hands on him to try and make him feel better, except that she puts her fingers all up near his crotch. "You feel better, right?" 'Cuz like, she totally think she has this.

Graham would argue that having girlfriend-hands on crotch-area is more romantic - not to mention head-in-lap. But he's not going to argue that today. Today, he pats her useless hands with feverishly warm ones, pets her hair briefly, and should lie to make her feel better but, "No, I feel like - " For the love of God, man, don't make a fucking joke about being dead. " - shitty shit. But you look - " SERIOUSLY DON'T SAY DEAD. " - really bad, baby, get up and go back to bed." He tries to kind of pull her that way, hooking his hands under her arms and dragging, but it's really lacking oomph, even if she only weighs 13.5 pounds (because of the throwing up), and his hands slip off by the time he gets his feet under him.

"I'll be back in fifteen minutes." OR he'll shoot the pharmacist in the face when they report they are sold out of Theraflu Severe and also NyQuil oh and Tylenol Cold but here's some Pepto, at least?

"What do you mean no?" Elise wasn't taking no for an answer, "Let me try again, I got this." It's insistent, and she presses her palms into him with whatever force she has left. It's not a lot of force, it's like zero force, but she's trying goddammit. "There, I know that worked, I feel it working, you're fine now," she decides, making little to no fuss when he pulls her up off the floor .. only to have her slump back into him. "Don't leave me." It's pathetic, but she twines her arms around him and refuses to let go.

That pharmacist isn't going to shoot himself, Elise. Graham has places to go! Or he can just stay here, leaning his cheek down on top of her head and being miserable. When he says, "Fuck, you're hot," it's not a prelude to sexytimes. 🙁 It's just before he nudges her feverish forehead with his chin - then hastily says, "Move," again and reacquaints himself with the toilet.

All day today.

Eventually, the solution seems to be that they curl up on the bathroom floor, wrapped up in all Elise's quilts, fighting for toilet-time. At some point, he dumps them both into the shower, because they've gotten too gross to tolerate, but that's really about as much as he's capable of doing for the next 48-hours. The pharmacist gets a reprieve.

You learn a lot about a person when you spend 48-hours trapped in a bathroom with them sharing a single toilet, but in between the horrendous stomach issues and the fever and the chills, Elise finds the most comfort wrapped up in Graham. With her face firmly planted on the cold tile floor, mind. But at some point in the middle of all of this, she tucks her nose into his throat and doesn't care about the gnarly smells or the fact that he hasn't shaved and is starting to get scratchy; she just cares about him and them and this moment, where she's had one single take-away:

"I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, G. You're the only future I want, you know."

Eventually they make it back to the bed, but Graham finds himself waking up one morning in the bathroom again. Alone. The door is closed, and he still feels like shit, and it must be his eyes and the wariness of it all that makes the whole room look a little gray and bleak and dull. But at least he can move, and there's seemingly no threat in his belly that would suggest he needs to stay here. The house is eerily quiet. Dead quiet.

Aw, those are nice things she says. Graham almost definitely meant to say something back, but wound up just patting her in the face like 'that's nice' before knotting himself back up over his abdomen. At some point, he does manage to say something about how he wouldn't be able to stand any other person in the whole world but Elise right now. Then he gets unconscious.

And justifies waking up in the bathroom alone because he probably slept-walk in here so as not to throw up all over his sleeping (barf-)angel in the bed. He's up, by virtue of some help from the vanity in the bathroom, so he tries to wash some water on his face and cough up at least part of the shit in his lungs. Towel hanging over the back of his neck, he stumbles out to inform Elise that, seriously, he's going to get them some more medicine while he's at least moderately upwardly mobile. "Fifteen minutes, El...ly?" It's gonna take him a minute to grok the quiet; between being sick and having known exactly where Elise is every second of every day for the last six months, he's unprepared for confusion.

It should totally help with the confusion that when Graham comes out of the bathroom, he stumbles not out into the bedroom where his sleeping (barf-)angel should be, but into a tiny square room with a concrete floor and tile walls, a drain in the room's center, a steel chair over the drain. He knows this place. This is the place in the Firefly where no-one wants to be, the place where people go and they don't come back from. And here he is, with a towel over his shoulder .. and a gun in his hand, the serial number filed off.

And before him in the chair is Andre, the big black man looking sad and defeated. He wears a glowstick crown around his head, the neon yellow glow quickly bleeding out. Fading away. It sort of looks like a dying halo. But he still smiles when he sees Graham, and it's obvious that a few of his teeth are gone. "It's gonna be okay, right, G?" he asks, so innocent.

And Felix is in the doorway, a looming shadow that casts out towards Graham's feet. He doesn't speak, but the shadows seem to swell with the words Graham knows that Felix has said in the past: ".. liability, he's a liability. Get it done. Make it quick."

Things brains justify on their own: walking around with a gun when you walk around with a gun all the time. Graham obviously barely notices the thing, too busy rubbing his face with the towel around his shoulders and puzzling over how he lost tabs on the person he stalks all the fucking time. So he stumbles to a stop in this room with this glowing giant, quickly clutching a hand over his stomach like he's bracing himself for the inevitable deluge... which never materializes, so that's good. "Oh shit," he realizes blearily, disoriented to the point that he has to brace himself with his empty hand flat on the tiled wall. "What the fuck did you do, Dre?"

Get it done, make it quick - those orders get a dark look from a ghost-pale face. "He's not a fucking deformed puppy," is the kind of thing he'd NEVER say to felix in real life, but it falls out of his big mouth when he's sick and confused.

"He's not a fucking deformed puppy." Graham's words are punctuated by the press of cool metal against the back of his head, the barrel of a gun. The shadows looming just beyond the doorway seem to lengthen. "Are you going to be a liability, too?" It's Felix's voice, not angry. Just disappointed.

Andre doesn't seem to understand. He sits patiently in the chair, but when he shifts, the glow-stick halo goes askew on his head. His smile widens - he's happy to see Graham, his best friend, his favorite buddy. "Felix said it's gonna be okay. I just gotta sit here and you'll take care of it. You're gonna take care of it, right?" he sounds so hopeful. "How's Elise? And the baby?"

Graham doesn't know this isn't real yet, even with Andre asking about some baby that clearly doesn't exist in the real world. Keep that in mind, because this is some ballsy shit if it works.

If not, he's going to be such a pretty corpse. 🙁

<FS3> Graham rolls Melee (8 7 4 3 3 2 1) vs Felix's Melee (7 6 6 5 2 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Felix.

AT LEAST have the grace to shoot him in the temple and not the back of the head, please.

"I am not killing Andre," might be followed by the words 'you fucking psychopath,' but that's harder to hear since he really intends to whirl and cold-clock what he assumes is Felix with the butt of his gun. It doesn't work exactly like that, though. Maybe the hit isn't hard enough to do any damage, or maybe it's not actually Felix? Whatever happens, it does not resolve itself with Graham getting the upper-hand. Just with Graham firing off one round by accident (which ricochets off the ceiling) when he stumbles backward, off-balance. Yes, his hand is shaking now, but sometimes...

...sometimes you have to take a stand in your nightmares even if you can't in real life. He will pull the trigger if he has to but "Let's talk this through."

Of course, Andre could totally just be asking about the baby because he thinks Elise is pregnant, REMEMBER?

But it doesn't matter. What matters is that Graham thinks he can get a one-up on Felix and cold clock his boss in the face. What matters is that it's Felix behind him. What matters is that Felix grabs Graham's wrist and twists it hard enough for the bones to snap. "Who do you think you are?" There might be more words. But the gun went off, remember?

And behind him, Graham hears a weaker voice. "G? Graham.." It's Andre. Felix lets him go and shoves Graham around. "Look what you did," Felix sneers.

Andre's clasping his chest now. The bullet that ricocheted off the ceiling found its purchase, buried deep in Andre. He's wheezing in the sort of way that suggests one of his lungs is rapidly losing air; blood blossoms across his shirt. "Why'd you do that, G? Why'd you shoot me?" His voice trembles with fear. With betrayal.

Graham needs that wrist! He uses it for things! Like guns and whenever Elise isn't home! All of that agony factors into the accchhh noise he makes when it breaks and the gun hits the tile floor as a result. It doesn't go off again, so that's nice. Twisting painfully with his wrist held to his chest, he gets to look over his shoulder in due time for Andre to start bleeding, and it's a lot. "I'm so sorry, man, just keep it together, all right? I'm gonna get you some help." Lies and more lies. There's no answer for who he thinks he is or look what he did, just a grab for the gun he dropped...

<FS3> Graham rolls Athletics-2 (8 5 4 4 1) vs Felix's Athletics (7 6 6 5 4 4 1)
<FS3> Victory for Felix.

...but he's not getting there first, despite scrabbling pretty hard after the thing. A one-handed guy with the flu < healthy Dreamboss.

Felix plays a game of 'Fetch, boy' with Graham when he goes scrambling. A very nice shoe kicks the gun far enough away that it skitters across the concrete floor and slides between Andre's dying feet. Andre coughs and burbles up blood, it drips down his chin. "It hurts, G. Why'd you do this to me?" he manages to burble out.

But Felix isn't impressed. He levels a stare at Graham and just shakes his head, turning on his expensive heels and to the door. "Finish the job. Or let him suffer and bleed out. It's your choice," he grabs hold of the door. "Knock when you're done. Don't be anymore of a problem, Graham." The door swings shut, the lock on the outside clicks. Graham is trapped with the bleeding Andre, who is starting to cry.

"Why'd you shoot me, G? What'd I do, G? You're my brother."

The gun stops somewhere near the edge of the room, and so does Graham, still holding his wrist to his chest, on his hand-and-knees for a second because wow, his stomach wants to empty. The door shuts, a shiver gets him pretty hard, so it takes him longer than it should to pry himself to his feet; mostly, the wall does the heavy-lifting. There are tears - TEARS! - in the breath he blows out through his cheeks while he leans against the wall, literally bracing himself for the fact that he's about to have to Ol' Yeller his hamburger buddy.

"I'm so sorry, man," he says again, more for his own benefit than Andre's at this point. "I'll - " Shuffle over, handle the gun awkwardly in his left hand, put it to Andre's temple, squeeze the trigger, cry some more. " - miss you." Suffice it to say, it will be a while before he knocks on the door to be let outta here. His heart's broken now. </3

Really, Graham, go ahead and take as much time as you need. Andre will just be over here, bleeding to death. Oh, he's starting to gasp for breath, unable to make anymore words now that his lungs are filling up with blood. But once Graham is close? He does grab him by the shirt, pulling him into a big ol' bear hug, finding the strength from somewhere.

So yes, Graham. Shoot your friend. But only after he hugs you as tight as he can. Then, he leans his head forward, and accepts his fate. When the deed is done, he just slumps forward, that fading yellow glow around his head the only thing on him that was still clinging to life.

The door isn't going to open on its own. Clean yourself up and go out there, crybaby.

Importantly, Graham has only used two bullets in the gun. Granted, his wrist is broken and he's sobbing so much that the front of his shirt is soaked from drying his eyes, but he could still wreak some havoc, dammit. After he tears himself away from the awful spectacle, he walks over to the door and starts banging the butt of the gun against it (the way he failed to bang it against Felix's head). OPEN THE DOOR, WHOEVER, SO HE CAN SHOOT YOU, TOO.

The door opens, but not in the sort of way that suggests someone from the other side pulled on it. Instead, it just swings open easily the second that Graham opens it, revealing an empty hall. There is only one other door from here. On the door is a small sticky note that reads: 'What you deserve'. It's unlocked. There's nowhere else to go.

Graham doesn't know how much PERIL there is in touching Sticky Notes, so he pulls the thing off the door with his bare hand, stares at it, crumples it up, and throws it onto the floor of the hallway. Like that will really just stick it to whoever or whatever is being mean to him. Then he shoves the door open with his one good hand and his shoulder, fatalistically resigned to whatever is on the other side of it.

Graham finds himself in another small room like the one he just left his dead buddy in. Concrete floors, concrete walls, empty except for a small table above the drain in the center of the floor. On the table is an old-time film movie projector, casting yellow-and-black images on the concrete wall.

They say one's life flashes before their eyes when they are about to die. For Graham, it's not the life he's lived so far but internally he knows it's the life that he's going to live in the near future. There he is, stealing more Percocet from another pharmacy with his deadbeat friends. There he is beating another one of Felix's associates with a brick. There he is, shooting Andre in the temple. There he is, on his knees on the dock, while one of Felix's goons grabs Elise by her hair and holds her head underwater. That last image plays on a loop, over and over and over, and the room starts to fill with Elise's screams, with her desperate cries.

"It's better out here," a tiny voice can be heard in the open door behind him, over the cries and the screams, a voice that belongs to a little toehead boy with pale skin and big eyes. He's a fucking gorgeous little boy. "Do you want to come see?"

Graham needed to see that? NEEDED to? No. He coulda guessed how his life plays out, thx. So he sags against the door behind him, watching all this with a few more tears sliding off his face, completely failing to reconcile the simple impossibility of everything; like, if he just took stock for a second, he could figure out this can't be real. But how's he supposed to take stock while he watches Elise drown like a thousand times, so that he almost misses the kid entirely with his hands to his ears. Well, one hand; the other one is more like his arm, since he's not about to bend his wrist right now. That shit stings.

But he sees the kid, and he hears him, and he knows this kid in the way-far-back of his mind. So hurt or not, he stuffs that gun somewhere out of sight (waistband) and nods. "Yeah, bud. I do. Let's do that." He rips his eyes off those movies and pins them to this kid. "Let's see," anything but this.

There's excitement that shines in the boy's big eyes when Graham agrees, his grubby little hands waving excitedly. "Come on, come on!" he encourages, seemingly unaware of the screams that continue on in the room, the moving pictures on the wall. He looks up to Graham like this man was a myth, a legend - his hero, his entire world - and he puts his tiny hand in Graham's bigger one before he pulls him out the door and down the hall, where there is an 'emergency exit'. "It's better out here, you'll see. Mommy isn't hurt out here. She isn't sad. I just wish me and Sissy could be here, too." It's a questionable thing to say, but Graham doesn't have time to ask questions. The little blonde boy pushes the door open - there's no alarm - and walks with Graham through the door.

And just like that, Graham returns to the bathroom in his house on Oak. But something is... different. The colors are a thousand times brighter, more vibrant, like he's living in a technicolor dream. The bathroom door is open and from downstairs, he can hear laughter and music - the sounds of pure happiness.

But he is alone again. Whoever that blonde boy was, he's gone again.

Graham also doesn't have time to enjoy this moment properly. Which is a bummer, because it would warm is currently sad and broken heart all the way down to its core. Alas~ Just not in the cards today, G. No matter that he's still holding that little-boy hand in his own, the kid is gone, leaving him sputtering unhappily at this brand new torment, pawing emptily at the air where the kid should be and isn't...

...but at least now he's home? He stumbles, dizzy and hurt and sick and sorrowful, out the bathroom door toward the sounds. "El? Elly? Baby, I really need you, El," and so on.

"Shh! Shhh," it's the pale little boy again, but this time he's waiting for Graham at the end of the hall. He puts his finger to his lips and blows. "Shhhhhh," then smiles around the finger. He has Elise's smile. He drops his finger and waves Graham on, teaching by example: he's quiet, quiet like the grave, as he tiptoes down the stairs and leans over the railing to point. There, the colors are brighter still, and Graham can look out over the railing and down to the living room below.

But the house is different. It's not just the colors, the furniture's changed too. The couch that they spent so many nights on is brand new. Leather, high class. There's high bookshelves filled with pictures and colorful childrens books. There's a box of kids toys, pops of pink and purple. There's a toddler running around, knee-high, with brown hair in pigtails and almond color skin, adorable even if she wasn't the prettiest kid ever. She's chasing a puppy dog, a Corgi with a fluffy tail, the kind of dog that would never protect the house. The television is on, turned to the news. Elise isn't there, but he can hear her from the kitchen.

"Lilybear, come here!" and the toddler goes running, laughing. The pale boy on the stairs motions to Graham so they can creep down just a little further, and he whispers: "There, see? Doesn't she look so happy?"

From this spot, they can see clear through the kitchen. Elise is there, bright and vibrant - she practically radiates as she picks up the toddler and turns. There's a hefty bump to her stomach that protrudes out, but she carries her pregnancy with grace. And she smiles and blows raspberries in the toddler's chin, making her giggle madly. It's an idyllic scene, a happy scene, one that isn't ruined for Elise when the backdoor opens and an older man enters. He's not as tall as Graham, an Asian man in his late thirties, maybe early forties. But he looks happy, too. "Dinner's almost ready, El," he tells her proudly.

Hold on, does Graham still have that gun from the other room? Because some 30-40 year old Asian man that he doesn't know that's walking into his house with his Elise and whoever that toddler is? Is about to get shot if so. <-- That's the half-second thought that has him reaching.

This is the half-second thought that intervenes. --> This little blonde child doesn't need to see that. He keeps the tears stuck to his eyeballs rather than spilling over when he scooches next to little Bubber, nodding and minding his breath carefully. "She does," in a whisper back. "We should get out of here, bud. Let's go before someone," gets shot, "sees us, a'ight?" He has one working hand; he offers it and, ripping his eyes away from the kitchen, tilts his head toward where he knows the front door is.

Every OTHER time he walked through a door, he got away from something awful. He'll take those odds.

First off, does Graham still have his gun from the other room? He absolutely does; he can feel the weight of it there against his back, practically begging to be used. But there was the issue of the pale boy with the wide-eyed gaze that goes to hero worship whenever he looks back at Graham. He looks both sad and happy at the same time whenever he smooshes his face against the railing to peek out to where Elise is. "Yeah," he agrees to leaving. "A'ight," he was totally copying Graham. "I guess she doesn't need us, huh?"

It's that statement that lingers as Bubber takes Graham's hand, ready and willing to head down the stairs. But wait! "Wait!" he declares in a voice that might be just a little too loud, snatches his hand back and darts up the stairs, disappearing into the hall. It's all this noise that causes the corgi to come back out of the kitchen to see what the fuss is about - and then start yipping annoyingly when she spies Graham. He might make it to the door? But the front door it locked. It doesn't open on its own. In fact, it doesn't budge.

He's stuck here, in this house that is his and yet not, with the Elise that is his but is not, and the 30-to-40 year old Asian man that he doesn't know who comes walking out into Graham's living room looking extremely pissed off. Elise follows close behind, and she gasps when she sees Graham standing there, a hand falling protectively over her stomach.

"What the FUCK!" shouts the Asian man. "What are you doing in my house?! I told you to stop stalking my fucking wife!" And Graham better brace himself, because this dude's about to go kamikaze.

<FS3> Elise's Dream Husband (a NPC) rolls 5 (7 7 4 4 3 2 1) vs Graham's Athletics (8 8 7 6 4 4 2)
<FS3> Victory for Graham.

Graham doesn't do anything especially badass. There's no ninja-backflip. He just lets Mister Elise come for him, then grabs the back of the guy's shirt with his one good hand, gives him one solid shove, and lets momentum send him careening toward the stair-rails where that kid's adorable face was mashed a minute ago. It leaves him looking at this other Elise, blue eyes shot red, purty mouth pulled down at the corners with too much pain today. "I guess there's no version of your life I can't figure out how to fuck up, huh?"

ASSUMING that kid hasn't come back down the stairs yet, this is where Graham walks over and shoots her husband in the head. He's very sorry to do it - not as sorry as he was to shoot Andre, but sorry still - but what's the alternative? NOT murder her Dream-hubs? Please.

<FS3> Graham rolls Firearms (8 8 5 5 3 2 2) vs Elise's Dream Husband (a NPC)'s 5 (8 4 4 4 2 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Graham.

"No, wait!" This was Elise, who makes a grab for Mister Elise's arm, but it was too late. He was trying to be the Big Damn Hero, and gets himself shoved into the railing instead, leaving him stunned and crumpling down into the floor. From the other side of the room, Elise lets out a strangled gasp, staring at Graham in disbelief. In abject horror. "Why can't you just let me be happy?!" she shouts at him, just before he walks over to Mister Elise, and shoots him in the head.

Bubber is nowhere to be found, but there's a whole lot of screaming happening in this living room. And pregnant or not, Elise is about to beat Graham's ass, so lets see how good his dice do now fucker.

<FS3> Dream Elise (a NPC) rolls 5 (7 7 5 5 3 2 2) vs Graham's Athletics (6 5 5 4 4 3 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Dream Elise.

She always wins. Even in his bad Dreams, she manages to kick his ass. Except this time, she not only sucker punches him in the face, she makes a grab for his gun. In the struggle to pull it away, the gun goes off - BAM! - and Elise staggers back.

It takes a moment for the realization to hit, for the sharp sting of the gunfire ringing in both of their ears to die. It's then that they should both know where the bullet went - its buried itself straight between Elise's breasts, the blood starting to bloom across her shirt.

Yanno, Graham probably should have planned for Elise attacking him after he shot her old man. This thought drifts through his mind during the, "Stoppit! Let go! Goddammit, woman!" that he gripes out while they scuffle over that gun. It's hard to fight off a Dream-version of one's girlfriend under the best of circumstances; while half-dead with flu and sporting a broken wrist? Yeah, there was no other way this was going to end.


"No no no no," replaces the peevish diatribe of moments ago, and - broken wrist or not - he catches this Elise in both arms hurriedly. It'd be a Hollywood moment if he didn't look like death warmed over, and she wasn't knocked up with a dead nightmare's spawn.

All the 'no no no's in the world isn't going to change what's happening. Elise looks stunned until she doesn't, and falls into his arms like a limp sack of potatoes. The blood pools quickly down her shirt until it's soaked, and she starts to gasp for breath. Remember how all these times, Elise would drown to death in her Dreams? This wasn't quite so far from that - she was definitely drowning. Just in her own blood. The blood that was leaking out of her, pooling into her lungs, suffocating her slowly.

And she can't speak, but all around him, the walls start to scream. The screams of desperation from the film room, the "Nonono please Graham DO something! HELP me! SAVE me! I love you!" growing louder and louder as this Elise gasps for air until she can't anymore.. and the light fades from her eyes as she dies in his arms.

At least the walls stop screaming once she's dead. The last thing he hears are the quiet words that Elise has said many times before.

"I don't deserve this."

This looks right: Graham, slumping to the ground with a bloody and now dead Elise in his arms; some guy he doesn't know, dead over there by the stairs; a couple kids that aren't TECHNICALLY his roaming around somewhere. If he was in the right frame of mind to be able to step back and survey it, he'd nod and yep, called it.

He's not in that frame of mind. He's in the frame of mind where he clutches that dead body and cries, really wracked with sobs while he nods, 'cause it's true! She doesn't deserve this. He tells her corpse that, how sorry he is because he should've just stayed away and she'd be fine. Okay, yes, she'd be bored and one day he'd snap and show up and THIS would happen, but she'd be fine until then! And it doesn't have to make sense. It's his Dream and he'll blubber nonsensically if he wants to.

You would cry too if it happened to you~

No amount of crying is going to make this Elise get up. She's deader than dead, and growing colder by the second. But the walls stop talking, and Graham is left alone with her dead body and his own sobbing, until he can hear the quiet thump-thump-thump of someone sliding on their butt down the stairs.

Bubber, tiny and wide-eyed and pale as a ghost, should probably react to the sight of this Elise dead. But he just sort of stares for awhile and shakes his head. "She's better without us," he says in a tiny voice, wise beyond his years. Bubber has seen some shit, so forgive him for not bursting into tears.

Bubber stays seated on the stairs, leaning forward towards his knees. He looks back to Graham, that wide-eyed look of adoration, and he asks what kids everywhere ask of their fathers: "Do you want to stay and play?"

The kitchen is already filling with shadows that are threatening to spill out here. They think Graham should stay here, too. Stay forever. There's still a bullet left in the gun, after all! Or he could leave out the door, which opens behind him, but out there looks super lame. Stay and play, Graham!

<FS3> Graham rolls Bullshit (8 6 6 5 1) vs Creeping Dread (a NPC)'s 4 (8 5 3 3 3 1)
<FS3> Victory for Graham.

Maybe for one fraction of one second, Graham thinks about what bullets taste like. He could pull the trigger and find out... but suicide really isn't his bag. So that might be a way out, but it's not for him. He carefully puts down dead-Elise, dragging himself backward across the floor to the stairs without getting up, butt-scooting right back over there.

So they won't get him with suicide. But staying here with this kid, leaving Elise out there to maybe have a life that doesn't end like this one did? "Kinda, yeah," he answers honestly, nodding slowly back and up at Bubber on the stairs. He even manages to keep his voice upbeat, like this is FINE, whatever is coming from the kitchen is NBD. "What should we play, man? Me personally? I like cars." And he does get up about then, holding his good hand down to the kid; they can go upstairs and leave the creepy shit down here.

It's a safe bet that bullets don't taste great. It's also a safe bet that the shadows creeping in from the kitchen don't want Graham to stay and play, not if he wasn't going to play the game of 'shoot yourself in the head you dumb fuck'. So now they creep down the stairs too, spilling out from the hallway. Bubber looks up and squeaks, sliding down the rest of the stairs on his bum before leaping to his feet to take Graham's hand. "I don't know what I like yet!" Bubber answers honestly, because Bubber isn't real. He's just a thought, just an idea. An idea that would never get made if Graham stays here .. which explains why Bubber's starting to look almost transparent.

"Huh," says the kid, frowning down at his hand in Graham's own. "I don't know if I like this so much. I dunno if I can stay and play," he looks utterly devastated by this. "Maybe we could go outside, a'ight?" he's trying so hard to copy Graham, his idol. His everything. "I dunno if I feel so good."

Graham spends a luck point. Reason: Because otherwise he's going to keep feeling sorry for himself and die here and that's fucking sad so it's time to get wise to the fact that these fuckers are enjoying your misery, G.

So seriously, so sagely, Graham answers for what this kid likes, "Cars, my man. Really fast cars." Nodding follows about the going outside, about the not feeling good - "Yeah, me neither. Let's do that." Go outside, he means. He gives the pale-to-the-point-of-transparent hand a worried look, one that sweeps the encroaching darkness before it lights back on the door, and one of two things is going to happen: either his luck turned and the door opened or...

<FS3> Graham rolls Breaking In+Reflexes: Good Success (8 7 7 5 5 4 3 1)

...he's breaking OUT. Which is the same as breaking in only even easier.

"Cars, okay! Cars," Bubber's going to remember this for next time. You know, if he stays around. But he seems to be fading fast, weakening as the shadows lengthen, and it's only a matter of time before they spill out of the kitchen and down the stairs and gobble up Graham and Bubber and everything else. So it's a good thing that Graham makes it to the door - even better that he thinks to break out, 'cuz this door wasn't going to open for him. Outside looks dark - black. Nothingness. But not at all like the shadows that are filling this room either.

Still, before they leave? Bubber's tiny hand squeezes around Graham's fingers. "You tell her, a'ight? You tell mommy I'm sorry," his voice is so soft, fading away like he is. "I'm sorry 'cuz I know she's better off without us, but.." But what?

Graham will never know. Because Bubber slips away and pushes him, and he's not strong but it doesn't matter. Graham goes spilling out through the door, into the black nothingness, where everything falls away, where Graham feels like he is falling. It starts like a slow drift and then steadily becomes a freefall, until finally he lands HARD! SPLAT!

He finds himself sprawled out on the bathroom floor again. His hand is still broken, but the gun is gone. The colors are normal. There's no laughter, there's no music, there's just home. But no Elise. She's gone.

Graham's not crying. YOU'RE crying. "Nah, bud, you don't gotta be sorry - " But or no but, tears or no tears, there's no time to finish that sentiment. He freefalls out into nothing, gonna leave this world for a while~

And land on the cold tile, knocking his chin, groaning at the pain that shoots up his arm. He doesn't know that no one's going to answer when he bawls for Elise. It's going to take a panicked up-and-down search of the house before he collapses on the bed, crying quietly while he waits for his Elise to re-materialize from wherever she is.

Which we will find out tomorrow, because seriously. Comeuppance.


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