2019-11-29 - Mr. Marvelous and Lowered Expectations

Sparrow makes good on introducing Yule to the band.

IC Date: 2019-11-29

OOC Date: 2019-08-14

Location: 7 Oak Avenue - Basement

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2985


At least one very significant thing has changed since the band was last able to get together to practice: that mural which Sparrow had been working on for weeks, all the walls nebulous yellow with unresolved shapes, has finally been finished, done up like a tourist billboard which extends well-beyond conventional dimensions, taking up two whole walls of the expansive space. Creepy as the tagline might be and odd as the free-standing door painted on the beach surely is, the golden sky, all cloud-captured sunlight, really does brighten the space up considerably.

Otherwise, it's still the same old basement with the same bar behind which one might find a mini-fridge with an assortment of beer, sodas and bottled water. A couple of folding chairs are opened here or there, at least one situated to face the band while they play. The guys surely know to just come on down--this is standard practice by now--and Yule's been given the same instructions, assured everyone'll be down in the basement. The redhead currently sits behind her drum set with her legs folded, barefoot in rainbow-dyed cut-off jean shorts and a black hoodie with large white stars on it, fussing with her phone, a bottle of water on the tray table frequently nearby.

Jaime's already set up his guitar and amp and has a stool to sit on that he's positioned off to one side of the drums. He's in his usual jeans and work boots, a white t-shirt and a blue and green plaid flannel over it. One hand pushes his hair back a bit, and he settles the guitar on his knee. He has his own bottle of water on the floor near the stool, off to one side so he doesn't kick it over by accident. He fiddles a little bit with the guitar, but seems pretty relaxed, waiting for practice to start.

A door opening then quick footfalls precede Garrett appearing in the basement, hard case presumably holding his bass in hand. "Hey, you!" he calls over in the direction of the drum kit, shooting a bright smile Sparrow's way as he sets his bass down, only then pausing to actually look at the changed decor. "Looks good," he says, nodding. A pause as his eyes linger on the standalone doorway. "...a little weird. But good." And with that he's heading towards Sparrow to give her a quick hug. "How was your Thanksgiving?"

Garrett offers Jaime a quick wave too, naturally. "How you been, mate?" A smile is offered to the guitarist.

Without any lead-in, opting not to verbalize the rest of the thought process that got her here, Sparrow murmurs to Jaime, "Thinking we should probably work on tightening up a three-song set to present if I get us that audition. Maybe with one of yours in there?" But there are footsteps, and that's reason enough for her to set down her phone and look up expectantly. "Heya, cutie," comes for the bassist as she drops the device down on the tray table next to her water. She doesn't get up for the hug, reciprocating loosely as she tells him, "I have no idea what you mean," lying. "Weird how?" Blinkblink.

The front door can be heard opening and then closing a few minutes after Garrett has made his way in, and down the stairs descends Yule. He's dressed in a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a charcoal sports jacket, coupled with the ankle high pair of boots. It's a calm and confident pace that draws him into the interior of the space, offering a faint smile towards the red haired drummer. "Cards. Thanks for having me over." It's first to Garrett he looks, a flicker of those brown eyes down to the bass, "You must be Garrett, yeah? Good to meet you." And then onwards to the guitarist, "Which makes you Jaime. He whose title of sexiness is in very good hands for the upcoming jello match."

Jaime nods to Sparrow and says, "Sure. We can work one of mine in if you want. Will have to figure out if I've got something that mingles with some of the sound that you've sent over." He's been listening to that playlist that she'd sent them a while back with ideas for the types of songs that they might like to cover. He glances up when Garrett comes down and grins, "Hey man, how's it going? Bee alright." Then Yule comes on down and he studies the man as he approaches, giving him a nod in greeting and a bit of a salute. The mention of the whole jello match thing just has him shaking his head and looking over at Sparrow, a little bit amused. "Yeah, that was.. not my idea."

"You're right, not weird at all, my bad," Garrett says with a little laugh, shaking his head and heading towards the mini-fridge to find some water, glancing towards the stairs as Yule makes his entrance. "Which makes you Mister Amazing, I assume?" he responds to the introductions being assumed, nodding that he's correct about who is who. The jello comment gets an amused glance sent Jaime's way. "Been pretty good," he answers. He doesn't actually comment on music ideas, but is nodding his agreement as Sparrow and Jaime converse, moving towards his bass to tune up, plug in, and otherwise get ready for music-making.

Sparrow feigns ignorance--and implied innocence--just as promptly for that little look from Jaime in regards to who might be to blame for the impending jello bout. Surely, this wasn't her idea. It might be more convincing if her cheeks weren't already pink for how Garrett addresses Yule... and for how Yule already knows which is which among her bandmates. "Guess I don't need to handle introductions?" She knows that's not quite right. Getting to her feet, she gestures to Mr. Amazing and names him, "Yule. Our audience for the evening. I was gonna talk the guys up, but." Brows arched, she wonders of their audience member, "You want anything before we start? Beer, soda, water? Few minutes for interrogations? Special requests?" Yeah, like that's gonna work.

"Still, all for a good cause, yeah? Whoever wins, sounds like the right people will come out on top for all the effort." Yule offers up to Jaime's comment, though his own features are set with a touch of sympathetic amusement for how that particular situation came about. It's only when Sparrow introduces him as Yule that he casts a glances towards Garrett, one of those ghost of a smiles flickering to his features. "Always thought Mr. Marvelous was better, but hey, I like Amazing. Middle initial of B." A small bit of laughter spills out as the drummer makes those offers, and it's to all of them he looks, "Appreciate you letting me watch, yeah? I'm good, but hey, I'm happy to answer any questions before you all get started if you have them."

Jaime can't help but shake his head and grin, "I'm all for a good cause, which is the only reason I'm supporting the whole thing." In so much as he's agreed to go along with it somewhat good-naturedly, particularly since Joey seems into it, and excited about the charity, and it /is/ a good cause. He unscrews the cap from his water and takes a swig before setting it back down. He considers the offer of answering questions, and then shrugs his shoulders, "Nah, just be honest about what you think. Though, if what you think is that rotten fruit needs to be thrown, maybe just tell us that without the demonstration." That seems to be his only request, followed by a flash of a grin.

"Pleasure to meet you, Yule B. Marvelous-Amazing." Garrett offers a handshake once his bass is situated hanging from his shoulders. He looks between Yule and Jaime and smiles at the charity talk. "So wait, are you actually wrestling, mate?" he asks Jaime, looking amused. "Suddenly letting myself be auctioned off doesn't seem so bad," he muses, half to himself. Yule's offer to answer questions gets a shake of the head and a brief tip of his head in Jamie's direction, a 'what he said' sort of nod. "So, what do we want to start with?" he asks his bandmates, bouncing a bit on the balls of his feet.

Sparrow probably thought the interrogations were gonna work the other way around given how she rolls her eyes and smirks at Yule's invitation. Given that their guest needs nothing, though, she plunks down on her chair, adjusts its positioning a bit, giving a light tap to her pedals to make sure everything feels comfortable and takes up her drumsticks. Pointing 'em both, held in one hand, at Garrett, she tells him, "I am wrestling on our gorgeous guitarist's reluctant behalf. Cuz he is also gracious and possibly more willing to indulge my ridiculous ideas than he should be." With a gesture of those drumsticks around at the lot of them, indicating the band itself, she adds, "Case in point." With a nod to Yule, she adds, "Like he said. Honest feedback." The knowing grin assures she knows that's the only kind he's got. "I'm feeling kinda stompy today and still a bit heartbroken that nobody else knows The Damned--" SIGH! "--but I can keep it low-key. Uh." She flicks a look between her bandmates and offers, "Sinister Kid?"

"Being direct is what I'm good at," The man promises Jaime with a tip of his head, even as one hand lifts up that sports jacket to show he isn't hiding any rotten fruit beneath it. "And I'll just use words, not tomatoes. Quite enjoy blues, both classic and modern. Black Keys. Artic Monkeys. Kenny Wayne Sheperd. It's what led her to originally tell me about the band." Yule's hand comes out to clasp Garrett's in a firm shake, but one that doesn't linger overly long. "Being auctioned? It'll work like a charm, especially if you mention the musician bit." As they all start to turn their attention to the heart of why they have gathered, it's towards one of the chairs he goes, settling down in an easy, comfortable lounge. It's only a tick of an eyebrow that he gives to Sparrow for that eyeroll, though when those words come that she can keep it low-key? That garners a rather dubious look from him, those brown eyes shifting from Jaime to Garrett to gauge their own responses.

"This is all about Sparrow's dream of wrestling Nicole in Jello," Jaime says to Garrett with a little shake of his head. "I just told them to go for it and not let me get in their way. I hadn't heard about any auctioning or anything like that," he laughs, raising a brow and glancing over at Sparrow. How far had this thing gone since she'd mentioned it to him, anyway? "Far as I know, I'm just going to show up and watch the chaos unfold." One arched quizzical brow to Sparrow. "Unless she has other plans I'm not aware of," which could be likely. But he nods at the suggested song and seems to agree easily enough.

"Yeah, I was planning to just recycle the James Bond Halloween tux and let the accent do the work, honestly. That's the advice I was given, anyways," Garrett replies, glancing over at Sparrow and grinning. "Watch it, mate, you'll end up auctioned off too. You can play up the musician bit better than I can," he suggests, plucking a few strings of his bass when he hears Sparrow's suggestion. "Yeah, I can get behind that. Solid start." He looks from Jaime to Sparrow to Yule, making sure everyone is good to go, then back to Sparrow who will presumably be counting them off.

<FS3> Jaime rolls Presence+Singing: Good Success (8 8 7 6 4 4 3 1 1 1) (Rolled by: Jaime)

<FS3> Jaime rolls Reflexes+Guitarist: Good Success (8 6 6 4 3 3 2 1 1 1) (Rolled by: Jaime)

<FS3> Sparrow rolls Presence+Drumming: Good Success (7 6 6 6 5 4 4) (Rolled by: Sparrow)

<FS3> Garrett rolls Reflexes+Bass: Success (7 6 4 4 3 2 2) (Rolled by: Garrett)

<FS3> Garrett rolls Presence+Singing: Great Success (8 7 7 6 6 4 2) (Rolled by: Garrett)

"And open your mouth to say literally anything at all," Sparrow tacks on to Yule's advice to Garrett, giving the bassist a flirtatiously low-lidded look to go with that compliment for that yummy London accent of his. Without word, she points one drumstick at Jaime, confirming his read on the jello wrestling situation. "No one's getting auctioned off who doesn't wanna get auctioned off. It's all consensual commercialization." But the song's been chosen. With a little flourish of her drumsticks, she counts off, "Two, three, four," with a nod just as she strikes that first percussive note. Sure, maybe it's not as punk as she might've wanted, but it's still got plenty of banging, and the redhead is animated as fuck while she keeps the beat... and leaves all the singing to the pretty boys in the front.

"At least, given it is Jello Wrestling, you probably don't have to worry about a flock of old ladies being there to bid on you. Probably." With that touch of not quite reassurance from Yule, but then he quiets down, all so that they can do their run through on the song. For most of it? Those brown eyes are closed, his foot bobbing to the beat once it is set, though now and again? They flicker open to watch, especially during the guitar solo in the middle of it.

And only once they've made it clear the last note is had on their run through does his head offer a small dip. "Pretty good. Think Garrett smashed the fucking backup vocals so hard," In all the right, perfect ways given the approval and like in that tone. "that he let the bass line fade a bit. But I'm picky there. This sort of music? The bass helps tie it all together. Leads you on a journey that everything else helps fill in. Guitar was pretty damn good," It's a glance to Jaime at this, but the question? It's for the both of the men, "What is it that led you to get into music in the first place? And why bass and guitar, respectively?"

"That's pretty much all you need," Jaime agrees with Garrett with a flash of a grin. "Hell, I might put in a bid, myself," he says, and then adjusts his guitar and makes a minor adjustment, prepared to play. Then he smirks at Garrett and says, "Only if Joey goes up for auction, too. That's how this works." He takes up the lead and he's good, both as a singer and a guitarist. It actually sounds pretty good. And while he's been a solo act for a while, seems he can play well with the band as well. He nods his head as he grins over at Sparrow and Garrett. It sounds even better than their last practice. And once the song is done he grins a bit as Yule does give them his genuine feedback. The question, he considers before saying, "My mom used to sing to me when I was a kid. I started singing pretty young. The guitar, I picked up because there was always someone in the family who could play an instrument. There was always a lot of music around the house, from some cousin or aunt or uncle. It was cool to be able to jam with everyone. Guitar, because an acoustic was my first instrument, a gift. Electric, because I wanted to make a bit more noise," he grins. Maybe not exactly, but close enough.

Garrett has his eyes closed for most of the song, clearly focusing more on his singing than his bass, not that the latter is /bad/, but it is not particularly impressive. He smiles at his bandmates throughout, and there's a nod from Garrett as the song ends and Yule gives his critique. "Yeah, this whole singing and playing bass at the same time thing is still sort of new ground, probably focused too much on not screwing up the vocals," he agrees. Fair assessment is fair. He shrugs as far as the question is concerned. "Who doesn't like music? I started on guitar, sang just because you can only listen to a guy just playing guitar for so long before it gets a hit meh." A glance down at his bass. "And this is mostly necessity. Local band needed a bassist and it stuck."

"He writes, too," Sparrow notes quietly of Jaime after he's offered his answer, after she's taken a pull from her bottle of water. Her drumsticks are laid neatly on her kit while the guys talk, allowing her to pull her sweatshirt off overhead, already warm after just one song. There's a thin grey tee shirt below, v-neck with some half-faded black logo on the front that can't quite be made out. "And he hasn't realized yet what a good singer he is," she says of Garrett, adding, "We're doing a duet at karaoke, yeah?" Not exactly a vocally complicated song, mind, but she seems pleased all the same. Taking her sticks up again, she offers with a wide, crooked grin, "If you guys wanna try the Sunflower Bean one again..." as if this were a terrible idea, like it might be a threat. It does mean she'll be singing, unless Jaime insists otherwise.

"Yeah. I get that. For our family, with mom? It was always Christmas that was the bonding time. Carols, holiday specials. You name it. You can probably tell that by the name," It's a wry little smile, amused rather than displeased with that particular gift of a name he'd been given. "If I had to guess? Imagine Snow is your age, you might remember her from school." A soft snort of laughter comes for the assessment of why he went electric, and then Yule focuses those eyes on Garrett. "Liking something and deciding to pick it up, and join a band, are certainly different, yeah? Though imagine a lot don't get into it because they just don't have an ear for it. But picking up a new instrument just like that? Pretty impressive." It's the tidbits added on by Sparrow that has his head dipping in agreement with her assessment of the bassist, but it's to Jaime that his attention drifts. "Yeah? The one of yours she mentioned working in, that one you wrote yourself?" But then, he'll quite down, leaning back into his chair to listen to the next one up.

"And you're good at it," Jaime says when Garrett says playing the bass is out of necessity with a grin. Then he nods when Sparrow points out that he writes, too. "I've been playing on my own for a while. Guitar, singing. I write my own songs and music. Just decided when I heard Sparrow was thinking of putting a band back together, that it'd be cool to play with other people again." He gives her a thumbs up about Sunflower Bean and then when he sees that wide, crooked grin he says "Oh no, that's happening. Your turn to sing, chickadee." He nods to Yule and says, "I have a few, but I think I have one that we can probably work in with the others."

"Yes! Sunflower Bean gets my vote. I have every confidence in you," Garrett tells Sparrow with a bright smile. Jamie's compliment gets a small, grateful smile but his reply is for Yule, turning his gaze that way. "I actually prefer bass now, so that ended up working out in the end. But thanks all the same." Christmas family time recollection gets a fond smile and a nod before, once more, his focus is on Sparrow. "Whenever you're ready, boss," he tells her, thumping a few muted notes on his bass, actually focusing on his fretboard this time.

<FS3> Sparrow rolls Presence+Drumming (8 6 4 2 2 2 2) vs While Also Singing (a NPC)'s 1 (3 2 2)
<FS3> Victory for Sparrow. (Rolled by: Sparrow)

The neon redhead in the back smiles rather contentedly to herself while the others talk, a hint of pride in the way she holds herself, like she built this, made all this magic happen. Or at least gathered it all in one place like this. Jaime's words earn a snort of laughter her smile edges left. "Don't say I didn't warn ya," comes with a little shift in her seating. To Yule, she explains, "Think the place we wanna get a gig at wants some original material, so." They're gonna do what they can to provide. She gives a little brow-waggle to Garrett for his confidence in her capability, but it's their guest that she looks to as she says, "This one's for you, Mr. Marvelous," before counting out, "One, two, three--" and thumping her bass drum in lieu of the four, the lead-in for the song. Her voice is a little rough around the edges, more enthusiasm than polish, as she sings, "I'm leaning toward a manly solution," keeping her eyes on Yule throughout most of the piece. Cept maybe when her face scrunches up as she thumps out the driving rhythm of the chorus. Or when she draws the song to its unaccompanied end of, "You know I ain't got all night!" with a giddy giggle at the end, burning off some excess energy.

A soft, brief bit of laughter comes from Yule as he lounges back in his chair when the song is dedicated to him, but once that beat kicks on? There is a flicker of recognition in his features, one that has those eyes dipping to close for a few seconds. Once they open back up, his foot bobs in time with the rhythm, and for most of it? His focus is all on the drummer as she sings. Only once it all dies down does his head dip into a small nod, "I know that song. Really like it. Did pretty good.. can't imagine drumming and singing all at the same time is easy, yeah? But I can think of one other performance in my life of it I've enjoyed more. Hard to top, that one. Sometimes," His head dips to one side, glancing towards Jaime and Garrett as well to see their thoughts, "it is all about the context, yeah? Magic can happen up on the stage, or on a particular night. Just something in the air that gives it that little extra something."

Jaime seems more than content to hang back and just play for this one, what very little background vocals he contributes are purposefully subdued in favor of Sparrow's voice for the song. His fingers move over the guitar, and his head bobs along with the music. When he plays, he's mostly lost in that, not focusing on the audience, focused more on the rest of the band. When the song is over he gives a satisfied nod, happy with how the performance came out. "Nice," he says, and gives Sparrow a thumbs up before grinning over at Garrett. He doesn't seem to have any commentary on magic, but he grins a little at Yule and says, "There's definitely a kind of energy that you can only find up on stage."

Garrett comes in as needed, foot tapping time, nodding along with their playing, giving Sparrow the occasional encouraging smile as she takes metaphorical center stage for the song. The smile never fades, even as the song ends, though he does shift its focus from Sparrow, to Jaime, to Yule, the latter getting a nod of agreement. "Yeah, context is totally important," he agrees. "That band you see play in some sketch basement can be less technically capable but still give a killer show because it's that much more personal and all that." His tone is one of someone that very clearly enjoys those sorts of shows, nodding enthusiastically as he nods. "You killed it, by the way," he informs Sparrow with a wider smile.

Sparrow's right hand, drumstick still in it, gets a delightfully amused wobble for that assessment of 'pretty good' from Yule. One shoulder lifts in a casual shrug as she answers, "I dunno," for the difficulty, "I kinda killed it." She beams toward Jaime for his approval, half-lidded and happy, before settling that sunshine back on that audience and informing him, "You'll have to tell me about it sometime," of that other performance. As if she doesn't know damned well what he's talking about. "Been too long since I've been up on stage," she laments in the wake of Jaime's commentary, three years fairly well an eternity from her perspective. Her gaze sharpens as she points a drumstick at Garrett and playfully clips, "My basement ain't sketch." She twirls that stick as she rests back, just before dipping a nod to the bassist and crooning a pleased, "Thank you." Wired though she might yet be--watch how that right knee keeps bouncing despite her reclined--she doesn't seem in any particular rush to suggest another song, instead asking Yule, "This your first private showing in some sketch basement?"

It's Garrett that Yule's attention settles on, his head dipping at the example the bassist gives, though his own interest? Is down a different thread of thought, "Sparrow tells me you are a park ranger. Moved here for it, yeah? Bet you'd love meeting Winter sometime. Only a few years younger than me, but he does conservation work. Specifically with bats," He gives a hapless shrug, one that speaks of, 'it takes all sorts', but there is a fondness there for his family. Slowly he rises from his chair, all to head towards that mini fridge in the back, even as he glances towards Jaime, "Yeah. Not sure how you manage it. Now me? I'm used to having an extremely silent audience for my work." With a small tug, it's opened, and out a water comes, just in time to catch Sparrow's question. "Of a band?" As if that part needs clarification on what type of showing, just a hint of innocence in the look he casts to the red head. "Yes. First time."

"Hey, bats are pretty cool. Those giant flying fox fruit bats are some of the cutest little fuckers I've ever seen," Jaime says with a grin when the bats are mentioned. "Manage what? Being on stage? I don't know, for me it's always about the playing. I can play here, alone, on a stage. When I'm actually in the moment, in the music and the song, I'm not really paying attention to who or what is around me. On stage, I can usually barely see the audience. It's only after the song is over, that I can really hear them, or before and after sets. Those between times are the harder parts. The whole, making conversation and not randomly babbling like an idiot." He grins. "That took me a little bit longer to get used to." Then he says, "I guess I'd worry if your audience sat up and applauded. That'd be a little creepy."

A small, vaguely apologetic look to Sparrow, even though they both know he didn't mean this basement, before Garrett looks back to Yule. "Does he, now? Brilliant. Around here, or...?" He trails off, head tilted to the side. He clears his throat, then, taking a drink of his water. "Sparrow seems to have told you all about us, and yet all I know about you is your name. She spends too much time gushing to go into details," he adds, grinning and winking at Sparrow quickly before looking at Yule again. "So, what's your story, mate? If you don't mind," he asks, the question rather open-ended, Garrett folding his arms on his bass as he looks at their 'audience'. Jamie's assessment of creepiness in audience applause only makes Garrett more curious as he looks at Yule.

"Adorable!" Sparrow chirps in concise agreement with Jaime's assessments of bats, even if not all bats are quite that overwhelmingly cute. When the guitarist explains what playing's like for him, her smile mutes a little, growing softer, fonder. "You do alright," she tells him, whether that reassurance is necessary or not. When Yule issues that little quip, that addendum to her question? She barks a brief laugh and nods, letting out a little, "Mm," that sounds like it might come with its own follow-up questions later. Yeah, she'll take that bait. Her mouth opens like she might protest when called on her gushing, but nothing comes out. Nope, she just stares wide-eyed and lets Garrett's question stand while she listens and fidgets with her sticks.

A warm chuckle escapes from Yule at Jaime's thoughts on those particular type of bat, mirth fluidly found in his voice, "Yeah. Sounds just like he does. Loves them. Important work. Around here. He moved back a while ago. Finished his schooling up in Seattle, worked up there for a while." Comes the answer to Garrett's answer, before his tongue dips out, wetting his lower lip as he considers the bassists question. "My story? I have a lot of them. But when it comes to work? I'm a medical examiner. It's my duty to find answers so they can rest in peace, and so that their friends and family have closure." It's Jaime's assessment of stage performance that has his head tilting, considering the man for a long while before his head dips into a note of approval. "Sounds like for you? It's about the music. Not the spotlight, yeah? It's always good to put time in on things that speak to our passions."

"It's about sharing the music with others. I mean, that's how I came into music, right? As a kid, listening to the family play, then becoming a part of it. So, for me, it's about sharing that experience with someone else, and letting them feel like a part of it. If some go on and get inspired and make their own music, that makes it even cooler in the long run," Jaime says with a nod, but then he falls quiet, to listen to Garrett, and Sparrow, and then to Yule as he explains what he does. Apparently Jaime already knew the man was the medical examiner, though how, might be open to question, from his response about Yule's audience. "Those are some important answers to find for folks. Tough work."

Garrett has no input on the subject of bats, as he's mostly focused on Sparrow's not-quite-protest, an eyebrow raised in an amused challenge and an amused grin when no protest is forthcoming. "Medical examiner, eh? Cool. Lot of pressure, I'd think. But would definitely explain the audience comment," he says with a small laugh and a glance towards Jaime. "You have any solo stuff lined up for the near future? I should be a good bandmate, come out and show my support and whatnot."

"Just came back from NYC," Sparrow appends to Yule's answer about his own story, the lilt of her voice suggesting it might make him more cosmopolitan, more interesting, though it's difficult to know it that's sincere or just a tease. Jaime's remark on inspiring others gets a little scrunch of her features and inspires her to motion, shifting in her seat to get her drumsticks situaated and take up her bottle of water. With the conversation flowing, she sees no need to nudge anyone back to practice, happily falling into the background for the moment save for a nod of agreement toward Garrett at his interest in Jaime's solo gigs. Otherwise? She keeps most of her attention on Yule, just watching.

"Yeah. It is, in more ways than one," Yule offers up to Jaime, studying the man for a long moment, before a flicker of a smile is offered up along with the surfacing of that morbid humor that is simply a part of his life. "Good thing is? I get to be a doctor without having to worry about my bedside manner." It's that addition by Sparrow that has him looking to the drummer, and then to Garrett, giving a touch more detail for the bassist, "Yeah. From here - family? They run the trailer park - but I left at eighteen. Twelve years of schooling, eight years as an M.E. in NYC. Now? Here I am back home." It's back towards his chair he heads, the bottle cracked open, though he doesn't sit back down yet. It's a small drink taken while his own interest shifts to Jaime for that answer of his solo play plans.

Jaime shakes his head when Garrett asks about solo stuff, "I'm working on some songs, and music. Some for me, some that might work for the band, but nothing that's really ready yet. Any of my performing right now is with you guys." He smiles a little amusedly back over at Yule and dips his head. "There is that. Nobody to complain that you didn't fluff their pillow just right, or that you delivered the diagnosis in the wrong tone."

"Fancy," Garrett says of Yule and his stint in NYC, nodding. He then falls quiet for a bit, just listening, glancing at his bass, at his bandmates, at Yule, thoroughly content. At least until he looks down at his phone in his bass case. "Crap. Hey, I should go let Edgar and Wishbone out for Kelsey. I'll be back later, yeah?" he promises the group as a whole, though his look is a bit more focused on Sparrow, it being her house. He doesn't bother packing up much, just powering off his amp and laying the guitar in its case as he snatches up his phone." Yule, nice meeting you. Jaime, awesome as usual. Philomena." The last just gets a warm smile before he waves at the group and makes for the stairs.

Sparrow, playing wallflower, raises her hand at Jaime's joke about no one complaining Yule's pillow-fluffing or tone, as if those might be the top items on a long list of objections she's got about the ME's bedside manner, but that's as close as she comes to making the joke. She doesn't issue a peep until Garrett mentions pup-care and, more importantly, Kelsey. "Oh! Right, so. Everything's set with the warlock. He's down. Just gotta figure out what kinda magic we wanna make happen. Aaaand if you two don't give me any direction." She shrugs, grinning. It's not a request for help. It's a heads up that she's gonna make whatever plans she wants to make. She blows Garrett a kiss on his way out, on her way to her feet. "Guess that means we're done for the night?" That's a question for Jaime, though she angles a look toward Yule and teases, "Unless you've been holding out on me and have your bass packed up in the car?" It's a very nice car which Garrett might notice as he goes, that green Aston Martin DB5, just like James Bond has in at least one movie or another.

It's only once Sparrow lifts her hand at Jaime's joke, as if she has something to bring up about his manner that Yule's voice lifts just a touch more, though it doesn't need to to reach the red haired drummer. "Out patient autopsy services don't count towards my customer satisfaction rating." Those brown eyes narrow just a touch, but his mouth? It's all twisted up into an amused. It's only when things begin to break up that a soft sigh escapes from, "Left it in my tux, I'm afraid." As to his ownership of any sort of musical instrument. "Hey. Good to meet you both, yeah? The band is one of those things she talks about often, and it's good to see a group that loves what they do."

Jaime lifts a hand to wave to Garrett as he makes his way out, and then he nods to Sparrow when she says that means they're done for the night. "Alright, well, let's get together again soon and I'll send you guys the song I'm writing for us, so maybe next time we can give it a try." He slides off his stool then and begins to put the guitar away, "I'm just going to leave the amp here instead of lug it back and forth if you don't mind?" That, to Sparrow. Then he steps over toward Yule and offers a hand, "Nice to meet you, man. You're welcome to hang out and watch us practice, any time. Appreciate the feedback."

Sparrow feigns innocence entirely unconvincingly at that quip from Yule, like she wasn't gonna say one little thing. With practice wrapping up, she scoops up her phone and the hoodie she'd taken off earlier, her version of packing up. "Can't fucking wait," she tells Jaime of that song he's working on, even as she's nodding about the amp, pointing to the monster that the bassist has left behind. "You know you're welcome by any time." Should he need to snag the equipment? Who knows. She doesn't qualify it. She starts tidying up in preparation for heading up, noting to Jaime as she does, "There's a container on the kitchen counter with a pink lid for you and yours. Pumpkin muffins. If you want 'em."

Yule's hand extends to clasp Jaime's in a firm, welcoming shake, "Thanks, appreciate it. I'm sure you'll see me around now and again, as work allows. All at it's mercy, most of the time." It's another sip of his water, and then the M.E. is heading towards the drummer with a casual stroll, "Sounds like Corey has been busy. Speaking of which? That tuna he gave me was pretty damn amazing. Pass on my compliments to him. Only problem now is it makes my lunches from the hospital cafeteria seem even worse than normal."

"I would never, ever, turn down a pumpkin muffin," Jaime grins when Sparrow tells him about the container waiting upstairs. "Oh, I'm sure that we will," Jaime says with a grin in Sparrow's direction. Then he gathers up his guitar and slings it over his shoulder, giving them both a salute before he heads on up the stairs, pausing to pick up his container of muffins, and be on his way.

Sparrow's cheeks might color just a touch at that grin from Jaime, but all her attention is on Yule as the last remaining bandmate heads upstairs. "Guess you're gonna have to come around more," she poses as a solution to his lunch dilemma. The way she notes, "I've got something upstairs for you, too," with a finger pointing toward the ceiling suggests it might not be related to her twin's culinary ability, no pumpkin muffins for him. Hand held up, head tipped toward the stairs, she might look rather convincingly like she's ready to lead him up toward this mystery gift if not for the way her eyes settle on his lips.

"Yeah? I suppose, long as Corey is home..." That leading thought is allowed to linger, but then up his eyes lift as if he might be able to see through the ceiling. Slowly he steps forward, and out his hand reaches to curl around her own, using it to draw the drummer in ever so much closer to him. His head dips down, noses nuzzling, seeking to encourage her chin to tip up so that mouths are so tantalizingly close, before, "Who am I to say no to a gift?" A playful little nip to her lower lip is given, and then back he draws, hand offering a tug to Sparrow's hand to compel them towards the stairs. "Show me."


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