2019-12-07 - Meeting Maybel

Yules comes to pick up Esme and ends up in a nice conversation with her mother. Then Esme and Yule go on a long drive to no where!

IC Date: 2019-12-07

OOC Date: 2019-08-20

Location: Oak Residential/33 Oak Avenue

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3120


33 Oak Avenue is a two-story home that one might think belongs in a movie. It's very picturesque thanks to the woman of the house - Maybel Armstrong-Wilkinson. The white siding and porch look new despite the house being old. The windows look new - because they are. There are rose bushes that line the front of the house. It is very obvious that a lot of money goes into keeping it looking like it was just built. Too much money, in Esme's opinion. She wasn't even sure where this money came from and more than once definitely suspected her mother might secretly be some kind of drug kingpin. There was just no hard evidence.

Also it was hard to imagine the retired CNA could even mastermind such a thing. After all, this is the same woman who gave up her damned Social Security Number to some random person over the phone! Esme was still working to clean and prevent that mess. Esme had wanted to thank Yule in person for the gift he'd left her. So she had told him to come pick her up and they could maybe take a drive to nowhere. Unfortunately for Esme, she'd gotten held up at work and had rushed home and was now up on the second floor, trying to race the clock to get ready.

Fortunately for Maybel, she was nosy, and had positioned herself right in the rocking chair on the front porch so she would be able to corner this mystery man her daughter seemed oh so captivated with. Maybel looked to be in about her mid to late 50s, shoulder length salt and pepper hair, and clear, blue eyes. She is listening to a small radio, on the lower sound settings, playing jazz while she reads a Danielle Steel novel by the porch light.

(( Maybel: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d2/2f/29/d22f294774e5a946e693ee154ace5ba2.jpg

House: https://cdn.houseplansservices.com/product/e3joqvpk8o507bcbmg4m4s892b/w300x200.jpg?v=12 ))

It's that ever so easily identifiable british racing green Aston Martin classic that pulls up to the curb, and out Yule steps. He's dressed for the pleasant if rainy fall weather, decked out in a black dress shirt, those pair of ankle high black boots, and a tan pair of dress khaki's. The rich, brown leather jacket helps to serve as a shield from the misty afternoon, and without a beat of hesitation the M.E. heads towards the house, even when he spies the woman sitting out on the front porch.

Up he comes, and does he go asking about the reason he is here? Of course not. This? Is a golden opportunity. A small graces his mouth, faint but charming as he comes to lean against one of the side posts at the top of the stairs. "Something about the way they used to make music, yeah?" He offers up as those notes from the jazz reach his ears. "More of a blues fan myself, but some of the artists who played in both spaces, like Duke Ellington? Unforgettable. And then those singers like Ella FItzgerald?" His brown eyes close, savoring the very thought of her crooning voice coming through, and when they open again, he steps forward, a hand held out towards the woman. "Yule Duchannes. You must be the mother I've heard so much about, and who knows how to make a rather amazing lasagna, based on what Esme brought over the other night."

With that offering given, accepted or not, he steps back to that post to lean against it, taking just a second to fish out his phone and send the detective a text. 'On your front porch. Take your time.'

Maybel straightens up some in her chair, watching the Aston Martin roll up and Yule steps out. He gets a slow once over. Not in the sense that he's being checked out, but more in the sense that she's taking in every detail of his outfit and presentation and deeming it fit or not. There's a light smile given to him, so for the moment he seems to be in the green. "Most of the really good ones were before my time, unfortunately, but there were plenty more." He also may have gotten a point or two for knowing who Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald were. "I remember seeing Herbie Hancock live when I was just a teenager. Different times. One of the memories I'll never forget." She leans forward in order to shake his hand. It's firm, but quick. "Yule Duchannes, a pleasure to officially meet you. Though I'm sure I've met you and your siblings in passing. Your mother was a good woman." She rose to her feet finally and, it was revealed, that Maybel was on the taller side. Clearly most of Esme's looks did not come from the woman who birthed her- but more likely her father.

"My name is Maybel, and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I'm going to be making smothered pork chops for dinner tonight. Maybe I'll have her send some extras along. Always happy to feed another mouth." She watches Yule take out his phone and there was a fleeting look of amusement when nearly on cue a muffled 'Mother?!' was called out. Maybel lifted her finger to her lips in a 'Shhh' gesture to Yule. Then after a beat or two she laughed. "Esme will be down soon, I'm sure. She's always been secretive about the boys she's seeing, goodness knows she doesn't want me chatting to you any longer than necessary." Or at all, but what was Esme going to do about that now, hm? Exactly.

"While grilling my daughter for details, she did let it slip that you're the local Medical Examiner now." Maybe leaned her hip against the porch lightly, facing the younger man. "Tell me, because she won't, how did you two meet?"

"That must have been quite the show. I'd visit a few of the jazz and blues clubs up in NYC when I lived there. Great artists, but..." It doesn't need to be said, that it just isn't the same, a faint smile curling to the corners of his mouth, but it falters a bit, a touch of somberness taking over as his head dips into a nod of agreement. "Yeah. She was. Loved this time of the year." Which should be obvious, given all those siblings names. "And a pleasure to meet you, Maybel. I told her to take her time," It's a knowing look he flashes towards the woman, and he? Doesn't respond to that muffled note of 'Mother', nor send any reassuring further texts to the detective, leaving it all up to her imagination what is going on.

"Yeah. Moved back a couple months ago, now. Left here when I was eighteen for college, up to NYC. Stayed there near on twenty years. Esme and I?" It's that casual, calm tone that the M.E. always seems to have settled on him, easy going with those direct thoughts, "We knew each other a bit back in school. A couple grades older, though. After I moved back, as I'm sure you can imagine, it was just a matter of time before our jobs had us crossing paths. I convinced her to let me tag along on one of her cases. And then?" In he leans, just a touch, those brown eyes sparkling with delight as he shares the thought with Maybel, "She finally got up the nerve to ask me to dinner, without me having to bait her into it. She had me hooked with that."

Not that he remains without questions himself, those eyes watching her for her responses carefully, letting some of those particular details of the case and meeting wisely go unspoken. "I'm a fan of home cooked meals. Miss them. So what is it your daughter gets up to here at the house? I know she knits... and loves puzzles. Any other interests that might give me insight into a good christmas present for her?" Because of course she's getting one. Or several. It's just a matter of time. "And how do you feel about her keeping us boys a secret? I'll do my best to make certain she doesn't keep me /too/ hidden."

"Well, welcome back then." Maybel nodded when he mentioned he'd just moved back. "True. Her work hardly lets a day go by without something coming up. We don't discuss it though,house rule. No shop talk. With a handful of exceptions." Though Maybel doesn't seem inclined to voice said exceptions. "I'm surprised that she was so inclined to let you ride along. She's very by the book." A touch of amusement in her tone. "My daughter has always been guarded with her love life. But I'm a mother, I have my ways of knowing when things are going bad, or good, or otherwise." She offered up, flashing a smile. "Esme knows what she wants and she takes it. She is very, " There's a glance back towards the house, then to Yule, "passionate. About everything in her life, she always has been. Which is both good and bad." Maybel sighed softly but the smile remained.

"Then you should come to dinner a time or two. The additional company is always nice and I'm sure Fred would like to meet you on a day he's feeling up to company. " There's a slight tilt of the head, thinking. "Well the weather's turning colder - but she was helping me in the garden some. I don't know what you left her the other night but she certainly had the look of some lovestruck teenager when she came downstairs next." Maybel didn't have any qualms about embarrassing her daughter when she wasn't around to hear! "She reads, watches television, she isn't picky that I know of. She'll appreciate any gifts given to her - no matter what they are." As for how she feels about the secret boys, "Esme's an adult. She's welcome to have her secrets. I know if she gets very serious about someone then she'll open up more. The fact that she hasn't already burst through the door to stop our talking is a good sign I'd say."

"Thank you." Comes his first thought as he listens, a twitch of a smile at those house rules, even as he rests against that post. "I don't know that I really gave her all that much choice, between you and me, in letting me tag along." Up one brow comes at the mention of how passionate she is, but then it's that guarded element mentioned as well that explains it all, having managed to peel away at least a bit of that in their time together. "And does that mean you are out here because your way of knowing is telling you things are good, or bad?"

"I'll see if I can't convince her to have me come over one night." He promises, though when she mentions that gift? It gets a broader smile, a warm ripple of laughter that lasts for a few seconds as a hand lifts to scratch against his lightly bearded cheeks. "I had hoped she'd like it. Seemed right up her alley, what I sent her. And thanks for the information, good to know." It's a flicker of brown eyes to the door when she mentions it, a light 'mmm' coming from him. "She has a good heart. Told me why she moved back here. Family is one of those things that is super important to me, too. Most of why I'm back. Just sort of knew, yeah? A year ago or so, when I came back for a visit, saw Noelle and Nat, some of what they were going through. Just knew I had to move back and be closer to family."

"My mother's intuition is telling me that things are good, because she's getting out of the house and she's not acting....sullen." Maybel decided. She had a limit, after all, on what she was willing to share about her daughter's private life and knowing what Esme should be sharing. "I can only hope they continue to go well." Or else there might be a mother's wrath to face and no one really wanted to do that. "Even if you can't - I'm perfectly capable of inviting you to dinner myself. She'll get over it." There's a soft laugh and Maybel nodded, "Well, she did, very much. And of course, sometimes it's important to get some information from outside sources, isn't it?" The sound of foot steps could be heard within the house and Maybel moved to sit back in her chair, retrieving her book.

"Yes, when I told her Fred's latest diagnosis she insisted on coming back. I even tried to tell her to stay in Spokane but," Maybel shrugged her shoulders, "She wouldn't hear of it. She's always been a daddy's girl." There's another chuckle. "Family is the most important thing there is Yule. It's a good thing that you came back too. Always important to follow your instincts."

A few moments later the front door opened and Esme stepped out, cutting a glance to Maybel, who had already opened her book back up. "Sorry to keep you waiting." She offered to Yule with a smile. "I hope you weren't given the third degree too terribly." Esme is glad in a pair of nice dark jeans and a maroon sweater. Her hair is pinned up in a bun with a few tendrils escaping. She closed the door behind her and took the few steps over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I didn't grill him at all, dear. We had a nice conversation. You should let him stay for dinner." Comes Maybel's easy response, though her focus is on the book.

Esme gave a wry smile. "We'll see." Read: No. "Come on, let's get going before we get roped into making dinner." She laughed.

It's the word sullen that has one dark brow arching upwards in interest and intrigue, a note to follow up on later with the detective herself. Mischief creases his features as Maybel points out she can do the inviting herself, but whatever other thoughts Yule has is left to the wayside when Esme makes her appearance. "Been a pleasure, Maybel. I look forward to the home cooking, one of these nights." Perhaps not tonight, but the look he flashes the detective, all with feigned innocence? It speaks volumes as to an expectation that has been set. In he dips, pressing his cheek to that kiss, and then it is returned in kind before an arm wraps about hers, fingers threading together.

Down the steps they go, and as they approach the car, keys are fished out, the passenger side unlocked and opened, all to let her slip in before he closes it. Around he goes, and into the drivers seat, waiting until he's settled to flash her one of those faint but warm smiles. "It was a good conversation. Very enlightening, detective." Comes his first teasing thoughts, even as the key is slipped in, the ignition turned to start up the engine. "She has great taste in music."

One night, maybe. Very likely not tonight though. Esme gives Yule's hand a little squeeze as they descend the steps and arrive at his car. Once inside, she rubs her hands together a little to warm her fingers some more and gives him another smile in turn. "I'm glad it was good. Though I hate to think about all the terribly embarrassing things you likely now know about me. At least you were outside. Otherwise there definitely would have been baby pictures." Esme winced at the thought, shaking her head. She relaxed in the seat, watching her mother reading. "She does. She's got this old record player and I remember, when I was little, she and dad would put on records and we'd have little dance parties in the living room." There's a fond chuckle as her attention pulls back to Yule. "How's your day been?"

"What? You were a /baby/ at one point in time?" It's a brief, faux gasp of horror that comes from him, all before he leans over to give a gentle bump of his shoulder against her own. "We had a grand talk. About you, at times, even." His right hand grips the shifter, and away they go, coasting down oak street before a turn is taken, one that will head them further out of town rather than keep in it. "She said you used to sit inside and be sullen all the time," Right out and direct with it, but what else would she expect from the man. "That a prerequisite to knitting, or is there something in life that makes you unhappy?" A low breath comes as he soaks in those small tidbits she does give, and he murmurs, "I'd love a record player. Something that just makes it sound so much more authentic, yeah? Like they are there in the room with you. Sadly, the trailer just doesn't have enough room for one. And it was," A beat of a pause, head tipping back and fourth, "Overly exciting. You know how it goes, when the bodies just won't stay still."

Esme nudged him back with a laugh and then shook her head. Her brow raised to Yule in minor confusion at his comment and then gave an exasperated sigh. "I did not used to sit and side and be sullen all the time. I had a perfectly normal upbringing." Her attention turned towards the window. "She's probably taking about a few years ago. I took a month off of work and moved back here because I needed some space after a rough breakup." There's a light frown on her features as her attention turns to the window. Watching the scenery of Oak slide by. "That is when I took up knitting though, yes. It was a a better way to vent. To give me some peace of mind." The fingers of her left hand toyed idly with the sleeve of her right. "Not that she has any business even bringing such things up." Not quite touching on the 'something in life that makes you unhappy' part of the question.

"I haven't listened to records in a long time, but yeah. They always sound better." Esme finally looked back over to him, curious. "That's a weird way to put it." Though she also doesn't seek to press any further. "I got held up at work myself. Was nearly done with my shift and then I had to help process some people they brought in. So it set me back."

"That's quite a bit of time to move back here. Must have been really rough," Comes his own thought about it, not prying. Well, not exactly anyway. "Knitting as a way of venting is interesting, yeah? Not exactly like boxing. Or running. But I could see it being a way to help balance yourself. The calm focus that can be had in the repetition of the knit work, making something rather than destroying it." Up one shoulder lifts unabashedly, pulling no punches as Yule explains, "She didn't. Not exactly. All me. She said she had a way of knowing when her daughter was doing good or bad. So I asked her which one of the two had brought her out to sit on the porch and wait for me tonight."

"Isn't it just?" He offers up ever so vaguely, a touch of grim amusement in his voice, something more than just that typical touch of morbid humor he normally keeps about his work. "Yeah? Suppose processing is better than dead bodies. Speaking of which? That's what I dealt with today. Except this time, the mortician - Beth, she says she knows you, yeah? - found a few oddities in a body she was prepping for embalming. I went over to take a look. Pretty sure it isn't the accidental death she had been marked down as having, so sent her back to the morgue."

"I don't really like fighting." Esme admits, glossing over his initial comment. "I've got no qualms with defending myself, and I can hold my own just fine. I just don't really like it - and my mother knits and she wanted to get me out of my room so she eventually got me to sit in the living room with her while she knitted, and then got me trying it. I do like it, creating. Putting something together rather than tearing it down." She agreed. "Well, I think she likes you. Especially if she wants you over for dinner." Esme mused, shifting a bit in her seat and looking curious as he elaborates on his day. "Yeah, Beth and I were friends in school." Is confirmed, "What sort of oddities? Do you think there's a case? Or if it's tied to any of the current ones?"

It is a long moment of silence that comes from him, weighing those thoughts. Yes, there is a clear desire to tug and pull on those threads, but at first? It's an indirect route that he takes, an unraveling that doesn't seem to hold parallels to those more weight conversations. "Nah. Nothing tied into what we are working on. Vessels popped in the eyes, bruising that had just started to appear. My guess is some form of poisoning. But I'm not going to let you push us off to work, Esme." Nope. Not that he exactly dives in right for the throat, this time. The drive? There is nothing about speed in it, it's all for the cruising, heading into the outskirts of town upon one of the roads that will take them into the forest parks. "Mom's always like me. Dated someone in med school, yeah? Only boy her mom ever approved of... course, I asked her blessing to marry her daughter, too. Think that helped out."

It's only a heartbeat of silence, letting the detective soak in that admission and offering, "Helped her out when her daughter, my fiancee, died, too. She was killed in a robbery gone bad. I ended up going to identify her, so her mom didn't have to. It's when I knew I wanted to do my residency to become an M.E." Once it's all laid out there, those brown eyes cut across to her, watching for just a second before necessity means they go back to watch where he is driving. "Not to be all heavy so early on in our night, but. It helps to have some of those fears and past problems put out there. Let's us know it's real, solid. Cause you know how I am about casual." It's that final note added on for a touch of levity, to find some balance in that conversation.

But the conversation of work was so much better. Esme made a quiet little noise. "Well, you know what to do if we need to open up a case." Then she was listening to Yule talk about a past girlfriend. Her eyebrows went up when he brought up having been ready to marry this other woman. Of course the next question was What happened? but Yule had that covered. Elaborating. Her expression softened, hand reaching out to give his thigh a squeeze. "That's terrible Yule. I'm...sorry. That you had to go through that." Her voice was soft, sincere. She moved her hand back over to her lap, "I can see how an even like that would...spur on your decision to take the ME path."

There's a quirk of a smile on her lips when he semi-apologized for pulling out the heavy stops. Esme watched the town starting to give way towards more forest. There was a small stretch of silence before she finally spoke up. "I was with him, when I made detective. It was mostly casual - he was a cop too so things were busy for both of us. We had goals we wanted to strive for." She looked back over to Yule now. "But we'd been messing around for a year before I'd made detective, and I liked him a lot. A lot, a lot. So I took the initiative and asked if he wanted to be more permanent. And so we were. For another year. He'd been acting weird. Shady, but I thought it was because he was going to propose to me.."

Here Esme made a sort of scoffing noise. "Instead, I got stood up on an anniversary dinner and came home to a note under my apartment door that he was leaving. Not even a courtesy phone call or the courage to tell me to my face that he wanted to break it off or anything. Instead he just...left." Her focus was squarely out the window. "So. After that? I didn't want to get serious again."

"Yeah. It was. Still is, right? But," His head tips one way and then the other, weighing it all out. "Who knows what else would have happened. And after a long, long time? And seeing the families and their grief come through the morgue? I came to an understanding. Bad things happen. Wish they wouldn't. If it was my choice? It wouldn't have happened. But. That doesn't get rid of all the good things that led up to it. All the bright points." But that's all that he'll say on his own story, at least unprompted with more questions, lapsing into silence to listen to her own.

"That sucks." He murmurs, offering that gentle lean back her way, a sway to have their shoulders connect, if even only for a few moments as the city gives way to the trees. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the turns he makes or when he makes them, though it does lead them off the main highway. "Knowing how it ended, yeah? Would you still have gone through the good times? Everything that you loved about it?" The turns mean more shifting, the slowing and acceleration, working all the while as he considers it all. "So what was it, really then, that made you say yes to me? And don't tell me it's just cause you got bored of knitting all the time." A ghost of a smile comes at that, his eyes shifting briefly to watch her reaction to those questions.

Esme thought it over for a moment and then relented, "Probably. The only thing I would have changed was that I'd have been the one to end it. The day before. At least I'd have the courage to lay it all out for him." There's a shrug of her shoulders. "But I don't know if I really feel like the way it hurt was worth the good times." She studied Yule for a quiet moment, laying her hand lightly over his that was on the shifter. "Besides our amazing banter?" She teased a touch, "I just had an instinct. You're different than the other guys I'd been hanging around. If I look ahead, I can see myself with you. If things stay how they're going." Esme moved her hand from his if he'd allow it, mostly so he could more easily shift gears.

"...I don't want to dwell on the topic but...were you poly before your fiancee? Or is it something new?" A touch of curiosity. Being ready to get married and then being poly at the same time just didn't seem to click in her head.

That hand is taken as he finds a middle gear to leave it, and up it's drawn before she has a chance to take it away. "And, I didn't let you say no." It's all too coy a smile flashed her way, but it's covered up a heartbeat later as the back of that hand gets a kiss placed to it, drawn over to his side. A further tug comes, seeking to draw her closer to his side, at least for a bit given the stretch it takes to breech those two seats that are separate. "We can dwell, if you want. Fair enough to discuss it, yeah?"

His head shakes a touch at that, denying the fact. "It was just her and I. Came close a second time, too. Not to the point of engagement. Couple years in on the job. She was married to her work just like I was... and hers? Took her to London. I wanted to stay in NYC. It felt so /right/ being with her, but... issues, you know. Finding my way. After her? It took those dumpster fires of former girlfriends," Ahh yes, that reference from before a wry smile curling to the corners of his mouth, and there is a sincerity in it that some of them? Really were as bad as it sounds like. "To figure out what worked. Or what wasn't. I stopped putting out the expectation things needed to be exclusive. Which doesn't diminish what two people have. When I'm with you? My time and focus is fully dedicated to you. And while sex is great,"

His chin tucks down, flashing her a look that yes, it was indeed quite enjoyed. "That's not what it's about. It's that connection. The chemistry, the bond. It made it so much easier to... focus on that, when I didn't worry about needing to know if it was The One, if everything had to work out just perfectly, and end in a glorious wedding with three kids."

Esme shifted closer, as close as could be possible with the way the seats were. Her shoulder leaned into his as she listened to him elaborate on his love life. "It sounds freeing. In a way. Not being so focused on finding 'The One', or that it has to be something traditional. Just focusing on the people themselves instead." Her head tilted to rest against his lightly. "Maybe that's another thing that attracted me to you. How your focus is primarily on feeling a person out. Getting to know them. That's how I knew this was going to be different. When you didn't even see me topless until a couple weeks in." She chuckled, finally sitting up a little to get more comfortable.

"I still don't know how I feel about it. I mean. I'm comfortable enough with the idea to at least try. Or else we wouldn't be here right now. I don't know what I want or if I really even want anything but," Esme smiled a touch. "I know I'm going to try your approach. Just enjoy things as they come and see what happens." her attention drifted back to the trees. Most of them with obvious lost leaves and other just barely hanging on. "You know how most people love the leaves changing color? I like it best when the trees are all bare. Because it means there's new beginnings on the horizon. Kind of a reminder that everything is a cycle and when one things ends, another thing begins. You know?"

It's that lean closer that has his head turning, offering a kiss against the top of her head before a turn necessitates him putting his focus on driving for a few seconds. The road is narrower, one of those off branches through the park, "I don't like wasting my time. If a person isn't interesting, wants to play games, can't be just as direct with me in letting me know what they want," That? Gets a small rumbling chuckle, a flicker of a smile, "I knew. I /was/ going to bait you about dinner, that night. But I didn't even have to. You jumped right on it before I could. Loved that about you."

It's those mentions of the trees that has his own eyes scanning them, considering, a twist of a smile curling to his features as he considers. "Yeah? Careful, Esme. You might start sounding like an optimist. Things better off on the horizon, looking up. Course, from what your mom said about your response to a certain package that arrived," It's slipped in ever so easily, that casual tone not seeing to draw more attention to it than needed, "maybe you have reason to be feeling up beat, yeah?" Slower the car goes, until he pulls off to the side at an overlook, a spot that gives a rather picturesque view as the sun begins to dip towards the trees with their barren branches, only a few stubborn leaves clinging on.

"Well, when you want to talk more about it? We can talk more about it. And there is only thing you are /required/ to want in this whole thing, you know?" A beat of a pause as one corner of his mouth tucks upwards, the car shifted into idle to make it easier for him to twist a touch in his seat to better face her. "That's me, for the record, in case you didn't figure it out on your own, detective."

"Just following my instincts." Esme gave him a grin. "Though, I am curious as to how you were going to bait me into dinner." She turns in her seat a little more as they drive. There's a bit of pink on her cheeks. "Oh god, what did she say??" Eyes widened for a moment. Her attention momentarily distracted by the overlook view, a smile settled on her lips as she took it in and inhaled slowly. "I did enjoy it though. The gift. Very much." She looks back over towards Yule once the car was parked. She reached a hand out to caress against his cheek before leaning in to give him a full, proper kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, they were a perfect gift. I started reading the book, and I'm rather enjoying it." Esme pulled back just a little, her smile broadening some. "And I certainly do want you. So I don't think we'll have any issues in that department." Her fingers brushed against his scruff again. "I'm going to have to get you a present now. And I already have a few ideas."

"Ask pointed questions about why you are going out to eat alone and telling me about it," Comes Yule's response about just how he'd have done it, an all too knowing smile curling on those features. It's a brief distraction that turns deeper as he leans back into that kiss, offering a light nip against her lower lip when she moves to break it, and the warmth of his breath is felt as a chuckle as he murmurs, "Why, just that you were going around like a wide eyed teenager. Something to that effect, you know." His eyes twinkle with mischief, a low breath pushed out as he watches her speak of that particular present.

"Glad you liked it. Did a bit of looking around, and it seemed like it would be right up your alley. And for the record? That wasn't your Christmas gift. Just one for being you." Up his own hand comes, fingers twining into her hair to keep her nestled close, a thumb brushing over her cheek even as his own head leaned into her touch, one dark brow arching upwards, "That right? Not even a little clue as to what to expect?"

"Then I am very glad I beat you to the punch." Esme leaned her forehead against his own, blushing a little more. "Of course she did." She breathed out, a sparkle of amusement in her eyes. "It was among the best presents I've gotten. So I may or may not have been a wooed. Especially when I laid eyes on those knitting needles." Esme brushed her lips against his cheek gently. "Oh no, are you going to just show up with a stack of presents at the door or something? I might need to up my game."

Esme gave him a devilish grin. "Not a clue. Let's get out. A little drizzle never hurt anyone and I want to be sappy and snuggle up to you while we watch the rest of the sun setting." Starting to gently pull back again so she could get out of her side of the car.

It's those last words that have him cutting the engine, putting the car into first gear and the parking break on as he offers up an arched brow. "Yeah? I have a high bar of expectation for sappy these days. You better bring your A game." It's a light nuzzle, a brush of his cheek to hers before Yule slips back as well, opening the door to get out and cross around the car and to her side. Out his hand comes, fingers reaching out to grab her hand and twine fingers together, before it's the first thoughts that come from him. "I favor quality over quantity. Might only be one present. Might be three. But I will have a very specific plan behind them, I guarantee you." Comes his only word of warning, a flash of a smile given her way before he gives a gentle tug, leading them off to the edge of that overlook for a better view.

"I'll do my best." Esme promised, taking his hand when he came around and stepping out of the car. "I feel like you always have a plan but, I've liked them so far." She lets him lead over closer towards the edge of the overlook. Once they're in the nearly ideal spot, Esme slips her hand from his and wraps him up in a cozy hug. Her head settled comfortable against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I have to ask then," Gaze settled on the slowly sinking sun. "What's the sappiest thing you've ever done? Or had done to you?"

"I do. What can I say, I like to be in control," It's a devious little flash cast her way, a look of mischief deep set in those features. His hands wrap about her to cozy up as she leans in, one hand lifting to stroke through her hair as he murmurs, "Of course, the best planners? Know they are just guidelines, yeah? The unexpected twists are the best." A low 'mmm' comes in thought as he considers that, tongue dipping out to consider that thought before he counters first with a question, "Tell me what /sappy/ means to you first. Is it the romance of the action? Or that it touches your heart, in some way? And do you mean with someone I've been in a relationship with, or in general?" Yes, these are all important qualifiers, at least as far as the examiner is concerned.

Esme's smirk twitched at his comment about being in control. "I think that is the least shocking thing you've ever told me Duchannes." She murmured, nuzzling against his neck just a little. "One of these days, you'll really have to show me." The words a teased whisper against his ear before she settled against his chest again. "I'm eager to see what you have in store then." Is the regular-voice comment. "Hmm...Well. Something really, really sweet and romantic. Something they might put in a romance novel or movie." Her head tilted to look up at him. "Just in general. It doesn't have to be with someone you've been in a relationship with. It could be something really sentimental too."

"Then you'll just have to bring your handcuffs over with you next time, Detective Wilkinson," comes Yule's tease back, letting his beard scrape gently against her cheek. His gaze flickers off through the barren trees for a long moment while he thinks, listening to those ideas she tosses out, thoughts upon the matter before he murmurs, "I won't say it is the sappiest. There are certain things that are personal to me, but without the stories behind them? Not quite as sappy sounding. So," Yes, she'll still get an example, regardless, and one that fits in for this time of the year. "During the holidays? I worked with some of the hospitals in NYC. Gather up toys, and books, and I'd arrange for a few favors to be pulled in. All to head into the children's wings in the hospitals. I do other work with them throughout the year, but. Seems the least I can do, yeah?"

Esme grinned up at him as he gave his answer. "Well one day we'll have to have story time." She mused, giving him an affectionate squeeze. "I think that's super sweet and amazing. I'm sure those kids definitely appreciated it. More than appreciated even. That is one thing that really gets me. Seeing kids light up when they get a present. Especially on Christmas. We'd have a donation box too at the Department for a toy drive and a couple times I was one of the volunteers to go and deliver the toys. It really is heartwarming. We'd go to the hospital and the women's shelter, and the orphanage." Esme nodded. "Kids are cute. You ever thought about having any?" Mostly just curious.

A warm bit of laughter comes from him, Yule offering a squeeze back, and then his fingers thread about her hair, tipping Esme's chin upwards so he can lean in and steal away a slow, simmering kiss that ends with a succulent little noise. A low rumble comes from him, a noise of pleasure and content as he murmurs. "Yeah? That sounds wonderful. I made certain to grab a few of the donations at the angel tree at the thanksgiving day volunteering we did." It's a peering look down at her for that last question, one brow ticking upwards, but it gets an answer, like every direct question before it. "Yeah. Used to. Love family. But the years go on, married to the job, never got married. Getting to the point now? Where it seems a bit too late to be thinking about it. Suppose it's why I do more volunteer work than I used to, each year a bit more. Helps to scratch that particular itch. And you?"

Esme leaned into that simmering kiss, returning it easily with just an extra bit of passion behind it. "Mm..it was rather wonderful." She agreed, body relaxing into his a little more. "Maybe, if there isn't already something going on to get into, we could do a little thing of our own. Distribute some toys to the children's wing or something." She suggested, making a thoughtful noise as he gave his answer about children. "I don't know. I mean, I love kids but I'm kind of in your spot on that. My job is everything to me and there comes a certain point any how where like...birthing a kid is even riskier than it normally would be." There a slight shrug of her shoulders. "And there's already so many kids out there who have been abandoned and need homes.I think I'd rather adopt." There's a beat of pause. "But it's a long process to even get approved for adoption from what I've heard."

"Adoption is the best. Worth it. Best kids. I should know," A twitch of a smile comes from Yule as his eyes glance down towards her, head tipping as he murmurs, "I'm adopted, after all. See?" But those words fade into something a touch more serious and intriguing, "Seems interesting. For someone who wants to avoid anything serious in a relationship, job focused, to have given such thought and contemplation about adoption." His head dips into a small nod as fingers pull a few of those stray strands that have escaped her bun, tucking them behind her ear. "Yeah. I'm certainly doing something this year for them in the Addington Hopsital. I'll make sure to let you know what, if you are interested."

Esme studied Yule for a beat, brow raised. "You are? Well, I'd say you turned out pretty alright." She agreed, lips brushing against his cheek. "Well, I love family. I'm an only child, so essentially...I'm the end of the line you know? It's something that's always lingered and, I figured, either the right person would come along...or I don't need to be married to adopt a kid. My parents were hard workers. Busy. Mom was a CNA, dad was a Paramedic. But they always made time for me. I'd love to be able to help build great memories for a kid the way they did for me." Esme lowered her gaze again so she could nestle her head in the crook of his neck. "Of course, definitely let me know. I'd love to give you a hand."

"So what's stopped you from adopting? Cause the whole thing about the time it takes? Really sorta sounds like a shit excuse. Even more reason to have already started." Not that it stops him from nestling her in tighter in those few moments, a touch of amusement creasing his face as a kiss is placed upon the tip of her closest ear, a low 'mmph' coming from him as he considers it all, before letting the flow of conversation turn towards the surroundings. "So you do a lot of drives to nowhere too, yeah? How often is it you come out here just to be by yourself? Imagine at some point, being with others, even family, gets a touch claustrophobic."

"Figured it was better to be settled first on some level. Don't want to throw a kid into chaos." Esme shrugged. "But...now that I'm here. Back home. I'm pretty sure I'm staying. And I'll be in my own place soon. So I was thinking about getting the process started." Esme countered lightly, a little shiver running through her at the kiss to her ear. "Well, depends on the work load, but I try to get out at least once a week. Somewhere secluded, pretty views, easy breathing. Recharge a bit. Sometimes in the nicer weather I won't actually go anywhere. I'll just lay on the roof of my car and watch the stars."

Down Yule's head leans, letting his beard brush against her cheek, before a soft nip is given against the back of her jaw. The warmth of his breath is felt as a low chuckle comes in humor, twisting just enough to be able to see his own car. "Don't think we can manage that with mine. But? Sounds like a lovely way to spend the evening. I enjoy the process of driving itself. It's how I clear my head, yeah?" Back he leans, just enough to be able to watch the detective, one dark brow arching upwards in interest. "Your mother didn't tell me when I had to have you home by," Comes the first murmured thought from the M.E., eyes glittering with faint amusement. Down from her hair that hand comes, scritching gently along her back, "So how late can you be out, tonight?"

Esme looked over towards his car as well and grinned a bit. "No, I don't believe we could. We'll have to take my car out some time and give it a whirl, on a clearer night." The brunette suggested, dark eyes studying him in the fading light as he leaned back. A smirk twitched on her lips. "I can be out as late as I'd like. I never was good at following a curfew." She shifted, leaning into the scritching just a bit. "But, I do have work tomorrow. So probably by midnight at the latest." Esme relented. "Silly adult responsibilities."

In Yule leans once more, letting his mouth nestle against her ear, voice dropping to a soft, teasing whisper. "A pity. You really should start keeping an overnight bag. Just in case, you know? For emergencies." Only then does he seek to adjust her, to turn her around and nestle Esme's back to his chest, arms draping around her so they can watch the last rays of the sunset glimmer through the mostly bare trees. "Three days, by the way. For New Years. Well, likely two and a half, but. We are going to Portland for it."

A little shiver runs up her spine, accompanied with a soft chuckle. "Mm...probably. Might not be the worst idea. For emergencies." She murmured in agreement. Once she's turned around, she relaxes into him, eyes on the glimmery rays of sunlight against the brilliant red and purple sky. "Three days? So," She pauses to do a little bit of date calculating. "The 31st, 1st, and 2nd? Or 30th, 31st, and 1st?" She asked, heading tilting ever so slightly to glance up at him.

"It's the best idea," Yule offers up with confidence about this particular idea, but he instead lets that conversation be redirected towards the future plans, watching as she starts to puzzle through it all. "30th, 31st, and 1st." He states without a beat of hesitation, already having filed it all away. "We will leave the 30th for Portland, come back the 1st. I'm sure work can let us both go for that long. Probably." There is a touch of uncertainty there, before his head tips down when she glances up, all to steal away a slow kiss, arms giving a larger squeeze against her momentarily. "All right. We going to stand out here in the dark and see how long it takes for a cop to pull over and question us, or you ready to get back in?"

"That sounds perfect. And I'm sure we can make it work. I'll put in the request tomorrow." Esme would also raise hell with the HR department if they didn't agree to it! The kiss is returned with a bit of underlying heat, relaxing into him further. "Mm...if it wasn't drizzly...I'd be all for it. But I don't want us getting sick before our getaway." She glances over towards his car. Mischief dancing in her eyes when she looks back up at him. "I'm sure we could still see how long it takes for a cop to question us from within the car." Teasing lightly as she starts to turn back to face him, capturing him in another quick kiss, nipping at his lip gently.

A hand lifts to cup against her cheek, fingers twining in to hold a few strands of her hair as one finger tucks behind her jaw to pull her in closer to deepen that kiss in a lingering hold for a long moment, nose nuzzling back against her own for the nip she gives. "Why, Wilkenson, I'm beginning to think you might be a bit of an exhibitionist, between this suggestion and your interrogation over how much is too much for PDAs." His other hand lowers, giving a playful squeeze against the curve of her backside, keeping wrapped around there as he turns to start walking her back to the car. "Wonder what else you've become intrigued about from those Daniel Steele novels that are just laying around your house."

A pleased little noise escapes Esme as their lips part. "I just might be." The detective mused, keeping one arm around Yule's torso for the short walk back to the car. "Nothing wrong with wanting to get adventurous now and again, hmm?" There's that devilish little look again. "Guess we'll just have to see if I bring the handcuffs to your place next." Teasing, partially. She gave him another little squeeze. "Let me know your favorite home cooked meal. I'll pass it on to mom and we'll set a date for you to come over for dinner."

"I will," Comes Yule's promise, a side long glance given to her at this, "If your sure, yeah? When you are ready for it." The door is opened so she can slide in, and then around Yule goes to his side. Once within, the keys? Don't make an appearance for quite some time. Eventually - and without the prompting of any wayward poor officer having to deal with them - the pair make their way back to Gray Harbor, dropping the detective off well past dinner time.


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