2019-12-09 - Rained In

Strangers share cover under a gazebo.

IC Date: 2019-12-09

OOC Date: 2019-08-21

Location: Addington Park

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3150


Ginger joins place A Convenient Gazebo.

Cassidy joins place Convenient Gazebo.

The rain has taken Ginger by surprise - you might wonder why, it's the PNW - but still, it has. A race to the convenient gazebo means that she only had a chance to have damp instead of wet hair, and so now she sits, looking out with some concern at the falling rainstorm and thunder, her chin tucked into the upturned corners of her coat, hands in the pockets of her Mackintosh coat against the wind. What's visible of her outfit shows dark slacks, leather boots with a modest heel, and a simple pearl on a close necklace, along with the ever present wedding ring. One of her legs is restless, and her eyes seem to always be dragged back from her attempts to glance around and back to the somewhat dusty interior of the gazebo, with its stray branches and occasional rustic cobweb.

Light gray wool isn't exactly the best for being in the rain. Especially not when it's slim and tailored to fit Cassidy perfectly as it is. Neither is the white shirt under her blazer a great candidate for rain. So the DA finds herself trapped under this gazebo completely. Nowhere to go, nothing to do, but light a cigarette and wait it out.

"Should have checked the weather report."

The appearance of another person seems to snap Ginger out of her agitation, looking towards Cassidy and offering a small smile. "It really came along all of a sudden, didn't it? The skies were cloudy, but the rain was very sudden." One can almost hear the dollar signs and private schooling in her soft voice, the accent Moneyed American. "I thought the raincoat would be enough, but I should have brought an umbrella as well." A slightly nervous smile, green eyes going to the cigarette and back again. No request for her.

Cassidy blows out a quick stream of smoke and holds up her cigarette to give a quick look of disgust before taking another drag. Aside from the nasty habit, Cassidy also has a moneyed air, but of the more brutish 'steps on people to get what she wants' kind. She's also 'too good' for this place.

"I just hope it passes soon." She turns the bottom of her wrist to her line of sight to read the time on a small wrist watch. "Or not. I suppose it doesn't matter now."

Gray Harbor does get all kinds. And with her unhealthily pale skin, maybe Ginger IS a native! No, probably not. She proves it by asking, once she tucks her hair behind an ear, "Does the rain always come that suddenly? I'd heard that the Pacific Northwest had Irish weather, but I thought it was an exaggeration." The uncertain smile hints that she might be trying a joke and seeing how it goes. Her brow furrows in concern, "Are you late for something?" Yes, very concerned! Sympathy floods Ginger's eyes.

"Yeah. It's always raining." Cassidy pushes back her hair and shakes it out lightly. "Not a great place if you enjoy the sun."

The blonde looks around for a place to sit and settles for the bench. You know? The bench that is always of course beneath these large park gazebos. "Not late, no. Things are winding down at the office. I'll probably just head home once this passes."

There are two such benches! Or four. Either way, Ginger is already seated in one, her slim hands leaving her pockets and settling one atop the other on her knees, the pointer fingernail lightly tapping its match on the other hand. "London's like that a lot. Not as bad as some people say, though. Just cloudy all the time." Whatever her accent is, it's definitely not fully british, or even british recovery. Maybe converses with Britain once a week and twice on holidays. "You work nearby?" Curiosity, and also an uncomfortable desire to not sit in silence compels Ginger to ask. "Sorry, I don't mean to interrogate. I'm curious."

"I work for the county. I'm an Assistant DA." Cassidy shrugs as she takes another drag of menthol. "You might have seen me on tv.. Cassidy. Cassidy Bennet." She switchs the cigarette to her left hand and holds out the right.

"Sorry." Ginger ducks her head, a spot of color actually touching her cheeks. "I don't really watch too much TV. Except maybe baking shows." She even sounds apologetic. "Ginger..." There is a slight hesitation, before she decides on, "Johansson." For the moment.

Cassidy 's head is at a slight tilt. Ginger indeed... She presses together her lips and shrugs. "Well. Hi, Ginger. Do you want a cigarette?" She digs into her purse and points a pack of Kools her way. "What do you do?"

"Oh, no thank you," Ginger says, shaking her head emphatically at the offer, "I don't smoke. Too many habits already." A little smile as she says the last, more of a joke to amuse herself. But at the question of what she does, she does straighten slightly, offering a smile towards Cassidy, "I'm an industry organizer and efficiency consultant. Not quite an industrial engineer, yet, but it's on my todo list. I make organizations more effective. It's fascinating stuff."

"Maybe it'd help you get rid of some of those." Cassidy says with a laugh. She withdraws the pack and tucks it back into her purse. "So you design, like, production lines and stuff?"

Stefhan had discovered many things in the city, one of them being the park, but it appears as if he came at a bit of the wrong time. At least wrong where the weather is concerned and he finds himself a bit lost in the rain and what's even worse is he doesn't seem to have an umbrella. Surely he's not too daft and seeking shelter from the storm, he notices the gazebo and a few people there. At a rather fast pace, he go there in an effort to simply get out of the rain if nothing else. Trying to speak in a polite manner, he nods to the two and says, "Excuse me ladies, I hope I am not interupting anything." The tone of his voice a bit formal, for now anyway. Keeping away from the storm itself, he begins to brush a few waterdroplets off his sleeves before they soak in. Most of them, to his dismay, already have which leaves his clothing wetter than he would prefer.

"Sometimes. Usually a business is already in place and it's my job to find ways for them to meet some goal. Sometimes it's faster production, or reduced turnover without price fixes, or any number of things. It's a bit of HR, a bit of production design, a bit of common sense and outsider's perspective." Her smile hasn't faded, and a bit of tenseness that was always there seems to fade slightly.

No, wait, there's someone new in the gazebo, and on instinct Ginger rises from her seat. "No, no. We're both caught in the rain ourselves." Her hair is only damp, however, so she made it here much sooner, and her soft voice and intonation contains a wealth of dollar signs and private schooling.

"So you really need to get along with people and shit." Cassidy concludes about Ginger's job. She turns her attention to the man seeking shelter and doesn't object. She looks back to Ginger and as she bends down to smash the cigarette against the ground she decides, "We should be friends. What's your number?" And like a flash her cell phone is in position. Thumbs waiting. Eyes resting easily on Ginger.

Stefhan studies Ginger for a moment and notes her etiquette. When she rises to her feet though he briefly holds up a hand. "Please." he says, "No need to rise on my account." But, noting just 'why' she rose and her demeanor, he can't help but crack a smile a moment. After a second or two, the smile fades. "Your kindness is well noted though, I thank you." At the mention of the two ladies being friends, he likewise doesn't seem to make a move to be intrusive. But he does comment a bit off handed, "Lovely area, no matter what the rumors say, especially when it does not rain."

Ginger offers a somewhat awkward smile as she seats herself again-- looking to Cassidy and hesitantly objecting, "Well, no, it's not quite--" And then there's an offer to be friends and her eyes widen and she looks momentarily flustered, before she pulls out her cell phone, "I-- I suppose that's all right? One moment, this is a new phone--" A moment before she finds it, then rattles off the numbers, before turning to look towards Stefhan with a vaguely apologetic look. His comment does mean Ginger looks around beyond the gazebo, "What do the rumors say? I've only just arrived yeseterday."

Cassidy punches in the number and shoots off a text to exchange hers. She tosses the phone back into her purse and out come the cigarettes. She lights another.

Blue eyes pointed Stefhan's direction, Cassidy takes a drag and then slowly exhales some smoke. Her wrist rests on her knee. "What do you do?"

Stefhan watches Ginger appear a little hesitant but again he doesn't say anything. He does study her for a brief moment before looks toward Cassidy, "I am one of those, computer geeks one could say." though he doesn't look like it. If anything, he looks a bit dressed for business as compared to most people who come into the park, "I am setting up my internet business called The Hub in this city. Plans are still underway but anything related to computers, computer repair, or setting up and fixing networks, that is what I do." In further response to the question he offers Cassidy a business card, "And you Miss?" he asks in turn, "What do you do?"

Cassidy accepts the business card and reads it silently. She drops it into her bag and searches around to pull one out of her own, which she extends to Stefhan with two fingers. It has the great seal of Washington State on it, introducing Cassidy Bennet as an Assistant District Attorney for Grays Harbor County.

Ginger prods at her phone - not awkwardness with the phone per se, but this is a new phone, after all. Perhaps not set up as she's used to. A bit of time, however, and she looks up and sends Cassidy a smile. No response otherwise as she saves the contact. She otherwise remains quiet for a time, watching the exchange between Cassidy and Stefhan, head lowered a bit.

Stefhan takes the business card and reads it, "Public Service." he says, "Impressive. I imagine that is a demanding job, yet when people are called to a certain field, it's not just a job it's a lifestyle. I didn't study law very much so." he pockets the card and says, "I imagine your knowledge is in demand. People underestimate lawyers. They spend much time studying and getting a good grasp of the art of argumentation that they don't get the credit and respect they deserve. For what it's worth, I'm impressed." Then he pauses as he realizes he might have overlooked Ginger's question, "I, apologize. I am a bit new to the town myself but apparently some rumors spoke of how the Addingtons were murdered here. Hard to imagine something so atrocious would happen in a peaceful place like this. At least peaceful when the rain stops."

Somewhere around 'I imagine...' Cassidy turned her visual attention away from Stefhan and looked our toward the park while taking another drag from her cigarette. When he's done talking about her career choice she says, "something like that" in a sort of perfunctory manner. Her eyes cast down after that, probably looking for where the bodies fell.

Stefhan smiles a little as well, but when little else is said on the matter, he looks back out at the park itself. "Hopefully, the rain will let up soon. Though it's hardly the end of the world itself."

As the rain lets up and the clouds give way, Cassidy stands. She straightens her blazer and tosses back her hair. "Well. Bye." and she walks away. "I'll call you soon, Ginger. We'll get a coffee or go shopping or something." She doesn't wait for a response.

Stefhan waves to the woman as she goes to leave. He doesn't say much else. Nothing else need to said it seems. Out of curiousity though, he peers at his watch, as if to casually check the time himself.

Ginger seems perfectly okay to sit quietly on her bench once again, but at the sound of her name she looks up, somewhat startled, and then cranes her head to watch the departing Cassidy and give an awkward, uncertain little wave. "Um. Bye?" It's really more query than strong farewell, and she winces at her own tone after, dropping her hand back into her lap. As Cassidy gets out of earshot, Ginger murmurs, "I... am not quite sure what just happened."

Stefhan looks back over at the woman and says, "I, cannot say." he comments as he addresses her, "But, apparently, the confident and abrupt attorney just seemed to demand that she make friends with you, which isn't a bad thing, assuming her friendship is sincere. I do not know. I am rather new to this city myself so I cannot say who is of ethical standing and who is not. As long as the worst we have to worry about is the rain, well, likely nothing to concern yourself with good lady."

Still somewhat baffled, with a small wrinkle of concern between her brows, Ginger glances towards the retreating Cassidy once again, then skyward towards the lightening sky, then towards Stefhan with an uncertain smile. "She was very pointed, wasn't she? But if she was annoyed with the rain, it's understandable." Ginger sounds more like she's reassuring herself, than anyone else. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. But you work with computers, you said."

Stefhan looks over in the direction where Cassidy left and makes another observation, "I don't think she meant any harm though." Then he looks over at Ginger and offers a hand, "Yes, I do. I am working on getting my business setup here. Stefhan Rosenberg." the introduction official, "I do computer repair, networking, boring things of the like. I guess it's not a bad move with the family money. Hopefully, it does well here."

The hand is glanced at, briefly, but then accepted and shaken with a smile that is only slightly forced. "Ginger Johansson-Lovage." Another hesitation, "I'm visiting family in the area." She offers by way of her own explanation. She takes her hand back quickly after the shake, surreptitiously attempting tapping her thigh with her fingers afterwards, "I didn't get the feeling that the town had-- any particular interest in the technological fields, but perhaps your business will be just what everyone is looking for." An optimistic statement with an uncertain smile, green eyes looking down soon after. "But then, I've only driven and heard what my sister looked up about the place."

The heavy thunderstorm is passing and the rain is currently a lightening, but Stefhan and Ginger are still taking shelter beneath the gazebo.

Stefhan stands up straight after taking his hand back and continues to have a casual hat with Ginger, "A pleasure to meet you then Mrs. Johansson-Lovage. Sadly, business is not without risk. Fortunately, I can afford to take at least some. We shall see how it all goes. It appears to be a cozy town so far, some of the locals appear to be a bit awkward I imagine but, I can't say one way or another. I don't really know anyone just yet."

Bean is walking with an umbrella and a dog on a leash, this dog is pretty ugly mostly hairless with tufts of fur on its feet, tip of tail and a bit of tuft on its head it prances not unlike a pony - its hair, what it has dose flow on the wind.

The smile she manages to bring on falters a bit, and there's a faint shadow to her eyes-- briefly, before she musters up a defense and forces some structure into the smile, "Ginger's fine, really." The hand tapping her thigh is now doing it in patterns, like a beat to a song, groups of three. "I hope it goes well for you." And that part is sincere.

The red hair and-- four legged creature of questionable ancestry-- catches her attention at the corner of her eye, and she turns more fully-- staring. "That must be a rescue of some kind." She says, voice faint and mild.

Stefhan bows his head politely and says, "I thank you, good lady. We shall see, we shall see." At the mention of someone having a rescue dog he looks off and sees Bean. "Dedicated dogwalker." he comments, "I have no pets but I wouldn't walk one in the rain if I did." He does offer a wave in Bean's direction though while staying under the gazebo with Ginger.

Bean sees a wave, and slowly her and the dog come over that way, the dog pounces in some water and its hair goes from flowy to flat in a moment of seconds, "ohh trixie, really?" she asks the dog as she now has a very wet leg to go along with the new style. They manage to approach the Gazebo, and her eyes look from one to the other as she offers a "Hello" in clearly a yankee accent

Ginger's voice is also American, and something amount the enunciation and tone just bursts with private schools and a smooth childhood. Maybe there was even a yacht involved, but maybe not. Her eyes are glued with reluctant curiosity on the creature. "Ahh., um. No, it's..." Ginger flounders a moment, and her fingers stop drumming, instead her hands clasping themselves in front of her. "Sorry. I--" She looks from the dog to Bean, then to Stefhan, trying to find the correct words, the fingers drumming against her thigh suddenly rising up as she gives a clap that almost seems to startle herself. It at least makes her jump. "Sorry!" She says after, her expression... embarrassed. I-- I've just realized. I should really go find my cousin. We've-- plans." And with an apologetic smile, she stuffs her hands into her coat pockets, "Lovely meeting you both." She says, as she hastens to go.

Stefhan bows his head politely to return a greeting. "Hello" he tells Bean, "Quite the friend you have there." With a slight wave to Ginger he says, "Nothing to be sorry for. I hope your visit with your cousin goes well. Nice meeting you as well Ginger." He gestures to one of the benches in the gazebo and tells the newcomer, "It's a bit more dry in here and, apparently, has become a bit of a good gathering place in the park. Though, I'm a little new here to judge."

Bean nods her head "This is Trixie, shes a Chinese Crested hairless... Shes on the mend so needed her walk today." a pause "we could sit for a little bit." she says quietly as she watches ginger depart, she moves inside with her small dog. The woman moves to dry the creature off before it gets too cold.

Stefhan tilts his head to the side and watches the dog. "Hairless." he enquires as he watches, "Does she, get cold?" Maybe he's not seen a hairless dog before, at least of this variety. "The park seems to be a little bit calmer than other areas of the city, if you don't let the rumors get to you that is."

Bean looks across the park, "rumors?" she asks before she then nods "oh yes and sunburned as well.. have to put them in clothes or rub them in a dog friendly sunscreen." she shrugs "I find them amazing." she leans down to coo at the dog "arent you amazing?"

Stefhan chuckles a little and comments, "She shouldn't argue but yes, apparently members of the Addington family were killed here. Not that I've met many of them but, horrible thing to happen. Simple picnic I think. I can't really verify if it's true or not but, tall tales are tall tales. What a way to go though."

Bean frowns and she nods her head as she dries the dog, she puts the dirty in a small bag, she seems well prepared. "A whole family? how horrible .. I am new here.." she says quietly

Stefhan shrugs and remarks, "I do not necessarily think it was the entire family, but enough of them. I've heard that the Addingtons are alive and well in the city and have quite the influence. As I mentioned, it's just a rumor. I am new here as well."

Bean smiles, "oh are you?" she asks "What brought you here then?" she wonders as she holds the dog close enough it sneaks licks off her nose when it is able.

Stefhan comments, "Really a desire to take a bit of a break from the larger cities and my family's influence. Figured a small town would be a nice change of pace, and it could provide some new business opportunities and all. Nothing too fancy I'm afraid."

Stefhan comments, "Really a desire to take a bit of a break from the larger cities and my family's influence. Figured a small town would be a nice change of pace, and it could provide some new business opportunities and all. Nothing too fancy I'm afraid."

Stefhan comments, "Really a desire to take a bit of a break from the larger cities and my family's influence. Figured a small town would be a nice change of pace, and it could provide some new business opportunities and all. Nothing too fancy I'm afraid." (re)


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