2020-01-29 - Baby's First Nightmare

Bean tells Everett about her nightmare

IC Date: 2020-01-29

OOC Date: 2019-09-24

Location: A-Frame 09

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3761


Somewhere between the morning and the evening when Everett returns Bean had an episode... she texted him as she was on her way home from work "super freaked out, not sure where I am...oh...I see, I think I am almost home"

He's been spending most of his time, his free time, at her place. So it's a good thing about that open door policy. When he's not on one of those trips to Canada, or watching his store. Or wandering around Gray Harbor late at night, more than a little drunk, he can be found here. Especially after the attack on the counter. Especially after they devoted themselves to each other, without using labels.

(TXT to Bean) Everett : do you want me to draw you a bath or have some wine out or something?

(TXT to Bean) Everett : yeah babe. ... i'm on the sofa; at your place, playing with uh. my phone. why?

(TXT to Bean) Everett : man all this talking and no lovin', you're going to give a guy a complex. whatcha want for dinner tonight? is it my turn to burn something?

(TXT to Bean) Everett : ok, baby, i'll have some hot cocoa here for you whe you get home. sheesh, whatever happened, musta been bad.

(TXT to Everett) Bean : It was, you died, and dissapeared

It takes her about 15 minutes from the last text before she shows up, and she opens the door with a slam. "Are you really /here/?" she wonders looking around wildly

There isn't another reply from Everett, but when she gets home, the home smells of hot chocolate, and he's there. In the kitchen, wearing pants only, the button open. In both his beefy hands a single mug, and another ahead of him next to the kettle that's still steaming.

With the door opening, he smiles profusely, pulling the mug from his lips caught in mid-sip of horrible carbs. "Hey, babe. What's all the excitement about?" His smile fades quickly when he sees her expression. "Are you ok?"

Bean is flushed, shes been crying for about an hour. Her eyes are puffy and her hair is flat with sweat.. she takes a breath of the coco but its only when she has his arms around her that .... well it happens all over, crying. "Your here." she nuzzles him hyperventilating.

Putting the mug down, Everett opens his arms to accept his little Bean into a warm, tight embrace. His bare skin warming her from the winter's chill just past her front door. His large right hand smooth up and down her back as he soothes, and tsks twice. "Aww, Babydoll. Of course I'm here. I didn't leave when you left for work. Did you think I would be gone or something?"

Bean says, "I... dont know, someone said it was a terrible dream but, I felt it, I walked through the accident, you were involved in a drag racing accident there was lots and lots of blood." she murmers "and tar and...." she shivers sniffling"

His big hand reaches up and pets her red hair, all the way down, past her shoulders with long, soft strokes. "Aww. Poor baby. It wasn't tar; it was hot lava fudge," he says matter-of-factly while still petting reassuringly. "And I didn't so much as crash as I just took on to many road difficulties. And that DJ and her gingerbread cult. Man," his head lifts up, and shakes with mild disbelief while he chuckles softly. Then he looks down and frowns, "But that was a candyland dream I had. Have had two of them. But no real crashes so far. Who told you about that?"

Bean shakes her head "I saw your name, saw your name on the clipboard at the hospital Ev... I saw it but you werent in the room.... I ... there were all these machines and ... I think Finch was there, she was looking for ... someone.... and August.... he helped me... escape... he said it was just a dream but... I don't know it was all so..... real.

Everett's head tilts back, and a soft sound of understanding escapes his lips. "Aaahh. Poor baby. Ok." He takes her hand with his, and pulls from the kitchen counter. Together, he leads them to the living room sofa, and sits down first, then lays down, opening his arms for her to climb on top and find a comfortable position before he continues. "Poor darling. You don't even know and you had your first one. Poor thing. God. I don't even know what I can tell you that you won't think I'm a nut. And I don't know who Finch or August are, but they sound like nice people. I'm ok, that's important. This town? There's something going on with it. And sometimes things like this happen. To you, and like I said, to me too. Lots of people have them."

Non Glimmering girl-bean just looks scared, and happy she is at home and he was actually there. She holds him tightly and she climbs a little into his lap with her hot coco in her fingers .. she takes a sip to help her calm down smelling and tasting the hot liquid chocolate.... it makes everything better. "lots of people?" she breathes

"Well," Everett starts. "A few people," he says after a moment's hesitation. And then he exhales a breath while putting his arms around her waist, and leaving his hands poised on her bum. "There's some. No, let me try again. God, this is hard. Ok." He stammers and hem-haws a little, trying to find the best way to explain this to her. "There are people in this town that can do things. Seemingly magical things. And from what I've heard, if they do those things too often, then there's another group of people, people that don't exactly exist on hour plane, and they find the magic people and torment them. By giving them bad dreams, making their life a general hell." Everett turns his gaze down on her and asks though he looks uncertain, "Does that make. Like. Any sense to you?"

Bean shakes her head "I ... I dont... know... any magic." she says quietly and softly to him still sniffling but now she sips her coco as she settles into his chest. "Your safe." she says quietly "and if this is a dream I dont wanna wake up".

With a soft nod and gentle hug, Everett's voice is quiet, "I know." And he does. Given his past, dating a Glimmer virgin's actually been a little bit of a relief. "I know," he repeats and leans up ever so slightly with the flexing of his abdominal muscles so facilitate the kiss to her crown. "I guess, maybe wrong place, wrong time? Maybe you got caught up in it somehow. I have a theory that these things. These beings can't see those that are magic. Or us. It's only when they use their powers that they can see the powers going off like a flare. And that attracts them. For, whatever purpose." Squeezing her ass, he pulls her closer, hugging her to his bare chest, "I'm sorry this happened to you. But I'm ok. I promise. And," he smiles softly, "I didn't know you cared that much about me."


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