2020-02-02 - The Truth About Flies

Gigi had a physical altercation with her step-dad, three dope ladies show up to console her with affection and drugs. Then she pees in his truck. As you do.

Content Warning: Drugs, swearing, violence

IC Date: 2020-02-02

OOC Date: 2019-09-26

Location: Huckleberry Mobile Homes

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3803


Fucking cold as a witches tit.

Which honestly is a very odd phrasing.

I mean sure anyone out in weather like this is likely to have cold tits, but what makes a witches tit colder than another tit.

These are the thoughts that occupy Ember's mind as they trudge through the cold winter night with winds and snow down Elm to the trailer park and duck into the complex. Someone telegrams about a delivery and is willing to pay good money for some psychodelics, it doesn't matter how cold it is... as long as they doesn't have to try to drive their bike across town in this shit.

Their phone in hand, shielded by from snow flurries as they count off unit numbers now on the trailers.

Man they got right back into the old business once they got back, sort of seamlessly. Always a need for this kind of shit right.

They have on a leather jacket, scarf, winter hat, gloves, and jeans. Also a pair of thermals under all that.

Winter in January sexy tell you what.

The phrase ''cold as a witches tit'' is an old phrase.

Which has surprisingly little to do with weather or breasts. Though both statements are true regarding them..

What it actually refers to is an older saying still ''Cold as a witches black heart''. Manipulated later into ''Cold as a witches breast'' and further dumbed down to ''Cold as a witches tit''.

The etomology of language is fun.

Gigi is sitting on the wooden steps of her moms trailer smoking a cigarette in this fine wintery night. She's locked out and her knuckles are bloody and she's sporting a busted lip, so it's entirely likely her and her step dad just got into it. One can reason that ''you should see the other guy'' is another phrase which could be broken down into its base parts given her haggard appearance.

She has a beanie on her head and a pair of welding goggles up on her brow. She's been wearing the damned things since High School, well into her early twenties because she's weird. Her leather jacket is open over a Metallica T-shirt, blue jeans, and ratty sneakers.

There's also a scarf draped around her neck and some wool gloves laying on one bent knee.

After another drag, she turns and spits blood into the snow as smoke bellows out her nostrils. Looking about as pissed off about this fact as one might reckon that she would be.

Ember slows their trudge as they walks by the Blackthorne trailer and sees a ... well it is so hard to tell. The jacket looks the same. The general person looks familiar. Eight fucking years is such a long damn time. It is honestly a third of their life in Ember's case.

Still they are standing out their in the snow and dim street light staring over at Giada sitting on the steps like that and trying to figure out what they should do about this.

Honestly Ember has only been in town a bit over a week trying to adjust to being out of circulation for so long. Their mind skittering away from the blank grey bland apathetic spot in their head that fills that time.

Gigi is off somewhere else, probably already tripping, but at the very least high on something. The cigarette is flicked away towards the side of the trailer, spraying ambers in every direction when it hits the alumenium wall. As she turns back to the street she leaves behind a chem trail of smoke until jade green eyes fall upon a solitary figure standing in the hazy gloom of a Gray Harbor winter night.

And there's something kind of familiar about this figure. "Sup." She calls out, half question-half acknowledgement. They are staring at her afterall. One hand comes up to rub at her jaw and jerks back slightly when she touchs her busted lip, "Mother fucker.." Eyes cut off to the side and back, her shoulders twitch a little as she stares down at the snow and spits up more blood.

"When did it get this fucking cold in Grey Harbor?" is said back into the night towards Gigi.

Ember watches still, and the spit of blood and flinch with a curse of pain has them stepping closer now more into view. "Hey do you know which one is #14.... I don't remember the layout here very well and the snow isn't helping... god sicne when did it fucking snow here like this..."

Gigi is still staring at Ember, brow furrowing a little beneath her beanie as they get closer to her stoop, "Fuck if I know.. this year, I guess.." She barely seems to realize it, but she's probably still riding high on adrinoline. She's sitting on the steps of her trailer with her usual clothes, the same ones she wears every day, but she's got some new accesories. A busted lip and bruises on her jaw... and both of her knuckles are busted up pretty bad.

"Yeah, right over there." She points back towards the street a ways, about six trailers down from her own. "Even are on the right, odds on the left..." She doesn't look in the direction she points, "Dude, have we met? You look familiar as shit."

"Thanks I have a delivery for the owner there." but well Ember finishes the slog up to the young woman on the steps and looks down at her. Then they look up at the trailer which is also familiar. Then back down at the bloodied young woman.

"Gigi?" is finally puzzled out. "Shit is that you?" Ember sounds incredulous really "Fuck... did he do that?" looking right at the trailer.

Some things change. Some things never seem to.

For those who can see glimmer, well however you see or interpret what you see, it is blazing bright in Ember these days, and as she sounds angry more so.

Gigi stares at Ember for a bit longer then flinchs when recognition hits her, "Holy /fuck/ Ember? Really?" She pops up off the stoop and nearly slips on the ice in the process. There's a little sliding foot shuffle thing that gets her balance, which she overtly pretends didn't happen, as she closes the distance towards her old friend. "Shit, babe, how long have you been... where the fuck did you even /go/?"

All the business of her bloody lip and knuckles is forgotten. Just like that, her Step Dad is just background noise in her relatively volitile existance in the face of fri-union! "Oh, fuck man, yeah.. go handle your business, I wont hold you up or whatever, but... wow, man, I thought you fucking died. I was real broke up about it."

Not even a glance back at the trailer.

Did he do this? Oh right, she looks at her knuckles. "Yeah. He hit my mom so I beat the fuck out of him.. my mom... like the cunt whore she is.. threw the remote at me and hit me in the face."

Ember stays kind of rock solid there on the path, though when Gigi nearly bites it their hand raises to almost caytch her but well too far away really and Gigi recovers fine.

"They sent me away... " Ember's eyes narrow a little "Upstate.. instead of pressing charges I think they just committed me.. said I was a pyro arsonist and shit."

There is a frown from Ember now though. "They said I fucking died!?" okay that has them upset, not that they aren't bent out of shape about being sent 'up state' to begin with.

"Fuck... ... fuck.. fuck!" they shout it at Gigi's trailer not giving a damn about the hour at this point, trembling a bit.

Good chance someone might hear the yelling.

"No, they didn't say shit about what happened, but you know how Gray Harbor is..." Gigi glares back at the little slippery spot she hit that nearly caused her to bite it and then back to Ember, "Someone goes missing and we all just assume the woods ate them. Kind of standard issue nonsense that's pretty common around this fucked up town." As noted by how nonchallant she is with saying it.

Since it's absolutely true.

"Up... state? To the asylum? Whoooooa... man that's fucking worse than dying.." Scratching at the back of her neck, curls sent tumbling off her hand, "Shit, that's fucked up.. I thought they had to let you out when you were eighteen or some shit?"

She can see anger, if not the glimmery glow, what with her being sober.. "It's cool, Ember.. seriously. Fuck him.. and fuck her too. Soon as I can get Bug out of there, I'm not coming back to this shit smear in the underwear of Gray Harbors butthole."

The redhead had been getting ready to step outside of her trailer already anyways, when she started hearing yelling from an unfamilar voice. Which isn't so much of a big deal, there's plenty of yelling from all sorts there. Gigi's voice is a bit more familiar to her, though, and being just a few trailers down, it gets her attention.

A lit joint between her lips, she wanders out of her door, jeans, sneakers, and a puffy winter coat covering a t-shirt underneath. Looking around for the source of the voice, she finds it, slowly starting to walk over towards Gigi. Her pace picks up when she spots Giada's busted lip, a walk turning into a slight jog. "Christ, again, really? We gotta do something about that jackoff."

She looks over at Ember, giving them a quick glance up and down, and then back over to Gigi. "You okay?"

Ember looks fine, angry, like trouble, but generally they look fine. No blood like Gigi who does merit the question.

But man are they unhappy.

"Not better of dead.. I'm alive.. an fuck my parents and their uncomfortable looks to." they glare at the trailer like they could just make that shit smear vanish. Which well.

Stranger things have happened on Grey Harbor.

Then something sinks in. "Wait what.. Eighteen.. no..." Ember frowns. "I.. had a difficult.. case and they kept me for safety reasons." it is like dredging up something painful. Honestly they skirt around trying to think about it to hard because wow that would give them a minor anuerysm in the memory department and their mind knows it on some level.

Irony is others probably know more about Ember's last 8 years than Ember does.

Deep breath. Deep breath. Glance at the redhead and the joint then back at Gigi. "You sure you don't want him to have a bad fall on the ice Gigi?" yup more things change, some things stay the same.

Gigi glances up and over at Ali's trailer when she spies light spilling out across the otherwise dark snow and sees the familiar silhouette of the approaching redhead. There's no warm smile of greeting, but there's no warmth at all tonight... it's fucking cold. Just that the curly haired burnette is so keyed up she doesn't seem to notice besided fogged breath, which is hard to ignore.

"Yeah, I'm good.. I fucked him up pretty bad though." Glancing along with Ember to the trailer with a sigh and a hand running back over her beanie, "Til my cunt mom hit me with remote. Fuck'er.." She says that every time. This time'll be the last.

And it never is.

"Isn't much can be done about him, Ali.. Oh... shit yeah Ali..." Motioning between the two, "Ember, this is Alison, Aliroo this is Ember. We went to high school together." The last 8 years are not mentioned, but Ember's kind of mentioning them!

"Yeah, your parents were always fuckholes, babe. I might have put sugar in their gas tank once.. Unless you're wearing a wire, in which case, it was ten years ago, alright! Let it go!" Shouting at her friends chest and the imaginary wire they're wearing.

"Anyways, fuck, dude.. I'm glad you're back. Gray Harbor still sucks shit-dick, so, that's cool, I guess?"

(TXT to Giada) Kai : hi lady. I have a sandwich here with your name on it

Annnd, that's when Kai's weird habit of showing up out of nowhere manifest again. Stalker. She strolls from the front of the trailer park, no doubt leaving behind a driver in a black car to trek through the park on her lonesome. It makes for better SURPRISE HERE'S A SANDWICH!

"It has the works on it. I hope that's alright..." Kai interjects into the pause of the conversation as she approaches the group, only to stop dead in her tracks when she sees the general demeanor and body language. Her gate becomes more measured, her trap shuts, and she holds out the bag of sub sandwich in offering as if she's trying chancing some entrance into an ancient temple that requires sacrifice. When she sees Giada's lip, the bag-arm drops down to her side where her small hand crunches the top of the bag in her fist and her jaw tightens.

Alison snorts, shakes her head, and then leans forward into Gigi, giving her a quick little hug. "Good that you got him, at least. You sure you don't want me to make him piss himself crying, though? It'll only take a second." She pulls back away from the woman, straightening up. Ember's offer of a slip on the ice gives the redhead some pause, wondering if they're thinking along the same lines that she is.. maybe? She shines like a lighthouse too, but you never really know until you ask. And that's a difficult conversation to have.

The introduction to Ember garners a wave and a polite smile from the redhead. Fishing the joint from her lips, she pinches it and holds it out towards them. "Sounds like you could probably use this more than me. Nice to meet you." Her gaze lingers on their haircut a bit longer, then darts over to Kai as she suddenly appears. A slight hesitation, a glance towards the joint which she'd just offered, but then she raises her hand in a quick wave towards the Asian woman. "..hey."

A lot of stuff is happening suddenly all at once and Ember really needs to to calm down a little bit.

I mean coming home is super hard right. Years. God Years.

"I'm glad I'm back too." they manage to say to Gigi. "It was.. better than jail." though honestly it wasn't not even one bit better than juvie or jail or anything. But it is a slippery problem this one.

Then look another person and Ember squints before they are distracted by the joint. "I.. yeah." and they reach to take it and takes a deep drag, and then holds it like a pro. Quiet for the moment because drugs.

There is a slow exhale and they offers it back. "Gigi do you need anything, I have my old gig back like I never left... at least that didn't change."

Gigi glances down at her phone and manages to find a smile she likely wasn't feeling until she saw whatever caused the device to chirp, "Kai's on her way." Said to Alison and Ember, though only one of them is likely to know who that is. Which isn't long before said Asian arrives, baring sacrifice! "Hey, baby." She's forgotten about her busted lip and bruised jaw, even her bloody knuckles. That's how common place this state of being is for her, it's second nature.

Think about that for a second.

She's rationalized this as part of her life.

"Kai, this is Ember." Pointing to the person holding the joint quietly. Who has just stated they're back to old tricks. Gee glances their way, "Legit? That's what's up.. yeah babe, I could definitely use something. What are you throwing around these days?"

Once Kai is within reach, Giada reaches out to take the crumpled bag from her, brushing her fingers down the back of the shorter womans hand and leaning in to kiss her cheek. BLOODY LIPS MARK! "I'm fine." Motioning at her face, "I busted his ass, mom hit me with a remote. It's cool. He looks like someone pushed his face in a blender."

"Hey Ali," Kai offers the redhead, her expression still strained, but she manages to pull out a smile for the woman. "Haven't seen you in awhile," she says, trying to make conversation while her dark eyes are full of some kind of hellfire she can barely contain.

Kai lifts her chin to Ember in greeting. Each grin has a little less sting behind it. "Nice to meet you." She's a little too preoccupied to catch any hint of any kind of exchange about to happen, let alone being in the dark about Ember's past. Kai's not a townie. That kiss leaves a little bit of red behind, but Kai doesn't even think of it. Kai's brows draw together in a crease at the words "It's cool," and she draws in a deep breath, her knuckles white.

Kai unclenches her fist enough to make a claw that she can reach into her jacket and pull out a flask which she quickly spins the cap off to take a swig from.

"I've been around." A shrug, then she plucks the joint back from Ember's hand, taking a hit from it. Not as impressive as their little show, but she holds onto it for a bit herself. And then it's extended towards Kai and Gigi in offer.

"Yeah, but how many times do you have to do it before he gets the picture? He doesn't exactly seem like the learning type. I mean, four counts as a posse. Probably?"

She looks back towards Kai, evaluating her simmering expression, then back at Gigi. "One of these days you won't be around to stop him. Or, fuck, maybe he'll win."

Ember shifts and opens up their jacket, rooting around in an internal pocket for a couple of moments. "Hmm" then fishes out a small bag with a couple of shrooms in it from the look of it. Especially easy to identify if you are familiar with drugs, cause you know drugs. "Don't have any tabs but here... reverse welcome home gift Gigi." holding it out to the Gigi.

"It is like everything in this town has changed and nothing has changed...." a shake of their head. "Nice to meet you both. So you friends of Gi then?" a glance between all three of them. Then a vague gesture "Got some blood on your cheek." amusement slipping into their expression for the first time there.

There's a little glance at Kai that lingers, hand reaching over towards the hers to brush her pinky against the asians, "I promise. I'm okay." Smiling really hurts, but she does it anyways because sometimes that's enough, right? Alison draws her attention, up nodding a little, "Heh, he wont. Fucker is always stoned and he wont like me if he picks a fight when I am... so FUCK HIM..." Turning to shout it at the trailer, just those two words, a dog barks somewhere. "SHUT THE FUCK UP..." And it does. Immediately.

She tilts her neck until it pops, eyes crackling with an anger that just ''appeared'', then just as quickly vanishes behind her grinning, because drugs. "Oh babe... Oh you're a fucking god send.." Yoink. She deposits the sandwich bag between her thighs to scoop the shrooms and immediately unrolls the baggy to scoop a clutch of them out to shove in her mouth.

Some people got pot, some people got booze, Gigi lets the world go fuck itself and changes the rules of reality.

Don't juuudge.. fucking judgers.

"Yeah. Alipo-" Coughing, don't eat shit-mushrooms while talking, or visa versa really, "Alipoo lets me sleep on her couch sometimes and Kai is my girlfriend." Motioning betweenx them with the baggy, which, per rules of generocity, she offers out to them. "They taste fresh."

Kai remains pretty much quiet after her attempt to socialize. It's easy to do so given that she just keeps pulling from that flask after grabbing some offered shrooms and shoving them in her mouth. Wash that crap down after a few obligatory crunches. "Thanks," she mumbles. She seems unfazed by Giada's shut the fuck up command over some trailer park dog (which is probably a 70/30 chance that it's a stray that everyone just feeds). "If he does it again, I'm going to shove the next sub up his ass till it burrows in his brain," she mutters darkly and then lifts her flask to toast to it.

Ember zips their jacket back up and looks between Alison and Kai there. Then at Gigi. Then back again. "Mood."

They hold a hand out for the joint before Alison finishes it all. "So, I don't... really remember the amount of smolder around people before I got sent away Gi." which is vague and weird as it sounds and honestly Ember regrets saying anything but well ... Gigi may be the first person other than their stupid parents that they have tried to talk to. Which is not bound to end well though as high as Gigi is.

"Ah.. fuck it... so what do you all do for a living?" that counts as sociable talk right. Right.

Alison tucks her joint back between her lips, then. The shrooms being held out cause her face to screw up somewhat. "Fresh cow shit, huh? Man, I think you've ruined shrooms for me with that little story of yours, Gigi." A shake of the head at thought. Ugh.

"Well, hit me up if you need some help with that shit sometime. You've got my number." Looking over towards Ember. "Yeah, I just live a few trailers down. I'm good for kicking kids' toys out of the way in the middle of the night and staring at girls with really hot hair." She's quiet for a moment, then hands the joint back over as soon as the hand's extended for it. "I'm just a waitress and token trailer park bisexual. Nothing too exciting."

"And that's why I love you." Gigi says to Kai with a wink, licking back one last shroom before rolling up the bag to slip it inside her jacket by way of a hidden pocket because she does drugs like a pro and not some half assed punk bitch. Given any day of the weeek, she's a walking street pharmacy of psychedelics. The kind of shit that makes cops pee themselves with excitement.

Gee smirks at Ember, "Keep it at like.. a three.. maybe for.. but I just got an idea." She says with a glance over at her moms trailer. Tongue digging out a piece of shroom from one of her teeth, "They're not shit shrooms, Alipoo.. they're shrooms from shit.. it's a big difference. Excuse me."

Slipping off from the trio on approach, she kneels down to grab a big chunk of rock from the dirt road leading up through the center of the park. She does not, however, hurl it at the trailer. What kind of savage do you think she is?

No, she changes directions towards Allen's truck, steps up on the bumper, and throws the rock directly down through the windshield. It doesn't crash in, but it shatters.. So she stomps on it until it does crash in. Then turns around and starts unbuckling her pants.

Giada may or may not remember that Kai has never had shrooms before, but how can one expect to remember such things when they are so very occupied with doing things like taking a shit on some douche's front seat? No one. That's some serious business.

Kai just watches the show as she continues to nurse her flask. "You can do that on command?" Then she turns to look to Alison, then Ember. "I didn't eat too much did I?" choosing not to bother her girlfriend with the matter.

The joint is taken and a hit is also taken before offering back now. A fist bump follows "Pan myself nice to meet you token bi person of the park."

Then Ember just stares after Gee there as she gets it into her head to smash the window and .. yeah she is either going to shit or piss into the truck....

They reach up and pinch the bridge of their nose and then take a deep breath. "Okay.. no you should be fine, might hallucinate for a good chunk but fine... also well you are dating her.. I assume you have this because I am carrying to much shit to talk to cops right now." with that Ember nods to Kai and then to Alison.

"I need to finish that job, see you soon Gigi..." and they are walking several trailers, six in fact, down towards #14 to make a hand off of some drugs for cash. Definitely was carryng to much.

They also cut through the back towards their house over on Elm, not exiting back by the crime scene in progress.

<FS3> Alison rolls Mental (8 7 6 5 4 2 2 1 1) vs Giada's Mental (8 7 6 5 3 3 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Alison)

<FS3> Alison rolls Mental (8 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3) vs Giada's Mental (7 5 3 2 1 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for Alison. (Rolled by: Alison)

Alison fist bumps Ember! "Cool. Hi. And, uh, bye!"

"Is it a big difference? There's gonna be shit on them either way. I try to make a habit out of not eating shit." Alison makes no motion to stop Gigi she goes to do whatever she's doing, up until she starts stomping on the broken glass. Because that's likely to end up getting her friend hurt if she's not careful. Or, perhaps worse, get Allen's attention if he hears the commotion. To Kai, "Probably not. It's too soon for them to kick in, anyways." And then back towards Gigi. "Hey. That's a really fucking bad idea, babe. He's gonna hear you.."

And that's when the windshield shatters inside. Welp. And then she's moving to take her pants off. For fuck's sake. So as to try and avoid her friend's junk freezing off, she reaches out with her mind to send Gigi some considerably calmer emotions than whatever's running through her head at the moment.

As it turns out, Gigi is already a beacon of calm. A preverbial reservour of lucidity. The Ayatollah of controlled anarchy. But maybe she hadn't really thought this through enough, so she does. She stands there on the hood of her step dads truck after smashing in the windshield, hands on her belt dangling open afront her pants. The whole while staring at the trailer with her tongue rolling side to side across the front of her teeth.

With a sigh she shakes her head, smooths both hands over the top of her beanie, and laces her fingers back behind her head. Her neck cranes back a little, staring up at the sky and stars she can't really see because of the fog bank. Then she turns and hops down off the hood to return to them, jiggling slightly because her belt is still unhooked, "Well I was going to pee on his front seat, but disgression got the better of me." She informs them both, slipping right up beside Kai. One of her hands moves down to slip fingers into the Asians, and she might would lay her head down on her shoulder, but size differences make that an unfortunate impossibility. "We should probably get the fuck out of here though..."

"We have a getaway driver and car if need be," Kai says with a grin. "You do know that flies shit and throw up every time they land on something right?" Kai is not even sure if this old wise tail is true, but she shares this wisdom with Alison nonetheless.

"Speaking of the getaway driver, maybe I should text him for us...all." /Someone's/ going to get blamed, given how big of an asshole Allen is. "Yeah I'll text him... You want some Ali?" She offers the flask out to the woman as she fishes out her phone.

When Gigi mentions getting out of there, Kai waggles her phone to indicate she's already on it. "Let's start heading toward the front of the park." The sound of a text wooshing off and then Kai begins to half step toward that direction while still looking down at her phone. "Okay, Albert's going to meet us."

"Getting outta here's probably a good idea. Like, not just tonight, but in general." A shrug, watching the two hold hands. And then she makes a face at the story about flies. "..gross. That's news to me. Maybe I'll just never eat anything again."

The redhead shakes her head at the offer of the flask. "Nah, I'm good. I think this third wheel's gonna roll her way on back home, though. Catch you guys later." She'll step in the other direction, back towards her place.


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