2020-02-20 - Pop Music is Overrated

Kip has gone dancing at Firefly, doesn't step on Stefhan's toes and touches on music and the 'weird stuff' with Rekani.

IC Date: 2020-02-20

OOC Date: 2019-10-08

Location: Firefly Club

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4035


Dancing was a universal thing right? No language barriers there - just letting the music flow through you. Kip loved to dance and so, was excited to learn that there was indeed a dance club in Gray Harbor - even if it wasn't as crowded and lively as the places in Seattle might be, or even back home. Even so, the crowd was alright for a Thursday night. No risk of occupancy limits being breached or anything but Kip wasn't the only one out on the dance floor. As the song wound down, she started to make her way back to the bar. Skin flushed and a few strands of hair clinging to her forehead while the rest is tied up in a ponytail. She's been here for a while probably. "A....a water and a...one of those things." She motioned to a drink that another patron had just ordered. Her attire is simple for dancing - a pair of jeans, sneakers, and a black tank top because dancing is a great combatant against the cold. Her hoodie is tied about her waist for when it's time to finally leave.

All work and no play makes Stefhan a dull boy, and such he decides to venture out for a new place to take a bit of a break. The workaholic decides that one of the clubs might be a good diversion, and such he walks in, his business jacket a little thicker to provide some warmth due to the groundhog saying that yes, there will be colder weather. The music does distract him though and he looks over at the people having fun to the fast rhythm. Then he notes someone familiar, even if she's in a different state of enthusiasm. "Well hello there." He says, "Mind if I offer you a drink. It looks like you have been having fun."

Kip blinks a bit, looking up and over. Now that they are both standing it is extremely obvious that Kip is much shorter than Stefhan. "Oh! Hello!" She says cheerfully over the sound of the music. "Well. I just ordered one, but I'll let you pay for it!" Shifting a bit so she could claim the stool she was standing next to and therefore be a little bit closer to eye level with the man. "It has been fun. This is a fun place. How have you been?"

Stefhan chuckles a little and says, "Well, I did offer." He replies and waves over to one of the staff members. "An Oktoberfest if you have it, if not, any beer will be fine." He does watch her for a moment, as if he didn't realize she truly was shorter than he, "Oh, been fine. Afraid I was working too much so, decided to come here to unwind a bit. Good to see you enjoying yourself, by all means, don't let me stop you."

"You know I have never been to a proper Oktoberfest. It is on my list but, I haven't gotten to cross it off yet. Have you been? Is it fun?" Kip asks curiously and then flashes another smile. "Unwinding is important. Do you like to dance? Or did you just come for the drinks and the people watching?" Her brow raised. There's a thanks to the bartender when he brings her bottled water and drink. There' a long sip of the water first and then a sip of the alcoholic beverage.

Stefhan hears the word dance and says, "Actually, I really love to. There were a few times when I even took some classes in waltzing. I actually mainly came for a distraction. Sometimes staring at computers and motherboards can be quite, tedious. I have gone to a few festivals here and there, but nothing big. I guess my older roots make me ask for such a beer, who knows, I might get lucky?" He doesn't though. It's not the time of year for such a thing and, sure enough, a regular beer is brought to him.

"Maybe if you try asking for it in Seattle they will have one." Kip mused. "Or if there is some place around that is like a...little Germany? Germantown? However they call it." She takes another sip of her drink. "You should dance with me then. Dancing is a lovely distraction."

Stefhan begins to reach for his beer but before his fingers get to the semi frosted glass he says, "Oh, Chicago is so very very large, it has just about anything." Then a sip is taken and he puts the glass down, "The lovely lady has but to ask. I assume you enjoy faster paced music? What kind of dancing do you like?" With a smile, he awaits her response, not ready to head out unless she wishes it seems.

"I've never slow danced. Not even at a school dance." Kip admits, blinking a bit as she seems to make this revelation. "I guess the opportunity just. Has never been presented." There's a laugh then. "I don't know if I really have a style of dancing? I just move with the music." She swaps out for her water now and wiggles a bit in the seat. "Which kind do you prefer?"

Stefhan narrows his eyes at her, not in a rude way, but he seems to be a little confused. "You, never slow danced?" He asks as if that surprises him, "That makes little sense to me. You are a very beautiful woman, surely you had man opportunities. But." His fingers go back to the beer as he says, "Going with the music is important but you need to find the beat, whether it's fast or slow. I imagine I prefer slow to medium paced dances. Style and rhythm are very unique things. Besides." he grins, "The best poets never really moved fast."

Who comes to a club just to drink and look judgmental? Dumb question to ask rhetorically, because that's what Rekani is doing. He's found himself some couch to sit on, drink a drink that looks just fucking loaded down with mint and he's staring at the sound setup. Sure, it was a Thursday, so it's not exactly when the party be at, but even still, he just looks displeased at the music choices, each new song earning an over-dramatic roll of his dark eyes. In one hand he has a cell phone out, thumb swiping through, seeming to be taking notes each time a song comes on.

"Perhaps I just never wanted to seize the opportunity when it was presented?" Kip leaned in a touch, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Are you a poet as well as a computer man?" She carefully slides off of her stool, knocking back the rest of her drink. "What's your favorite sort of music?" She's thinking on getting back out on the dance floor, and of course he will be dragged along with her. However - she seems to be giving him an opportunity to at least drink some more of his beer before she drags him off. As her gaze briefly wanders, a giggle escapes her and she looks back up to Stefhan. "Someone isn't a fan of the music here." She mused - nodding towards where Rekani was sitting, having just barely caught his eye roll as a new song started.

Stefhan offers a polite nod to Rekani, "Hello." He greets, being polite it seems. Then the conversation turns back to Kip, "Well, you would have a point there and yes, I would have to say I can be quite the poet if the inspiration hits me right. One muse may grace with with pleasure, while another muse may grace with with insight, but the lovely music who could grace me with inspiration, to keep such motivation in a poet's soul, one must find the best dance steps take place in the best dane stanzas." He doesn't ramble on too long to say, "It depends, I don't mind techno, classic is good as well, I do say I'm not much of a fan of country music."

Rekani raises his drink to the greeting, continuing to take notes on the choices. Why? Because if you wanted a job, you needed to know everything about your employer and what they needed as possible. He takes another sip of his drink, sitting forward, one arm on a knee as he thinks, head lifting to look at the ceiling.

Kip studied Stefhan for a beat and then chuckled. "Quite the poet indeed. Perhaps I will have you do a reading for me some time hm?" She tilted her head and gave an exaggerated sigh. "Oh no one ever likes country music, but I admit, it is a guilty pleasure. Techno is good to dance with. I prefer heavy metal and rock though. But this," She motions idly as if to signal the music playing now. "Is okay to dance with too." Looking over at Rekani again, "And what about you? What music would you play in a place like this?"

Stefhan adds, "There is nothing wrong with liking country, but, it is just not my favorite genre. When it comes to rock perhaps I would enjoy classic rock more now. Some sounds are always meant to come back around for multiple reasons but, I do not want to bore you with useless chatter, you said you were up for a dance, yes?" He asks of Kip.

Like a ratcheting joint of a automated doll, Rekani's neck slowly turns to Kip. He looked a little crazed, and the chance to unload his frustration was a welcome breath, "Well for starters, I'm not going to play the last three 'Now That's What I Call Music' compilations on shuffle. It's like someone just clicked the 'Pop' button on Pandora and just let it go." He makes a grunting-growl sound of frustration as he turns his phone, showing a spreadsheet of the last 20 songs and his comparison to the title list. Yes, sometimes, he could be a huge nerd about music. "Like sure, it's a Thursday, you're not trying to bump the roof off, but like, some better, bassy stuff, Swedish House Mafia, Glitch Mob, like... just mix it in."

Kip can't help but giggle at Rekani's minor rant. "I agree completely." Even as she is grabbing one of Stefhan's free hands. "Pop has a place, but variety is ochen' vazhnyy. Very important. Besides. All the pop starts sounding the same after a while, no?" She flashes Stefhan a grin. "No chatter is useless or boring. But yes- I want to see your dancing." Starting to move away from the bar and more towards the fringes of the dance area.

<FS3> Stefhan rolls Dancing: Success (7 7 4 2 1) (Rolled by: Stefhan)

Stefhan he follows along to the fringes as well and finds a spot where there should be enough space for the two to dance. The beat of the music seems to have a medium tempo and making to match the rhythm, he spins where he stands and then reaches for Kip's hand. Should she offer it, he begins to twirl her around in an elegant, but fast and exciting fashion. Each step has a perfect move and it easily matches the beat residing deep within the song.

Resting back, Rekani settles in, another scoff and roll of his eyes made, hipster-like as the song changes again.

<FS3> Kip rolls Dancing: Good Success (8 6 6 3 1) (Rolled by: Kip)

Kip did not, in fact, utterly embarrass herself with this dancing thing. She never claimed to be good at dancing - just that she enjoyed it. So surely Stefhan's lead was helping. Her much shorter stature also made the twirling easier too. She matched him, step for step. Not being afraid to invade his personal space for a moment or two and then back out. As the song starts winding down, Kip grins up at Stefhan as she moves in closer again to talk. "You are not so bad Stefhan." She exhales in a chuckle, quirking a brow as if to silently ask if he wanted to go another round or go back to the bar.

Stefhan smirks for a moment and says, "You aren't that bad yourself, if I may be so bold. Sadly, I do need to get back to the office but, would you like to have dinner with me sometime?"

Kip thought it over for a moment and then nodded. "Sure. Dinner works - I'll let you handle the place since you are more familiar yes? You have my number. Just give me a call or a text." She smiles again. "Have a good night, Stefhan. Thanks for the drink." Once Stefhan departed, she retrieved her bottle of water and somewhat unceremoniously dropped into the seat of the couch near Rekani. "Are you planning your musical takeover?"

How much is there really to do in a club when you're really here to just judge their music so you can whallop their manager with sweet knowledge and get a job? Not much. Rekani was down to idly playing Hole.io between judgement and note taking. He'd gotten another Mojito while they were dancing. "Kinda," he says absently to answer, "Really, just trying to get a job." He looks around, "Where'd your dude go?"

There's a brief, curious peek at his phone - at the game before looking up towards him instead. "Jobs are important. So you are a DJ? That's pretty neat. I hope you get it so I can have proper dancing music next time around." Kip laughed and then looked around briefly with a shrug. "He is not my anything," She clarified, "But he had to get back to his working." A light shrug of her shoulders. "Kapitsa, by the way. Kip. What is your name?"

"Rekani. Rek." he returns, a brief smirk made at the similarity in responses, "And yeah, I spin some tracks. At least in other towns. Mi hermana and I move around, and she just got a job out here. Gotta get that green myself, yaknow?" The app was closed after he had successfully swallowed most of a cityscape before time had run out, engaging conversation meaning he didn't need distraction. He throws an arm up on the back of the couch, fully facing Kip now as he takes a sip of his drink. A look and a soft eyebrow raise is given the denial, maybe the ghost of a smirk, should she hunt for it. "What about you, Kip? What's your thing goin' on in this town?"

"Rekani. Interesting. I like it." Kip mused, shifting a bit to face him, a little easier as well. "I think I saw you and her the other night. At the Pourhouse? During their little karaoke thing." Pondering on that a moment. His smirk may or may not have been noticed but if it was, she didn't question it or elaborate on anything. "Me? I just moved here...a week ago? Give or take. I am a paranormal investigator. Not here. In Seattle. It is...not so steady work." She does a little hand wobble in a 'so-so' gesture. "I love it, but I am keeping an eye out for other side jobs to...get that green, as you say." Chuckling as the phrase rolls a little awkwardly off her her tongue with that thick Russian accent.

"I hear that, always be hustlin', ya?" he agrees, "And yeah, we were over there, two for one, apps, yo." He chuckles with an animated shrug, "Ain't like we got anyone for Valentines." Now he looks around though, suspiciously scanning the area, as if they'd be overhead. He adjusts in his seat, leaning toward her, "Now, that sounds like some TV shit, but... is it cause there's really something weird going on around here?" He leans back in his seat again, "Cause I been feelin' it. Like seriously."

"You want to know a secret?" Kip asked with a giggle. "I totally forgot it was Valentines Day." She relaxed against the back of the couch, propping her head up with her arm, head resting in her hand. "It is kind of like what you see on TV, yes. Scarier in person though. Sometimes." She casts a glance around the club herself when he asks about things being weird and then refocuses back on Rekani. "I have been an investigator of paranormal activity for a long time. Ever since I was a teenager. There...is something weird, yes. Here. Other places. It is strong here though I...felt something on the plane over."

A fleeting frown crossing her lips. "It is why I am renting a room here and not in Seattle. I want to keep an eye on this place." Those dark eyes really seeming to focus in on him, around him, before finally - "I think you and I may have a similar path on the...weirdness." She murmured. She was a strong Physicalist herself, but she could sense that he was stronger and his...shimmer...was far brighter than her own.

His head tilts slightly to the side, a nod and a shrug added, the image of casual acceptance to it all, "Yeah, see I figured." He takes another sip. If the multiple drinks were affecting him, it didn't seem it, unless it was just a relaxing buzz. Well, and the slight hint of herbal substances from his person as well, hidden by a conservative bit of cologne. "I felt something real weird. See, like... My sister and I, we always been able to like... talk? Yaknow," he taps his forehead, giving Kip a knowing look, again casting a glance around before looking back at her, "Ever since we got here? Nada. She can talk to me, I can't back." He shakes his head, adding a bit of a chuckle, "But the wildest thing? I can be a bug zapper!" He laughs at that, now, as if these powers didn't come with a significant and debilitating drawback. "Where you from, Seņorita?"

Kip listens closely, interested. Nodding when he talks about the sibling communication. "How strange it is not working any more how it used to. I...haven't experimented yet to truly find out what is different with my things I can do? i could just feel something shift. Like...uhm. Butterflies. Yes. Like butterflies in your stomach." Her brow arched. "A bug zapper? Sounds useful." She laughs with him. Everything came with consequences. How can you properly deal with them if you can't laugh about it before it all goes to hell? "Me? Russia. Kazan to be specific." Not expecting him to have any idea where it is. "How about you?"

"Puerto Rico, by way of Miami." He may not know, but this was the world of Our Google Overlords. His phone is popped open and he does a brief look at Google maps, cause knowledge is power. Hey, he'd even forgotten to catalogue the last song rollover as they talked. "Yeah, I dunno, is it just this town where stuff is different?" He shrugs, "We were up in Seattle for a little while, too. But you know what I'm saying then when that hustle is more of a struggle. At least where that rent be at." Another roll of his eyes. He had a bit of a resigned look to him. Oh yeah, the music. His eyes look upward as he identifies the song, then furiously seems to notate and grumble, "Yo, I'm gonna blow this dude's mind when I meet him..." He leans over, showing Kip again, pointing at a few titles, launching into another rant about pop versus techno, the importance of beating the speed of a heartbeat. It's a long tirade. Maybe they'd both learn something.

Or maybe he'd just get drunk and enjoy the conversation.


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