2020-03-10 - Stiff neck from sleep troubles.

Reconnecting with a friend lead to a discussion on a stiff neck and the dark dreams for earlier in the month.

IC Date: 2020-03-10

OOC Date: 2019-10-21

Location: Mari's Office

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4226


It has been a long day for Marianna after her stop at the library she had gone into work. The list of clients she had wes not small and each of them had a different care plan. By the time her last client has left for the day she felt like she could use a drink. Remembering her promise to Kyle she sent him a text, letting him know that she was free if he wanted to come by her clinic. By the time he arrived everyone else would be gone. She offered him a smile. "Hello, Kyle."

The office was moderately sized, She didn't have him bother singing in, closing the door behind him, locking it, and flipping the sign to closed. "Are you feeling any better then you were this morning?

Kyle had been home in his office working through the numbers to get an idea of what his new flight schedule will look like. After making sure that there were no expense headaches awaiting him, he went to his home gym to work out. Marianna's text was answered and he quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a grey tee shirt before heading to her office.
He smiled and leaned in for a hug and friendly kiss on the cheek. "Worked out so the energy is better but still pretty stiff. How about you beautiful, did need to rip into anyone since we last talked right?" He grins still amused at how fiery she was feeling earlier.

She smiled at him, returning the hug and giving him a kiss on each cheek. a light blush coloring her cheeks as he called her beautiful. "Not since this morning, no, though I did have one particularly stubborn client that is refusing to do the home exercises I give them." She didn't go into any more detail than that. Doctor-patient confidentiality after all. She was dressed in the same or at least similar dark blue scrubs that she had been wearing that morning, her long raven black hair still back in a braid though a few fine strands of hair had escaped framing her face.

"Working out didn't make you any sorer did it?" She looked over her shoulder as she leads him into one of the massage rooms, her expression concerned. The massage room had been set up already, with a clean sheet on the table, and a pile of warm towels, and other things. 'Where are the muscles the sorest, we will start there."

"No worse for wear which is good since I wanted to get in a run and hit the bench for a bit." He grins then blushed. "Its my neck and shoulder area... yes I know the bench press added stress to that area." He held his hands up like he was ready to defend himself, while laughing the whole time. Kyle approached the table and awaited further instructions.

When he said it was his neck and shoulders, Mari turned to face him with her hands on her hips, a small frown on her face, but she sighed and just shook her head at him when he held up his hands and laughed. "Boys, always doing things to hurt themselves." She motion at the table. "I will need you to take off your shirt and lay face down on the table. No added stress or soreness since working out? no loss in range of motion of the arms?"

Ome thing he knew better than to do was argue. With a grin on his face he reached down and pulled his shirt off his torso. He wanted to flex and twist to tease her but when he was lifting the shirt, he felt the pang in his shoulder and winced. He tried to play it off and knew he was caught.
"Besides what you just saw, not.really. it could be that the drive in the cold caused it to seize but I will leave that to you, expert." He smiled and lays face down adjusting on the table.

She waved a finger at him as he grinned at her catching the way he winced as he lifted his shirt over his shoulder. " you should have waited to work out." Nott hat she didn't appreciate the view. She did take a long look as he was pulling the shirt over his head but quickly reminded herself that while this was off the books, she was still a professional. She held her hands in one of the warmed towels for a moment, to make sure they were nice and warm before she started to feel of the area around his neck and shoulders.

He groaned feeling her hands on his muscles . "I know, I was feeling good enough to work out, I'm sure the hot shower then going out into the cold did not head keep things loose." He coughed a moment. "Other than that I'm sure the neck is me sleeping wrong. The dream woke me and left me in a daze but that's about it."

<FS3> Marianna rolls Physical Therapy: Great Success (8 8 8 6 6 5 4 4 3 1) (Rolled by: Marianna)

Marianna it is in a way like taking antibiotics, after the third day of taking them you might feel amazing, but that doesn't mean you should stop taking them, and just because you don't hurt right at that moment doesn't mean you shouldn't take things easy, especially if it has been bothering you for a while." As she spoke she continued to feel of the muscles of his back, finding the ones that were tight, causing the soreness and stiffness and massaging them, not always gently until the muscles relaxed. " you mentioned the dream before. When we were at the bokstore." she paused for a moment. She didn't see all the weird thing that some people in town saw, but she knew there was something odd about the town. "Do you mind telling me about it?"

"There's a place I know, on the family property. It's always had ghost stories about it. Well one night while I was away, I dreamt of this place. Something was there. Something I did not want to remember because I struggled with what it was when I woke up. It was unsettling, even with my background." He felt the popping and stretching of his joints and muscles. "God if I knew it would feel this good I'd have given you a guest room and not bought a hot tub. Though you and a hot tub." He groaned because it felt good.

She knew all about family and family obligations. " is that way you came back? Because of these dreams. Have you been having them more since you got back?" Her voice was soft, questioning, but making it clear that f he didn't want to answer he didn't have to. She wasn't that sort of therapist after all. She laughed a little when he mentioned the guest room. "And what start rumors with your family?" She sounded amused. She didn't stop though, now when she had finished with the areas that were giving him issues, she continued downward-moving across his back making sure that there were no other places that were tight or sore. "it has been a long time since I had any experience with a hot tub though, so maybe I can come by sometime, and we can call it even."

"With your magic hands? I'd give you a key as a thank you. Just come in on the back porch since that's where it is. You are welcome to what is in the fridge." He would have chuckled but face down it seemed odd to do. He did however sound sincere in the offer. "It works out that I can stay in touch with you better that way." He lifts his head to look at her.

Her hands still on his back for just a second, but likely enough for him to notice. She hadn't been expecting him to offer her a key to his place, well not his place just to where the hot tub was, but still, that seemed like a very big symbol of trust to her. "Thank you." she sounded surprised and sincere. " There isn't a girlfriend or someone I am going to run into and piss off id there?" She would like to know about that sort of thing before it happened. "I need to stop at home and feed my baby."She paused. "My dog, her name is baby." She has reached the small of his back, just above his jeans, and after a few seconds pulled her hands away, laying one of the warm towels over his back. "I would recommend not going to the beach or for a run today, especially with the weather as it is. When he lifted his head to look at her she looked back at him and smiled. "You are very kind, Kyle."

"We are friend Mari, the least I can do. I appreciate you taking the time to see me today. No girlfriend or anyone else there. You will be the only one with a key besides me. It's my house not my family's house." He chuckled. With the towel on his back he closed his eyes but remembered to fish into his pocket for the keys. Carefully he removes the house key and offers it to Mari.

She blinked several times in surprise, and then reached out slowly and took the key from him, pulling her own keyring from her pocket so that she could slide it on before she managed to lose it somewhere. "We are friends, Kyle. I wouldn't have offered to do this for someone I didn't think of as a friend."She chuckled and I know you wouldn't be offering a key to your house to just anyone. it is... it is an honor, really. " After a moment she pulled the towels from his back, Sit up, slowly, tells me f that feels better. Any soreness or tightness anywhere else?"

He slowly sat up tempted to jump off the table. "No soreness, I can feel that you worked it all out. I know it's not a miracle cure but man is it a lot better than it was." He slipped from the table and tested his overall condition with a stretch. "Yes, a whole lot better than it was before. Now you lost money from the cancellation, you have two options, let me pay for the spot or let me buy dinner. No it does not need to be ultra expensive, just do not suggest Taco Bell." He laughs.

She watched him as he slid off the table and stood up, going through the different stretches, watching him, making sure he didn't hesitate in any way. The second reason she was watching him was enough to make her blush slightly. She picked up the towels from the table taking them over to drop them into the dirty towel basket so they could be bleached and washed. She turned back around to face him and smiled, wrinkling her nose when he mentioned Taco bell. At least he hadn't suggested Fried Fish, her sister and brother were likely to have thier noses all up in her business if she walked in with him, even as just a friend. She seemed to consider it eventually listing off a place in the mid-range, something either one of them could afford.

"Done! I even got you to stay away from fast food." He chuckles. "If you would have went that way, I'd have tried to stick money in your bag before you left. No, I'm not even sorry for thinking like that." Kyle offered a smirk and pill his shirt back over his head. "I'll grab something on the way and see you there." He moved in to give Mari another hug.

She laughed a little and shook her head " you are so stubborn, but I figured, you might try a trick like that."She shook her head again. When he reached out to hug her, she stepped forward and hugged him back. "Thank you kyle. I canlt tell you how much I am looking forward to a dinner that is not fast food, so I don't have to run five miles tomorrow, and a hot tub."She smiled up at him letting go of the hug slowly. "I will meet you there."

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