2020-04-30 - Angel of Light and Angel of Dark

Stefhan shares his concerns about Ainslie and he and Alisha wind up having quite the chat.

IC Date: 2020-04-30

OOC Date: 2019-11-24

Location: The Hub

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4568


Few people know the code to enter Stefhan's place of business, but Alisha is one of them. While official business hours are not here yet, she can easily key in the right code if she wants to step inside. Stefhan is still somewhat out of sorts and certainly the worse for wear. There's no Mr. Snuggles about at the moment and he sits at a small desk nursing a shot of vodka. Yeah, the 'shine' isn't accepted as a gift at first and so, he doesn't seem all that thankful to have new abilities.

With Stefhan just coming into his own, it has Alisha more concerned with her friend. Punching in the code and going into the shop. While having a worried look on her face there are also some traces that the blonde is happier than usual. Not a huge feat or anything. Carrying a fast food bag and a drink tray. Closing the door and reenabling the security system, going towards him as she takes in his current state. Heading over to the desk and setting down the food and soda on it. Looking him over "How are you doing?" it's obvious he isn't doing well, still better to hear it from him. "I've been worried about you Stefhan." she admits.

Stefhan looks at the shot of vodka and sighs, "I've been, a bit worried about me too, to be honest. The world, it looks so very different there and it's different, not in a good way I fear. The glow, it's frightening. I found myself well, wondering, what goes from here? Fortunately knowing I have responsibilities is helping, it's the only piece of sanity I feel I have left. I wonder if, a retreat might be in order?"

Alisha nods her head with understanding. It's been a long time since she had her own introduction to all of this. "It is very different. It's hard to get used and makes you jumpy for all the things you'll see out of the corner of your eye. If it helps it gets easier." trying to offer some comfort. "I know it's scary. All that comes with shining brightly and discovering the hidden world. What goes from here?" she repeats "Depends on what you want to do. You can just try ignoring it. Some people manage to do that. Is that what you want?"

"You also have people who care about you and your son. Maybe find some solace in that? Also I'm all for using alcohol to help, but you have told me that you don't like who you are when you drink." she says eyes falling on the shot. "Running away won't help. It is still going to be there, the things will still be there. Only you will not have people who understand around."

Stefhan exhales and listens to his friend. Finally, he started to edge the shot of vodka away from him. "It just, caused me problems before, the alcohol did. I try to avoid it. In my younger years I drank too much and I regretted the choices I made during that time. I probably told you all about that though. I, think I did something good with, this new world I discovered. If it can help people, really help people..."

Alisha will pull up a chair and take a seat at the table. Offering her hand to him. "You have. It's good to remind yourself of why you don't do it anymore. It can help you not make choices you'll regret again. Getting through this, look I get it just don't make it worse for yourself ok?" she does nod "You can help people. Your a good man Stefhan and I know you will use it to help others. Just as I use mine to do so. Both in personal life and on the job. Make sure we get the right people and all. You do have to be careful though. I know I mentioned it before, there are powerful and terrifying things that hunt us."

Stefhan smiles a little and takes his hand and places it on hers. "Thank you, I will tell you about what happened downtown. It sort of explains how I really need to deal with this and use what I have to help. Park was there but, there's something else I need to ask you to do. Will you, walk with me for a second?" He slowly starts to stand up, fortunately leaving the vodka behind.

Alisha gives his hand a quick and friendly squeeze. She has heard there was a mess downtown the other day, not much on the details of anything save a lot of bad luck. "Alright. I want to hear what went down. Mee was? Huh..." filed away for later. She doesn't look more worried. "Oh what do you want to ask me?" at the offer she starts to stand as well "Sure thing. I'll leave the food here for later." she says ready to follow his lead.

Stefhan begins to lead her to another part of the business. For those who don't work here, there's many secret places and hidden things that remain unknown. He goes behind a few 'normal' looking counters to show Alisha what appears to be a safe of sorts. With a series of entries into a keypad, he opens the door and there she can see, not to much surprise, a stack of bills. "My mother made sure I was well stocked." he says, "But, she doesn't know about my new, experiences. I don't know how I can explain that to her."

Alisha follows along and it is a big building after all. Somewhat surprised at the hidden safe. She would have thought he keeps all of his assets in the bank. Hanging back while he opens it. Seeing the contents she let's out a low whistle. It's very likely more money than she's seen in one place before. Save maybe in the evidence room. "That is pretty impressive." she comments. Then getting a sad look on her face "You can't tell her Stefhan. She wouldn't understand, at best she'd think you are crazy. Even if you tried to use your abilities she would forget or explain it away. Unless she has that shine...if you try to explain it will not end well." she cautions.

Stefhan pauses for a minute and hangs his head, "That's really, a very hard pill to swallow, a very hard one. Hell if it wasn't for Alyssa I would probably just stay there. There were even times I entertained marrying the bitch just so I could go back home for real. It seems like I doubt I could really go home and be normal, outside of small visits. I didn't even go home for Christmas. I don't think I'm going to make that mistake again but, Ainslie. She's very loyal to me. I need to make sure she's taken care of, but she can't know about it, ok?"

"You really care about your mother. I know it isn't easy to keep it hidden. It's the reason I didn't mention what I could do before to you. Without being like me you won't accept it. I'm sorry if it was a lie of admission." Alisha apologizes. "If Alyssa is anything like the visage I'm very glad you didn't. Look I didn't mean it to sound like you couldn't go home for longer times. Just give yourself time to adjust. In other places it isn't so bad as here. Ainslie seems like a good person. So are trying to say if something happens to you that you want me to make sure she access to this? And I wouldn't tell her about it. Is that what you wanted to ask me?"

Stefhan shakes his head and says, "It's not that really, Alyssa is quite influential." He sighs a little and says, "I guess I didn't really explain everything about her. I thought I did but, she doesn't just have money in the Chicago area, she has power and influence, something that could really put my family under. Yes, my mother and father are very very rich, but the more I told her no, the more she wanted to ruin them. About Ainslie, more or less, yes. I could give it to you now or you can show it to her, if anything was to happen to me. As a friend, and under no pressure, she stayed the night with me simply to make sure I didn't do any harm to myself. I would expect my mother to do such a thing, but, an employee? No one who has worked for me has shown me such concern and true kindness."

Alisha ahs and nods "You did talk about her having power and influence in your home town. I didn't think she could really use it to hurt your family." she frowns "She's probably still a threat isn't she? You hinted she has a hand in some illegal activity. Do you think a visit from a honest cop, maybe one that read intentions and with a knack for finding the truth, would make her back off? I don't have the authority, but sometimes just the threat is enough." wanting to help her friend and his family. A shake of her head at giving it to her now "I have no where to put it and if I suddenly had a lot more money, that looks really suspicious. Even when it for someone else. You know that was great of her to do so. I'm going to try to make sure nothing does happen to you, but if things go tits up I'll make sure that she gets this."

Stefhan nods and relocks the safe. "The situation with Alyssa is a bit, complicated. Best thing for me to do was to leave and stay away. It was better for me to stay away as it was because of Heather. Everything that I hear is she's honestly happy with her husband, but those in the uppercrust, just because they look happy doesn't mean they are. Still, I will assume Heather is happy. That's best for all of us. Alyssa well, she doesn't take no very well. I lost my virginity to her. If I was sober, I wouldn't have." All of that drama about Heather and, strange enough, he never was even intimate with her.

"Alright. If you ever do want my help, my offer stands." Alisha says while he gets things secure again. "I don't have much experience with judging if rich people are really happy. If it helps with physical distance from Heather and believing she's happy. Then it can't be bad and even if she isn't. I can't help but think she toyed with you. You probably don't want to hear it, but that's the impression I got." from what he told her and the memories. Still she can at least empathize, some of her own issues come from similar situation. Not that she admits it "We all do things drunk that we wouldn't have sober. I'm sorry though that Alyssa can still cause you issues. She may not take no well, I don't take my friends messed with well."

"Hey if you'd like distraction I can bitch about my problems for awhile. Not sure you call them problems...but might take your mind off of other things."

Stefhan smirks a little as Alisha offers her support. "Thanks." He says, "And who knows, maybe in the scheme of things all will be better this way. It's really hard to tell, it honestly is. Maybe I just needed to go and explore my own world and, maybe I can try to make the world a better place. A bunch of maybes but I'm not too sure about things as they stand at the moment. But sure." he smirks a little, "Let me get an O'Douls and you can tell me about what's going on in your life if you wish. I'd love to hear it."

Alisha nods "Maybe it is better. If you don't mind me saying so, you probably need some time to figure things out. Making the world a better place is a admirable goal. Best to start small and work your way up. There are a lot of people in this town who need help." she has grin on her face as he goes on "Mind grabbing me one as well? There has been a lot that has gone on. So many damn things." still waiting until he gets something for at least himself before going into detail.

Stefhan also knows where the mini fridges are in various places in his business. Drinks are easily found, though he continues to make sure there's little to no bottles lying about. "Sure" he says as he offers over the drink she wants, "I'm all ears. It would be good for me to hear more about what is going on in someone else's life."

Alisha takes the offered drink with a nod of thanks. Oh where to begin. She's made changes she wanted to in life and some she didn't want to face. It's still overwhelming for her and seeing if things stick. It would be so easy to go back to the way things were before. Taking a drink for the bottle before she begins "I keep running into more people from school. No real surprise there as my home town isn't that big. I figured most moved on and not like I knew many that well. Ran into a old friend of mine, Madison. Have you met her? She owns Memento Mori and is a band. Anyway we reconnected, had some amazing sex, and got closer than we ever were before. Maddy has some issues and I was going to help her with them."

There is a brief pause "She sort of turned it around me. I mean I guess some people think my behavior is troubling or bad for me. She just sort of throw it in my face. I tried to wave it off, but that girl is like pit bull. Made me think and consider things I didn't do before." taking another drink at the end.

Stefhan nods as he listens, his brow quirks a little as she says something about amazing sex though he honestly tries not to chuckle. Still, there's a matter on his mind and he decides to be honest and come out with it. "How often, are you checked, Alisha? Whoever you sleep with is your business, I know we had that discussion before but" he sighs as he tries to not be too blunt, but to get his point across he has to be. "I'm talking about, your health. I don't mind our liasons and I was checked recently but, I'm going back to get checked again. I don't want to be a nag or ruin our friendship, but health is important. It's not your behavior that really concerns me, but you do have a good doctor, right?"

Alisha tilts her head at Stefhan, a little derailed from what she was saying. Before she loudly laughs "Oh Stefhan you are so sweet. I get myself checked out for any diseases very frequently. Sure I generally use protection and I'm always on birth control, but I know who I screw could have something. My doctor tsks at me, but still has tests arranged." this discussion doesn't seem to faze her one bit. She does take her health seriously and knows what she has to do with her lifestyle. "I get it's out of concern for me. You should get yourself tested and I'm not about to get upset over it." she assures him.

Stefhan heaves a huge sigh of relief and says, "Good. Recently I have and well, recently seems I've been having well, how can I put it, more 'fun' than I expected to have. So far everything has come back fine and yes, it's just the right thing to do. It's important to be responsible but, enough of that lecture. I didn't know so I needed to ask. That said, I'm glad it was good sex but, you mention she turned it around on you? What do you mean exactly?"

Alisha chuckles "You can say getting laid more than you expected. I don't suppose you really would though. I know it's important to be responsible. I don't always seem like it, but I do know how. Thank you for the concern though and better to ask then not. You didn't think I'd be offended did you?" she asks. Next having more of the beer "Not the sex. Though I'm not used to being the submissive one. That was a interesting change." delaying talking about what she meant. "Helping me with my issues I guess. I'm still not sure I see them as issues, she made some good points though. With others echoing things in some ways...I just really had to take a hard look at myself. Why I avoid attachments, why I drink, why I do most of the self destructive things I do. Including hunting alone. It was a lot and I almost told her to fuck off."

Stefhan is older, and he's likely seen more and had a few more soul searching experiences than Alisha has had, even if they are different. "We all have issues, it's nothing to be ashamed of, nothing at all. Are you familiar with Maslow's hierarchy of needs? I think that's the main thing to consider. Meet your basic needs then move on. Some needs are more basic than other. You shouldn't worry about attachments though but you do need to let your friends be there for you. The drinking though, it can be self destructive. Still, you're young but, my main concern is did this woman hurt you?"

For Ali self realization isn't something she does. She's very actively avoided it. "I'm not ashamed of it. I know I have issues and I was working on changing them. Still if I didn't exactly address why. Any change is skin deep." she shakes her head at being familiar with the concept. Maybe it was gone over briefly in HS, but that was awhile ago and she just went straight from that time to being a cop. "Thing is I'm not sure what is basic for me. What I did seemed to be enjoy, but I always needed more and more. Like I was missing something. I'm trying to let friends be there for me. Maddy did hurt me. Only because I care about her and what she thinks. I don't think she was wrong and after really thinking about it all. I did something I never thought I could. So better to say she pushed me and I actually listened."

Stefhan nods his head and smiles a little, "So, it's more of a situation where a friend challenged you? Well, challenges can be good. We really don't want to always stay with the status quo. As far as missing something, maybe you know that there will be times you need to be protected, instead of always being the protector? It's wonderful that you looked out for your sister like you did, and it's wonderful that you plan to protect the community with everything you have, but, understanding the other side of things is important. In a way, I don't think I've ever felt this...vulnerable now, seeing things in a new light, it's frightening."

Alisha drains the bottle and nods. Needing a little more she sets it down and has a quick drink of her flask. "Yeah more like that I guess." she frowns "I don't like needing to be protected. People let you down or just aren't there anymore." and there's the heart of her pain "Maybe that's not fair of me to say. I've just always kept others safe. That's who I am and if I need it...what does that say about me?" before a slow nod "It must be very scary for you. I still remember how it was for me in the beginning. I'm sorry Stefhan." leaning against him a little. "Being vulnerable is terrifying. I asked Mee if she wanted to be my girlfriend, I know it's just a label and really does change anything. It still felt so good when she agreed, even if it doesn't mean what it does to others."

Stefhan shrugs and says, "There's no harm in wanting to be protected. It could be a very good thing. However, there may be times when you need to be simply because, well, shit happens. I get it though. When I was in danger last night, or I suppose I was, people were calling out to me to avoid the cables. Didn't do much good though. My life really isn't that important compared to other people." Seems as if he doesn't mind sacrificing himself for the greater good. "So, it's got nothing to do with being fair or not, just, the way things can be." He smirks a little and says, "Ah, well don't call it a label. If she really and honestly loves you in a romantic way well, there's no greater gift than that, seriously."

<FS3> Alisha rolls Composure: Success (6 6 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Alisha)

Alisha hmphs "I haven't need to be protected for a long, long time. I will think about it though. Maybe I should let others help in that way." she pauses "Cables? What exactly went on last night? I heard about the flood. You should try to keep yourself safe and others. I take risks, but they are needed ones. Wish I could have responded in time, but I was across the city when the call came in." her eyes flit quickly in terror at something he says. A few quick breaths later she is keeping herself under control. "Hey, hey no one has mentioned love! We like each other and in a romantic sense as well. We are still free to see others and have sex with others. She agreed mostly because it meant something good to me. I can't even explain why it did. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad and I'm happy...I don't know why calling what we share by formal name had such a effect on me." she is babbling a little. Stefhan always, intentional or otherwise, knows what to say to push her mind into a possible panic situation.

Stefhan shakes his head and holds back much of what he wants to say. Seems as if romance has fallen into her lap all too easily, and deep inside, he knows he's jealous. "It's a blessing, not a curse. You should enjoy it. There's few things in the world better than love and being loved in return. I do hope your happiness turns into bliss. It's not a serious commitment I'm sure but, just enjoy the love." Hopefully he doesn't sound like too much of a hippie. "The cable. It was live, was going to hurt a lot of people, at least potentially. Well, using some of my new skills, I was able to shut it off. Looked like some sort of van accident took things from bad to worse."

Alisha is rather oblivious to any form of jealous. It's so outside of what she feels that she has no idea what it really is and can't see it in others. Save if they explain it to her. "I plan to enjoy it." avoiding using love. "We are happy with our time when we have it. It is a pretty heady feeling. Thanks and we will have to see. Who knows what can happen. Also I had actually expected a date from someone without just rejecting out of hand, he's a rather nice guy..." and she thinks he wouldn't bring it a subject so she does "If...if you wanted to ask me out Stefhan. I won't say no. Probably wouldn't work, we come from two different worlds, and maybe we are better as friends...but there it is if you'd like to try." cheeks getting a touch flushed. She does care for him and maybe at first confused his intention.

Then it is on to different serious topic. "You did good. It's really rough to use it in a high stress at first. You helped a good number of people that way. Just promise me you'll be careful about using it. I'm not going to harp too much on it. From what I heard in the report the accidents didn't help."

<FS3> Stefhan rolls Composure: Success (6 5 3 2 2) (Rolled by: Stefhan)

Stefhan begins to get a little more flustered at...something? Well, he's certainly from a different walk of life than she is. The notion of the cable dropping is well, sort of dropped for now. But, did she just proposition him for..romance? Like real romance? Not a 'oh my god fuck me now' but, romance? He coughs a little as he thinks he misheard such, "You...you..wait, what are you talking about Alisha? I mean, ok, you...you want to date men, too? I don't understand."

His questioning has her flush turn into a real blush. She was trying to make it clear she's willing to attempt romance with him. She takes in a deep breath "I'm talking about trying for us. You and me to go out on a date." in typical Ali fashion maybe going too far with something she is trying to change about herself. "I'm poly and there are people I like and care about. Men or women it doesn't matter. Nothing could come of any of it. Just trying to say I'm willing to try and hope I don't end up hurting anyone."

<FS3> Stefhan rolls Composure: Success (8 5 5 4 2) (Rolled by: Stefhan)

Stefhan coughs as he seems to be a bit, nervous. She's gorgeous, and young, I mean, why wouldn't he want to /try/ to see where things go. Still, this appears a bit unexpected Surely he's hearing things, right? He then remembers the first time they met and how he was very enthralled in the moment. "Alisha..." he says, "You weren't interested in..well." Then another realization, "You do know I'm older than you, right?"

He isn't alone in being nervous. Alisha is as well. Did she push things, should she have kept her mouth shut, would they even work that way? All things that go through her head. At their first meeting she was in a different place and hadn't faced things. Obviously she was and is interested in him. "I know I wasn't. Maybe I was a little...it is still a battle for me. I could be going too far." what works for nerves, him bring up age again. She sighs loudly "I am aware. You won't let me forget it, even if I was trying to. It doesn't matter to me. It isn't like you are old enough to be my dad."

<FS3> Stefhan rolls Composure: Success (7 7 4 3 1) (Rolled by: Stefhan)

Stefhan looks down to the floor for a moment, a heavy sigh escaping his lips but he is composed. "I'm sorry." he says, "I truly am I shouldn't worry about it so much and, if I am going to take you out, I will make the pledge that I won't or at least do my best. I have never well." He rolls his eyes a little at himself and remarks, "One thing I am thankful for is that you and Park helped me with my confidence. Well, we can certainly try I imagine, and just be honest with one another as things go." Apparently he's not completely against the idea as he asks, "Well, a date it will be then. Where would you like to go?"

Alisha tries to meet his eyes as he looks down. "You don't have to worry about it with me at all. It's really not a big deal to me. What I like in people has nothing to do with how old or young they are." she then smiles "Glad we could help. Maybe you had fun as well, I could see a repeat possible in the future." another good help for her blush and nerves is failing back on old behavior. "Only if you want to. I wouldn't be anything other than honest and now I can be about everything." at least as much as she is willing to admit to herself. "I do want to be honest. You know I'm not a one man or woman anything...well of course you probably know. I just recall you saying what you want and I can't be that." offering him a way out if he wants one "Where? Ah I'm not sure, we could go dancing. Have a dinner, keep things casual. I haven't had much experience you know, so I can leave it up to what you'd like."

Stefhan continues to relax a little more, and the notion of going out with a blonde woman certainly does appeal to him. "Well, dancing it is then." he smiles, "I do have an interest for such actually. Though I'm not too much into the typical bump and grind type thing. Waltzes, elegance, ah yes, that I would like to teach you." Hey, seems nice for a date, "So, how is that idea? Dancing, and see where things go?"

Alisha smiles at the suggestion "Dancing sounds good. Oh not some much into the bump and grind? Eh that's sort of what I know. Some other dances as well but...waltzes?" she sighs. Still he is willing to try, she is as well. "Sure as long as you don't mind if I could step on your feet while I'm learning. I'll try not, but I've never done formal dancing. I didn't even go to prom." she admits. "Yeah dancing and seeing where things go. Hey even if it doesn't go great, at least you know you are going to get laid." she jokes.

Stefhan chuckles a little as another difference is revealed. It doesn't seem to bother him though and he says, "It is good to be challenged." He remarks, "Definitely very very good. If we do not take the time to explore new things, then we are useless in a way. But, on another topic, is Park, ok? I saw her last night and I think she might have gotten in the middle of everything."

Alisha nods "I guess it is from time to time. Otherwise...well things just could have been different. I'm all for exploring new things and experiencing more in life than what I've know. How would one ever find things they like if they don't try." she shrugs "We haven't texted or talked yet today. If she wasn't ok I'm pretty sure she would have said something. I know you said you saw her there. Did she seem alright during? I'm not trying to sound unconcerned. I am, I also think she can take care of herself. I will check in on her to make sure."

Stefhan studies her reaction carefully, as if the response is a bit too odd for being 'the' girlfriend. Then again, he might have a different perspective. More concern is apparent on his face though and he nods, as if to bring up a contrary point, "Well, if you could at least send her a message. I would feel better about it if nothing else. Sometimes it's good to make sure. If you need to leave to call her, I totally understand."

Alisha does see the studying of her and feels a need to explain "Look when I said weird things happen all the time in this town I meant it. Mee has lived here all her life as well and it doesn't sound like a monster was rampaging downtown. Mee has a way of just being positive and full of life. If something went horribly wrong I know she'd contact me." and he is probably observant enough or knows her well enough to see she is very worried. Just trying to hide behind her calm mask. Being completely open with what she feels is still not a point she's at yet "I promise I will send her a message. I am sure she's fine...did more happen last night?"

Stefhan begins to recall all the excitement, though he continues to be perplexed. Still, he doesn't seem to obsess over the issue as he continues on. "If I recall correctly, there was a serious collision. So serious that a manhole went flying and you know how heavy those are. I don't think that anyone was killed though, yet the potential was there. It seems as if Park has quite the, how do you say, shine to her? But didn't you say something about being wary of using your abilities? I'm not too sure as, I didn't think my new skills could help. Obviously, they did."

Alisha nods and all of this was in the official report. "There were injuries, but no fatalities. At least none that were reported or observed. So a very slow day by Gray Harbor standards." again just trying to play things cool. She nods to his observation. "If you haven't noticed yet others will shine. They are like we are and I've had my curse for long enough to see it in others." she pauses as her phone beeps and her eyes go wide as she looks at the message. Typing a quick reply and looking so worried. Some more deep breathes as she composes herself again. Trying to make it seem like nothing happened. "It isn't common and I don't usually say anything about it. Mainly to keep them out of my harm's way when I hunt...Stefhan you should know hunting the things that hunt us is very dangerous. One of the things that holds me back from getting close is even above my job, killing monsters will get me hurt or worse." he has witnessed her in hunting mode and feels no reason to hide this from him.

"I did say for you to wary of using abilities. I'd say that to anyone else if I thought they'd listen. It attracts attention of very awful things, things I don't even think I could win against. I'll never say not to use them at all. Just when you feel it is most needed. And you did to help others, don't forget to help yourself. Am I making sense?" Ali isn't sure. She's trying to edit as he is new to this. She could be editing too much.

Stefhan nods to acknowledge what she says, "I'll remember that, I definitely will. Last night was pretty desperate. If I didn't do everything I could to turn the power to the cable off, with all the water, it could have gotten, extremely awful. I don't regret what I did, granted you might be the only person who knows. Still, thank you for the advice." He looks over at her cellphone and asks, "Do you need to go?"

Alisha nods to Stefhan. "Was Mr Snuggles missing? Mee says hi btw. Right though you acted to help others. I'll never fault anyone for that. Really Stefhan for someone so new to this, you did good." she offers. "Stefhan don't do it because people could notice. I really doubt a single soul knows what I did to save them. The price I pay when I close my eyes at night. Guess what I am trying to say is don't do what I do." she shakes her head any traces of worry going away "Mee says she's ok." there is some more typing on her phone.


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