2022-05-17 - Dangerous dreams

Amanda falls into a dream, disappearing from the Boardwalk. What horrors will find her?

Content Warning: nsfw swearing

IC Date: 2022-05-17

OOC Date: 2021-05-17

Location: Veil/Dreamscape

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6709


Shit, shit shit shit. Where is she? Amanda slowly looks over, what was once the Boardwalk, though now the outline looks different, they are fuzzier, and everything looks darker, even the sky looks strange. She slowly looks around, maybe she is still at home and she just, what, forgot what the world looks like? A sigh, and then a groan, well, maybe she's not alone here, maybe there is someone else who can help her.
Going with that idea, she starts walking slowly down the /street/, looking out for anyone, "Jonathan!" She yells out into the darkness, "Are you here? Is anyone here?" Her only response is silence, followed by a soft chittering sound. Slowly, she turns around again, trying to get a bearing on where the sound could be coming from.

Three dark hooded figures come down the street, seemingly floating as they move. Standing over 7 feet tall, they are all wearing a long cloak that hides their face and brushes along the ground as they move. Long, bony fingers fold together in front of them as they move, their bodies almost swaying with each step. Upon seeing the very alone, very scared Amanda, the first of the creatures stops moving, glowing red eyes fixating upon the young woman and then they start chittering again, once again moving, though this time faster and right towards her.

Amanda stops, why does she stop! She should run, yes, run is a good idea. Though she can't, there is something about those blood-red eyes that pull her in, keep her transfixed in place and all she can do is stare, goose flesh breaking out on her skin as they get closer and closer.

The leader of the three comes to a stop when he is in front of Amanda, one bony hand coming up to remove the hood, and what is underneath is enough to scare even the bravest of men. Rotting flesh hangs from, what used to be a face, the smell impregnating the air. Glowing red eyes, the pupil since gone, share out from rotted eye sockets, a grin, teeth missing or rotten, becomes transfixed on the young girl, it's fingers coming up to steeple together in a point. "Seeemmms we have a dreamer." It says, those terrifying eyes roaming down Amanda from head to feet, its tongue snaking out to lick along lips that are no longer there.

She doesn't want to stare, why can't she look away, why can't she do, anything. She tries to move, uses all of her strength to push her foot in any direction, but has no luck. She has no choice but to stare at the creature, a single tear rolling down her cheek as pure fear takes over.

The creature grins, it's bony finger extends to accept the tear, like an offering, "Goooood." it says, those awful teeth still grinning at her, "wee will feeeed on your feaaarrrr." Its mouth opens, followed by the mouth of the other two creatures, their hoods dropping, and the chittering sound becomes louder and louder.

<FS3> Creature (a NPC) rolls 3 (8 5 3 3 1) vs Creature (a NPC)'s 3 (7 5 4 4 2)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Amanda)

Amanda stars at them, she can't seem to look away, but nothing happens, why does nothing happen. She tries to move again, in any way possible but still, nothing happens, it seems whatever these creatures are, they can control her movements.

<FS3> Evil Creature (a NPC) rolls 3 (7 5 5 1 1) vs Evil Creture (a NPC)'s 3 (5 3 2 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Evil Creature. (Rolled by: Amanda)

That's when it happens, small cuts, small at first, start to appear on Amanda's body, first her arms, then her legs, and finally one long slash appears on her stomach, a blue aura starting to seep out of the wounds and into the creatures mouths, that awful sound getting louder and louder as they feed on her.

Another tear rolls down her face as the cuts start to appear, each one hurting more and more, the one along her stomach making her knees buckle, but she doesn't fall, the creatures still having the ability to keep her up as they continue to feed on her, slowly, /painfully/

As the blue aura continues to flow into their mouths, the chittering comes out at the deafening sound, the sound echoing around the space.

Suddenly, Amanda wakes up, screaming, reappearing at the Boardwalk, the cuts on her arms legs, and stomach still oozing like they were in the dream. Cursing, she pushes herself up, wincing in pain, hospital, she has, to get to the hospital. She takes a few steps and then faints from blood loss, her crumpled body bringing in the attention of onlookers who make sure she gets to the hospital.


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