2022-05-29 - Self-Restraint and the Lack Thereof

The only way Jules can control her severe lack of filter is via texting.

IC Date: 2022-05-29

OOC Date: 2021-05-30

Location: Cyberspace

Related Scenes:   2022-05-28 - Our Secret Selves   2022-05-29 - Hiking, Unfiltered   2022-05-29 - Not All Apologies Are Hard

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6770


(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Hey. Sorry again for the millionth time. You doing ok?

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : Think the millionth time will do the trick? I promise, it's ok. None of this is your fault.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : Yeah, I'm ok. More importantly, how are you?

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : I know but still

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Ok? I guess?

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Unfortunately I cannot hide in my room forever and I am kind of dreading being around people because I don’t know what I might say

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : And I am 💯 hiding now

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : It's going to wear off. It really is.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : And I think people in your immediate vicinity will understand.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : MAYBE

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : It will.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : Can I help at all?

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : How do you know?

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Even if people get it still doesn’t mean I won’t say stupid shit and make life awkward

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : Because there's loads of examples of people ending up impaired based on stupid Veil shit, but none of it ever lasts forever.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : I think people are likely to be forgiving rather than not.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : I don’t suppose you can put my brain back together?

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : How long DOES it last?

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : I mean, I could try?

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : I could at least give you some calm and happy.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : I like calm and happy! I would also like to burn down Ava’s greenhouse and that would make me happy.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : I only ever used to be able to do that kind of thing for short periods, but... I think I'm getting stronger. Being here, probably.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : That would make me happy too but it looks like she's friendly with... that was the police chief, yes?

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Yeah

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : I'm going to suggest burning things down might not be a good idea.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Pity

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : Big pity

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : It's not punishment or retribution. Just...

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Maybe just a little fire

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : No one else should end up in this situation.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Hell no

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Anyway I guess living here does have its benefits? Re: mental mojo

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : Yeah, I guess it does.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : And yes if you were magically able to fix me so I stop word vomiting I would be very grateful.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : I will drop in this afternoon and we'll see what we can do, ok?

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : And in the meantime... you're ok. I bet Della and Una have your back. I bet there are cookies, too.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : So you're ok.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : I don’t think anyone should be subjected to anyone else’s mental processing. Great way to lose all your friends and wreck all your relationships.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : Not disagreeing, though I don't think you're at risk of that.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Yes this afternoon works for me. And yes there are cookies!

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : We all think stupid shit that should never see the light of day.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : I have admittedly only been to your place like once? Twice? But. I'm pretty sure there are always cookies.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Pretty much. Sometimes Una gets fancy and there are cinnamon rolls too.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : Dude.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Fact: if I stuff my face I won’t be able to speak!

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : I see no flaws with this plan!

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : And 'this cookie is nearly but definitely not quite as good as sex with Mikaere' that's fine too right?

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Hahahaha ok. Because I can’t promise I won’t say that especially now that you’ve put it in my head thank you very much.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : 😇

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : I promise not to use this to my advantage.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : I am still wincing over all the stuff I said in public.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Not totally sure I believe you there

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : I'm only human. I promise to try.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : It wasn't that bad. I mean, it could've been worse.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : But I’m glad we’re ok and I haven’t sent you running for the hills. Or through the Veil

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : We're ok. I haven't sailed away. I promise.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Really? Worse than asking your roommate why her date is platonic and she isn’t getting laid?

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Because that happened.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : Well shit.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : I take it that didn't go down well?

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : She didn’t really say anything but I think not

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : She'll get over it.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : I still feel like an asshole

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : So apologise. And then you can cry on each others shoulders, or whatever.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : And then you'll both feel better.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Yeah I hope so!

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : And then eat cookies.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : Exactly. So it'll be fine.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : From what you say, I think she'll be fine.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : I hope so! Maybe I will venture into the kitchen and see if she’s baking things for me because that would be a good sign

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : Good idea. You can do it. It's all going to be fine.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : But don't eat all the cookies, I want some later.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Moods can be judged on the basis of baking. Except too much baking is stress baking and that’s bad.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : I am fascinated by this. How much is too much?

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : I will restrain myself in one aspect of my life at least and leave you cookies.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : My hero.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Uhhh three or four different types of things at once

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : ... ok that's a lot.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : Right? So I will keep you updated on the quantity and whether it’s safe to come over.

(TXT to Jules) Mikaere : Taking one for the team. My hero.

(TXT to Mikaere) Jules : I do what I can.


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