
Eben's icon
Ebenezer Wright
Full Name
Ebenezer Wright
Owner, Memento Mori
Dirty Blond
Played By
Garrett Hedlund
[object Object]
Supplemental Information
System Information
  • Prodigal Son - Eben was born and raised in Gray Harbor, and graduated class of 2009. He left for the Big City to get a fancy degree in Art History, returning when his grandmother passed to settle her affairs while working abroad on his master's thesis in Art History and Conservation at Oberlin University in Ohio. Given he also bought a business, the local antique shop, it's fair to say he intends to settle back down for good.

  • All In the Family - Eben's family doesn't go back too many generations, but his grandparents at least were pillars of the community in their time. His grandfather, Adam Wright, was a woodworker before he passed in '05 with a thriving business and his grandmother, Ruth, taught elementary school art until her passing as well as part time yoga classes. He sold their house after his grandmother's passing, but he was close to both and open to swapping stories about the beloved art teacher and the friendly old woodworker with locals that may remember them.

  • Arts and Crafts Time - Being the grandson of a woodworker and art teacher, Eben is a fair hand at making and fixing things. He's more a dabbler than any kind of dedicated artisan, but he does love experimenting around with new disciplines and is constantly expanding his categorization as a jack of all trades in the art and crafts world with projects. The one constant, however, is sketching and he can always be found out and about sketching stuff.

  • Memento Mori - Eben recently purchased Memento Mori, the previous owner having retired and fled town. Too many creepy dolls. Given his background in art history and conservation, he has decided to buy the business and expand it to include basic conservation and research on the history and authenticity of pieces, as well as the buying and selling of antiques. Given his background, both personally and academically, there's little surprise he's also expressed an interest in local folklore.

  • Madness or More? - Eben's mother was one of the town crazies, being locked up when he was nine and killing herself some years later. She was also strongly gifted with the Glimmer but too stubborn and paranoid to seek help from others. Eben inherited the Glimmer, as well as a couple of her OCD habits, and has begun detoxing off prescription pills while attempting to learn more about it.

If one were to take Shakespeare's words of 'Yon Cassius' with his 'lean and hungry look' in the literal sense, they might think of this young man. Of average height at 5'10", he has a frame that is fit and healthy but with a certain lack of bulk that gives him an lanky unfinished look only enhanced by an pale, angular face with heavy brows over hawkish dark blue eyes. His hair is a dirty blond shade somewhere between brown and gold, leaning one way or the other depending on the light, and worn perpetually messy along with a generous amount of scruff. He dressed casual in earth tones with little in the way of bare skin, long sleeve henley shirts with jeans and sturdy boots, jewelry minimal but for an antique steel pocket watch with chain hanging from wide belt. His voice is a pleasant enough low tenor, his accent local but light.

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