
Libby's icon
Elizabeth Jong
Full Name
Elizabeth Marguerite de Jong
Dark Brown
Dark Brown
Played By
Lucie von Alten
[object Object]
Supplemental Information
System Information
  • Townie Returned - Libby left Gray Harbor to attend UW School of Nursing in Seattle. She was all too happy to get away from this weird town. Yet, two years ago, she returned to tend to her sick mother. Libby's not every happy about it.

  • Cosmopolitan Girl - She'd really rather be in London. Or Paris. Or Buenos Aires. Or anywhere more cosmopolitan than here! Did she tell you about her trip to Tokyo? It was a-maze-ing.

  • Nurse - She was one of Seattle's top trauma nurses. Now... she's a nurse at Addington Memorial.

  • Hats for Dogs - She's got a thing for knitting. She's got a thing for dogs. She likes to knit hats for dogs. And booties, and scarves, and... you get the idea.

  • Not My Name - Elizabeth moved to Gray Harbor after her father (a Seattle beat cop) died. Her mom (Marilyn) taught at the high school, her aunt (Margo) was a baker. Her family was a staple in the community... and everyone called her Libby. And she hates it. But there's no shaking it, not this late in life.

Tall, dark, and handsome. Not the traditional descriptor for a woman, but Elizabeth is decidedly those things. She stands just about five foot eleven, with a lean built, and a fairly masculine jawline. She is decidedly striking, though whether in a good way or bad, that's up to the observer.

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2019-11-28 - Thankful for...
**Open vignette scene.** Feel free to share a snippet of your character's Turkey Day. Could be anything - something that happens/ed off-camera, a character you didn't get a chance to play, a misty water-colored memory, whatever's clever. Note that this isn't a "live" scene in the traditional sense; just a collection of vignettes around a common theme. I'll be leaving it open until Friday the 16th at around 4:30 PM Pacific / 7:30 PM Eastern.
KarmaBum, Nicole, Cassidy, Erin, Greg, Elise, Graham, Eli, Tobin, Aidan, Alexander, Easton, Sutton, Byron, Gina, Clarissa, Carver, Lilith, Elias, Cole, Lex, Vyv, Andi, Ruiz, Abitha, Mark, Lucinda, Genevieve, Lyric, Ignacio, Justin, Itzhak, Finch, August, Isabella, Rebecca, Hyacinth, Minerva, Jaime, Joey, Everett, Eleanor, Maddie, Love, Duncan, Tyrone, Abby, Sparrow, Zoiya, Tillie, Nathan, Harvey, Hailey, Carter, Andy, Roxy, Viktor, Shauna, Kailey, Rhys, Daisy, Grant, Jacob, Noelle, Martel, Yule, Anne, Patrick, Reese, Libby

2019-11-27 - Happy Thanksgiving I Guess
Awkward pre-Thanksgiving checkins are awkward.
Reese, Libby