
Martel's icon
Raymond Martel
Full Name
Raymond Prisque-De-Lachenay Martel
Professional Gambler
Played By
Jon Bernthal
[object Object]
Supplemental Information
System Information

Gambler - It's his hobby, his job, and a huge part of his life.

Subtle as a Brick - Glimmer detection rolls are effectively unnecessary. He's never tried to hide it. He might not actually know how.

French Canadian - Quebecois . God help us all.

Sharp jaw and trimmed black beard, Martel is a little shy of 6'0. Two inches shy of 6'0, if you're honest, but stature and posture seems like something he considered important. Broad in the shoulder and slightly long of face, defined features and casual expression both suit this man well, which is good, as he was born with the first, and often wears the second. There's signs of a long-ago broken nose between observant brown eyes, and his hair is trimmed close at the sides, but runs a little long on top right now.

A dark three piece with deep purple tie is his attire for today. It's his attire for most days, actually. Sure, the ties change color often, and it seems as though the jacket will only be buttoned in the event of an emergency, but he found a style long ago he liked, and damned if that's going to change. A watch, silver and metal linked occasionally peeks out from under his jacket cuff, either expensive in make, or well found and crafted if a knock off.

His deep black leather shoes are impeccably shined. The soles, if seen? Scuffed. Almost as if he runs in them.

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2019-11-28 - Thankful for...
**Open vignette scene.** Feel free to share a snippet of your character's Turkey Day. Could be anything - something that happens/ed off-camera, a character you didn't get a chance to play, a misty water-colored memory, whatever's clever. Note that this isn't a "live" scene in the traditional sense; just a collection of vignettes around a common theme. I'll be leaving it open until Friday the 16th at around 4:30 PM Pacific / 7:30 PM Eastern.
KarmaBum, Nicole, Cassidy, Erin, Greg, Elise, Graham, Eli, Tobin, Aidan, Alexander, Easton, Sutton, Byron, Gina, Clarissa, Carver, Lilith, Elias, Cole, Lex, Vyv, Andi, Ruiz, Abitha, Mark, Lucinda, Genevieve, Lyric, Ignacio, Justin, Itzhak, Finch, August, Isabella, Rebecca, Hyacinth, Minerva, Jaime, Joey, Everett, Eleanor, Maddie, Love, Duncan, Tyrone, Abby, Sparrow, Zoiya, Tillie, Nathan, Harvey, Hailey, Carter, Andy, Roxy, Viktor, Shauna, Kailey, Rhys, Daisy, Grant, Jacob, Noelle, Martel, Yule, Anne, Patrick, Reese, Libby

2019-10-21 - May Your Five Year Old Neighbor Always Have Their Violin Lessons During Your Hangovers
Noelle has another disaster, Natalia comes along to try and soothe the storm. Martel loses $5800, but feels he got off light. ALSO DOGS.
Natalia, Noelle, Martel