
Horticulture and Arboriculture


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Outskirts/Branch & Bole and Out on a Limb

A modest sized building on the outskirts of town, Branch & Bole occupies a wood-sided, metal-roofed building that's been home to a few different businesses, including a consignment store, an 'antique' shop, and a jewelry store. The shop deals mainly in live plants, seeds, fertilizer, and horticulture implements, with a small section devoted to 'garden paraphernalia' of the sort popularly sold in larger institutions like Pottery Barn. Out on a Limb, the arboriculture service, has its office here, as well as its equipment and trucks. Gus is a reasonably generous employer, as such things go, but he knows that's how you talk people into dealing with downed trees at 3am. As a former USFS employee he has an in on getting contracts from them and the state for any needs local to the area.


Name Position RP Notes OOC Notes
August Owner/Proprietor Grumpy Gus in the Woods He might be hiring...you could ask...
Finch Out on a Limb Employee Possible mistake #1 She asked, he hired her. Might not have been a good idea.
Ignacio Branch & Bole Employee Possible mistake #2 Also probably not a good idea.
Jefferson New Branch & Bole Employee New Returning Local Ex-con, and he Glimmers. Three guesses as to why August hired him...
Shop employee Summer hire, college grad student NPC (Contact August for RP)
Shop employee Local, 'Crazy Animal Lady' NPC (Contact August for RP)
Out on a Limb employee / Business Partner Local, middle-aged NPC (Contact August for RP)
Out on a Limb employee Summer hire, college undergrad NPC (Contact August for RP)