

Strip Mall


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Downtown/Foggy Bluffs Strip Mall

Carved into a block of prime downtown real estate is the Foggy Bluffs Strip Mall. Most people refer to it simply as the Bluffs, which can confuse outsiders who think locals are talking about an ocean overlook. Here, the lot is well-tended and pristine, providing ample parking for local businesses. Each facade is a little different, through the front-face of the mall is single story most of the way down, joining walls made of stone and neatly fitted brick. Large picture windows put the offerings on display, well lit at all times of the day.

From eateries to goods, the mall provides Gray Harbor’s residents with a selection of diversions and spending opportunities, all under the watchful eye of a few security cameras, and the regular patrol of GHPD rolling through the lot. An even sidewalk lines the front of the mall from one end to the other, providing a space to gather and wander to peruse what's on offer. Raised beds planted along the front of the mall rotate plants depending on season.

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