

Closed dispensary


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Maple/Green Harbor Organics

Established in the summer of 2019, Green Harbor Organics offered recreational and medical-grade marijuana products for the discerning customer. Services included while-you-wait teleconference medical marijuana certification, retail sales of diverse paraphernalia and merchandise, and friendly customer service. Owner/operator Greg Sumpter took a direct and personal interest in the day-to- day operation of the business and had a reputation for making his wealth of knowledge available to his clients.

In additional to the commercial services it provided, the private skate park on Green Harbor's premises had proven an increasingly popular destination for a certain segment of Gray Harbor's population, and a small but growing coterie of punks, lowlifes, and ne'er-do-wells had formed, mingling with the shop's clientele day and night.

For those in the know, the business had a somewhat darker reputation on the streets; the owner, after all, was known or suspected by many to deal in harder substances. But that's probably just talk, of course, and most visitors to Green Harbor enjoyed a perfectly ordinary and legal shopping experience.

Closed on 11/11/2020

It's the boom heard across Gray Harbor, an explosion like fireworks in the crisp November night that occurs precisely at 4:20 a.m. Those awake at the time - no matter where they are in the city - all attest to seeing a brilliant column of fire lighting up the night from Maple Street and sending a cloud of sweet-smelling smoke billowing up into the sky. The fire department was dispatched at precisely 4:24 a.m., however by the time they arrived on scene, Green Harbor Organics was ash. The only thing that remains is the skate park out back, somehow perfectly untouched by the flames.

In fact, all the other businesses around Green Harbor Organics go unscathed as well. The fire chief commented to the Gazette that it appears the fire was accidental, caused by electrical damage within the building. The reporter indicates that the chief couldn't quit giggling during the interview and had to take several munchie breaks.

For most of Gray Harbor, it's business as usual. Fires happen all the time, businesses go up in flames, and someone will eventually rebuild on the ashes. But for those who Glimmer, they notice that the fire sent a huge greenish-gray cloud up into the air that's settled, completely blocking out the sun. The cloud lingers even after the fire is extinguished, swirling in the air and making Gray Harbor smell oh-so-sweet.