Vivid Dreams - Apartment

The room here is at least somewhat spacious and seems relatively well built. The walls are made of wood that may not be oak, but it appears solid enough. There are a few alcoves here and in those alcoves are things such as shelves, and cabinets holding various things inclues books and folders of all sorts. In the center of the room is one large, very comfortable looking couch. In front of the sofa appears to be a large coffee table holding a variety of magazines. There are two doors that lead to other rooms and a staircase winds back down into the main area.

One of the alcoves specifically leads into a bedroom with curtains and a bedspread the shade of pink. Above the bedspread is a four column canopy bed made of a light colored wood that nicely contrasts with the feminine shade of color. Flanked by two end tables, the bed also provides a practical space where the apartment owner can rest her head. Directly in front of it is a medium sized TV that can easily provide entertainment before bedtime.

Located In

Gray Harbor - Downtown - Downtown Residential


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Leads To

  • Vivid Dreams Art Gallery