The Kelly House - First Floor

This three bedroom home has been retrofitted in strange ways to house more than a few people more than its capacity strictly dictates over the years. From the screened in narrow back porch which occasionally holds a hammock, to the tiny attic, to the partitioned off basement, there are occasionally more than a few Kelly's kicking around that seem to literally crawl out of the walls and scatter back into them like cockroaches.

The living room boasts old battered furniture on well-worn hardwood floors as well as the Christmas Tree that sits in the corner all year round, decorated just the way mom liked it before she passed. The kitchen appliances don't always all work at the same time. The electricity is a little funny on any given day. And the wallpaper is straight out of the seventies.

It's a mess, but it's home.

Located In

Gray Harbor - Elm - Elm Residential


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Leads To

  • The Kelly House - Front Yard
  • The Kelly House - Joey's Room