City Stalked by Murders

KarmaBum -- 10:10am on Thursday, May 23, 2019
The Sunday, July 28th, edition of the Gazette runs a story about murders that have been happening all month in Gray Harbor. Several staff members are included in the by-line. The details of the article include:

  • July 1st: Unnamed victim found at the Bayside Apartments.
  • July 13th: Derrick Henderson was murdered; his sister, Penelope, survived the assault but was hospitalized.
  • July 20th: Kelly Carr, a tourist visiting her sister, was murdered while visiting her sister, who is not considered a suspect.
  • July 23rd: Gregory Addington was found murdered in his home. His wife found the body and is not considered a suspect.
  • July 27th: Irene Reede was found murdered in her home. Her husband found the body and is not considered a suspect.

The story is the first time the "Gray Harbor Ghoul" gets mentioned publicly. Locals have already started comparing this rash of murders to those committed by one of Gray Harbor's most notorious inhabitants: William Gohl, also known as Billy the Ghoul, a serial killer active in the early 1900s whose body-count is estimated to be over 100. (The paper doesn't include the link, but most locals would have heard of him:

The paper ends the article by asking a few burning questions: Who is committing these murders? And who is next?

Local Coroner Dies

Penny -- 02:06pm on Wednesday, June 12, 2019

 The newspapers and local news run a story that is probably a bit shocking. Doctor Penelope Faust died early on Monday, August 26th. The woman had been recovering from being attacked the same night her brother was murdered. Details will be forthcoming, but right now the family is not wanting to be contacted.

A Face Full of Charity

Kevin -- 09:02pm on Thursday, June 13, 2019
An image of a pretty unrecognizable man in a button-up shirt and khakis, wearing a helmet, mask, and goggles -- his face almost entirely covered by paintball paint

Posted online the night of August 26 with the byline "-Kevin Walters, Addington Memorial Park"

Winners and losers alike enjoyed the first annual Charity Paintball Match between the Gray Harbor Police Department and Gray Harbor Fire and Rescue, but the real winner is the City Beautification and Wildlife Preservation Fund, which received substantial donations as a result of the event (the exact numbers have not been released at the time of publishing). The matches were filled with fun and excitement, but the crowd held its breath for the final match of the day, with members of the Police Department and Fire & Rescue teams facing off against one another with a steak dinner on the line. Each team was filled out by friends and supporters of the two groups, including this reporter, who had the honor of being the first one knocked out of the game.

The match was enjoyed by even those who found themselves covered in paint, with good-natured heckling and cheering raining down from the crowd. According to some sources, there were additional wagers among the most-skilled members of each team, challenging one another to hit even smaller targets with their shots, the details of which are not fit for public printing. In the end, it came down to Officer Andrea Johnson and Magnolia Jones, representing the police department, against Lilith Winslow, valiantly representing fire and rescue. Ms. Winslow stood up for Fire and Rescue with brave resolve, but she was no match for Johnson and Jones, and the Gray Harbor Police Department claimed the match -- and Fire and Rescue picking up the tab for the steak dinner. Thank you to everyone who came out to support your first responders and the Gray Harbor City Beautification and Wildlife Preservation Fund.

Multiple Murders on Friday the Thirteenth

KarmaBum -- 06:24am on Monday, June 24, 2019
The Gazette runs a piece on the front page of the website on Friday (and carries it over to the print paper on Sunday) about a grim Friday the 13th in Gray Harbor. The article is updated throughout the day.

  • In the early AM hours, the partial human remains of a 20-something white male was found in the dumpster shared by several businesses at the Foggy Bluffs Strip Mall.

First update.

  • A few hours later, a man was found with his throat slit, floating in the harbor. Just after sunrise, another man was found with his throat slit in his home just off of Bayside. Speculation runs rampant that these two deaths are attributed to the Ghoul that has plagued Gray Harbor all summer.

Second update.

  • Midday, police were seen at the Sea View Motel, confirming two homicides occurred sometime during the day.

Details about all the murders are scant, and the article explains that the police currently have no comment. Mayor Clyde Addington gave a brief statement during which he insisted his office is doing everything they can to support law enforcement, and he made a point to remind people that there is no evidence suggesting that any of these crimes are linked to what people are calling the Ghoul.

OOC: You want info? I have info! 😃 Don't try to investigate all the murders at once, but let me know in a job where your character wants to focus their attention.

Favorite Bar Gets Violently Pranked

Magnolia -- 07:44pm on Tuesday, June 25, 2019
BY: Katelyn Thomas-Whittaker

Gray Harbor's ever-loved Two if By Sea was attacked by what eyewitnesses are identifying as a dozen or so teenagers dressed in Halloween costumes.

They barricaded the door before turning off all the lights in the bar, setting the stage for some serious pranking gone violent. Property damage, lost inventory, and minor injuries are just some of the results of this terrible teenage menacing.

As the teens were wearing masks, there are no leads on their identities. If anyone has any information they should contact Gray Harbor Police Department immediately.