Those that are capable in this aspect are able to manipulate matter within the world around us. This includes moving inanimate objects (i.e. telekinesis) while also being keenly aware of physical space. Additionally, Physicalists have an understanding of the spatial interaction between the Veil and the real world, making movement between the two easier and more reliable.

All abilities listed as resistible below can be resisted with a Brawn+Athletics (as long as the person can physically touch the object), or a direct Physical vs Physical contest (even if they cannot touch the object); this command will choose whichever ability is the higher of the two: physical Enactor vs Target

Ability Guidelines

Note that the abilities below are essentially optional. You're welcome to decide for story or character reasons that your character can't do things listed below, or that they haven't learned how to do them yet and will later. No approval is needed.

Level One

  • Telekinesis: All Physicalists are able to use telekinesis to varying degrees, giving them the ability to move and manipulate inanimate objects. As characters grow in the Physical Aspect, their ability to use Telekinesis will improve. Please see the Movement and Damage Guidelines section below for information about how much damage can be done based on a roll. At level one, items weighing up to 20 pounds can be moved.
  • Shield: Able to manipulate their Glimmer to act as a shield that absorbs damage. In combat, this can be used with the combat/shield action. Outside of combat, this can be assumed to grant a +1 to all damage resistance.
  • Enter the Veil: Voluntarily enter the Veil through a Thin Point, as long as they are shown or can find the nearest Thin Point. Finding the Thin Point is done via Physical rolls, as is crossing Over. A simple success is all that's required. Note that only the Physicalist can cross; they cannot bring anything else living with them.

Level Two

  • Telekinesis: Items weighing up to 50 pounds.
  • Lost Items: Locate items that are lost or hidden.

Level Three

  • Telekinesis: Items weighing up to 100 pounds can be moved.
  • Inner Workings: Affect the inner working of inanimate, non-electrical objects (e.g., a lock, a non-electric motor, plumbing, etc.).
  • Thin Point: Pinpoint the nearest Thin Point into the Veil and open an entrance to it. Only the opener may use this entrance, though others can see through it (for them, it's a 'window'). See the "Veil Opening" section below for info about using the entrance.

Level Four

  • Telekinesis: Items weighing less than their own body weight can be moved.
  • Bring Something Back: Retrieve inanimate objects from inside the Veil. Note that things that originated in the Veil appear "normal" when brought back to the real world.
  • Familiar: A creature in the Veil becomes a familiar friend. Summon the creature when you're either in the Veil or the Dreamscape, and it can either fight at your side (in combat, make sure it gets the "Goon" or "Trash" NPC setting at your ST's discretion) or be tasked with a single directive. The command must be simple - "attack So-and-so" or "bring me that stick." The creature cannot exist or be summoned in the real world. It has a standard dice pool / difficulty of 4. Your familiar should be a creature your character met and interacted with in the Veil or a Dream, and should be mostly static - the same creature every time - barring a bond formed with a new creature.
    • Note: Feel free to discover your familiar on screen! It can be a fun moment in your narrative. No need to assume you already have one; some Physicalists go years without one.

Level Five

  • Telekinesis: Items weighing up to 1.5 times their own body weight can be moved.
  • Lightbulb: Gathering ambient energy, Physicalists can create a light with the equivalent of one light-bulb, which will light up an area around them. (Note that the appearance of this is up to the person using the ability. Non-Glimmer onlookers will likely see it as something lantern-esque.)
  • Entrance Only: Open an entrance into the Veil but not out of it. This entrance can be used by anyone, or anything. See the "Veil Opening" section below for info about using the entrance.

Level Six

  • Telekinesis: Items weighing up to 2 times their own body weight can be moved.
  • Exit Only: Open a door out of the Veil and into the real world. This exit can be used by anyone, or anything. See the "Veil Opening" section below for info about using the exit.

Level Seven

  • Telekinesis: Items weighing up to 2.5 times their own body weight can be moved.
  • Bag of Holding: As long as they already have a tangible container that can hold the item, Physicalists can create a "bag of holding," into which they can place up to their own body-weight worth of items, but which can be easily carried by the Physicalist. (Note that anyone who does not have Physical-7+ would not be able to lift it.)

Level Eight

  • Telekinesis: Items weighing up to three times their own body weight can be moved.
  • Golem: A creature in the Veil becomes a fearsome friend. Summon the creature when you're either in the Veil or the Dreamscape, and it will fight at your side (in combat, make sure it gets the "Henchman" or stronger NPC setting at your ST's discretion), able to absorb any damage your character would take (up to two rounds outside of combat). The creature cannot exist or be summoned in the real world. It has a standard dice pool / difficulty of 8. Your golem should be a creature your character met and interacted with in the Veil or a Dream, and should be mostly static - the same creature every time - barring a bond formed with a new creature, and it may be identical to your familiar (level four ability).
    • Note: Feel free to discover your golem on screen! It can be a fun moment in your narrative. No need to assume you already have one or know about it; some Physicalists go years without having summoned one, or knowing they could.

Veil Opening

Opening a door into or out of the Veil should be rolled as a Physical roll, with negative modifiers (eg. -2, -3) applied to raise the difficulty at your or an ST's discretion. Higher stress, an unfamiliar location, etc., may impact the difficulty.

Success Description Outcome
An embarrassing failure The door does not manifest, and worse, something on the other side knows what you did and might come to say hi.
A failure The door does not manifest.
Single success The door will last up to 30 seconds. Up to two people can use it.
Two-three successes (Good Success) The door will last up to 60 seconds. Up to three people can use it.
Four or more successes (Great Success / Amazing Success) The door will last up to five minutes. Up to five people can use it.

Movement and Damage Guidelines

Success Description Outcome
Success / Marginal Victory Items weighing less than 100 pounds can be moved with enough force to create a small wound (equivalent to a Flesh wound) or held in place up to one hour. Items weighing over 100 pounds can be moved but will not create a wound (equivalent to a Graze wound) or held in place for up to 30 minutes.
Good Success / Victory Items weighing less than 100 pounds can be moved with enough force to create a moderate wound (equivalent to an Impaired wound) or held in place up to one day. Items weighing over 100 pounds can be moved with enough force to create a small wound (equivalent to a Flesh wound) or held in place for up to one hour.
Great Success + Amazing Success / Crushing Victory Items weighing less than 100 pounds can be moved with enough force to create a severe wound (equivalent to an Incapacitated wound) or held in place up to one week. Items weighing over 100 pounds can be moved with enough force to create a moderate wound (equivalent to an Impaired wound) or held in place for up to one day.

Proximity Guidelines

Level Proximity Example
1 Your abilities work as long as your target is within arm's length
2 You can affect a single target directly in your line of sight
3 You can affect a single target in the same room as you, even if sight is obstructed
4 You can affect multiple targets in the same room as you, even if sight is obstructed
5 Abilities work in a space up to 50 feet around you, even if sight is obstructed
6 Abilities work in a space up to 100 feet around you, even if sight is obstructed
7 Abilities work in a one-block radius around you / 100 yards, even if sight is obstructed
8 Abilities work in a one-mile radius around you, even if sight is obstructed

Backlash Examples

These suggestions and examples are simply that; suggestions and examples. Always keep in mind that you can tailor the drawbacks to using Glimmer to your character's narrative.

Lower level/less frequent use

  • Bruising/swelling from impacts and manipulating objects (even if they weren't touched)
  • A crawling sensation all over the skin
  • Seeing/hearing through thin points (or being convinced they are)
  • Things seem to 'stick' to them (i.e. can't put them down)

Frequent use/higher level use

  • Reality warp of things in their vicinity (e.g. ‘Salvador Dali melting’ things)
  • Tainting of the skin/veins to the elbow or similar
  • Things won't remain in place, and keep pushing away from them or rolling off otherwise flat surfaces
  • Doors opened into the Veil spontaneously open to a different location (a bad one)