Firefly Forest

Firefly Forest wraps around much of Gray Harbor, embracing it like a comforting hug. The forest is seemingly endless and dense with hearty trees. It's the kind of place that one gets easily lost in, the kind of place that lends itself to rumors of hauntings, particularly when the mists roll in during the early morning. But it is also a place of romance, especially in the spring and summertime when the flowers are in bloom and the fireflies come out, lighting up the forest with a billion tiny lights.

There is a small path through the trees in the beginning of the forest that lead to an abandoned sawmill. There's a chainlink fence around it that's meant to keep people out, but a giant hole has been ripped into it and never patched.

Located In

Gray Harbor

Leads To

  • Elm Street
  • Abandoned Sawmill
  • Gray Pond