The Veil Cartography Club is a think tank (or brain trust) of sorts started by Anne Washburn, City Hall Archivist, and comprised of certain members of the Gray Harbor community. Its mission is to organize exploratory excursions in the Veil for the purposes of mapping it.

The Club's already made a few discoveries, highlighted below.

The Veil's version of Addington Park which features the Carousel.


  • The Carousel - According to the Tour Guide, it turns clockwise except for Tuesdays, when it turns counterclockwise. Its distance doesn't change no matter a person's vantage point in the Veil Gray Harbor Pond. Research by Anne Washburn and Alexander Clayton revealed that one of the former operators was a Jacob Baxter, whose daughter, Jill, vanished on the day of Elvis' death after riding the Carousel. She (or what remains of her) was later discovered in the Veil - the expedition team found a secret room after riding the Carousel that led to a deadly doll factory underneath. Discovered in Scene: Cartography Club, aka lol check out these nerds
The Veil's version of Elm Street contains certain oddities, the most major being an underground labyrinth through the sewers that somehow connect to the submerged cave network in Gray Pond.


  • The Labyrinth - a trap-filled maze once taken over by Christmas-themed cultists (namely seasonal confections come alive) to guard the Lover's Jewel. It can be accessed through the sewers on Elm Street and connects to the underwater caves of Veil Gray Pond. So far, exploring a few of its myriad of tunnels revealed a fire trap where the explorers had to find a way to press the red button (to make the trap worse before it got better), and a fork that led to a harmless pool on the left and a currently undiscovered dark passage on the right. Discovered in Scenes: Veil Cartography 101 and explored further in Adventure Time!
The Veil's version of the town's cemetery...or so they thought.


  • William Gohl's (Supposed) Gravesite - A recent attempt by a few members of the Club had them opening a Door directly into a Dream where they discovered an expansive and discombobulating granite memorial for The Lost, not unlike the Vietnam Memorial. The walls had trapped them in the middle, and they nearly didn't make it out when they started fading away. Isabella Reede, who was the last one out, noticed that their names disappeared off the wall when they managed to get out of the trap, but since it was a Dream, it is difficult to determine whether the memorial is a fixture in the Dreamscape or something else entirely, and the group concluded that this needs further testing. Discovered in Scene: y o u a r e T H E L O S T
Gray Pond in the Veil is a completely different animal from its real-world counterpart. The surrounding trees are coated with a sticky substance and there is a bridge across the pond that seems to be constructed from biological material, with a roving eye in the middle. It appears to monitor the movements of the Pond's denizens.


  • Angel Fish - fish that can swim in the air and have halos that ensure that the corpses in the Pond don't get away. They keep to a specific perimeter around the Pond and don't go past a certain point.
  • Corpses - the Pond is teaming with moving corpses that occasionally try to escape its depths.
  • Devil Fish - apparently the corpses in the pond are their prey and the Angel fish protect them against Devil fish.
  • Underwater Caves - the Pond has a series of underwater caves that can be accessed, somehow, by going through the Elm Street Labyrinth. These and the above were discovered in Scene: Veil Cartography 101


Name Position RP Notes OOC Notes
Alexander Member
Anne Co-Founder
August Co-Founder
Enzo Member
Isabella Co-Founder
Ruby Member