Your character's relationship to Glimmer must be addressed in their background. If they are coming onto the game having manifested, this should include their first experience with Glimmer, and their general philosophy/take on how and why they do or don't use it.

It's fine to have your character's first experience with Glimmer be on-camera. To do so:

  • Leave your Glimmer rating at the default Attribute level (2) and your Aspects at the default Aspect levels (1 each in Spirit, Physical, and Mental).
  • Add in an RP hook which indicates that although you have Glimmer on your sheet, you've not yet manifested, and so won't stand out to other people who Glimmer just yet.
  • Note in your application submission that you want to have your Glimmer manifest on-camera.
  • Once you have played out your scene:
    • Send a request to staff and let us know if you would like to shuffle your Aspect dots in any way. Please note, taking a 0 in an Aspect does not give you back Action Skill dots to use elsewhere in your Action Skills; like any other Action Skill, a 0 is purely for RP narrative purposes. This means if you wait to manifest on camera until you are already capped in your Action Skills (use dotcount to check this), you will not be able to shuffle your Aspect dots, only set some of them to 0.
    • Remove the RP hook about not Glimmering.