6 Oak Avenue - Garage

 A double car garage has storage on one side and is covered in drop canvas, walls included, on the other. There is a long, flat work table here that is paint stained and old. There is a small rack in which canvases seem to be drying. The area spells strongly of spray paint and incense burned to try to cover it. A large metal fan sits in one corner as well as an unplugged area heater. There is another workbench area that is set up with shelving and materials of colored glass sheets.
 There is a bike hanging on a bike rack.It is painted in punk and purple with glitter. You'd almost expect it to belong to a tween if not for the occasional black skull and the gothic bike helmet hanging from it. Dark purple with white glitter skulls. 

Located In

Gray Harbor - Oak - Oak Residential


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Leads To

  • 6 Oak Avenue