Police Department - Holding Cells

The holding cells, located on the PD's first floor, are little more than a handful of sparse, painted-cinderblock rooms set with chipping, painted iron bars.

At night, anyone in the holding cells insist they can't sleep for the sound of a tin-cup being clanked against the bars. The cops never hear it (supposedly), but the people held there bring it up all the time.

Lit from above, each cell contains a pair of stacked beds, little more than metal pallets bolted to the wall, each with a thin pad of a mattress, a metal toiled, one roll of toilet paper, and the bigger communal cells at the end have a pair of plank benches bolted to the floor. It's not exactly comfortable, but it's well lit and usually climate controlled.

Located In

Gray Harbor - Park

Leads To

  • Police & Fire Department