20 Spruce Street

Sturdily built and comprised of a brick and wooden-siding exterior facade, this charming 1950's Craftsman bungalow has overseen a series of renovations over the years. Upon entering from a small, well-manicured yard one can easily discern that the current resident cares very much for her property.

Given the career choice of Meredith Hartwell, this house is surprisingly clean and organized. A sunny foyer is the starting point to a den, small locked study, modernized kitchen and a large bathroom, all of which are tastefully decorated. Wooden baby gates are set up at both the entrance to the kitchen and at the base of a flight of stairs.... is the resident a mother?

Look carefully past all of the lovely decor: packed away in organized shelving units and totes are the varieties of bric-a-brac necessary for entertaining and nurturing young kids. Upon entering the den, there's a series of hand-painted suncatchers hanging in a beautiful bay window. This is not only the home of a young lady, but also a small-operation home daycare.

Stairs lead up to the second level of the bungalow where a master bedroom and two spare bedrooms can be located. The house, top to bottom, exudes warmth and safety.

Located In

Gray Harbor - Spruce - Spruce Residential


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Leads To

  • Along Spruce Street