Contact: Minerva via @mail or page if you'd like to do anything with the Murray House.

The Murray House has housed many generations of the Murray family. The last inhabitants there were Elloise and Michael Murray. They had five children, one that died in childbirth and one that died when she was just six. Going back further there is a pattern of children dying in the Murray family. Not just the ones from Elloise and Michael.

Grandparents and parents suffered the same hardships. It's sort of sad to see really.

After the last deaths, the Murray's were thought to have moved from Gray-Harbor, thinking the town was cursed. But their hardships followed them. More deaths no matter where they lived.

Now the Murray house has set vacant for years, waiting for a member of the family to come back. But strange occurrences have happened there over the years. Disappearances, Suicides, a murder-suicide. It's not been the most charming or nice of spots, but the picturesque views bring photographers and paranormal investigators there for multiple reasons. Going back through the files and newspaper articles people can tell that there was another that went missing in the house, but they popped back up with no memory of what happened two weeks later. That happened about thirty years ago. The boys name was Mickey Davis.

Now the house claimed another, Amelia Walton. She was saved by bravery, but that's not the end of the story. Not by a long shot.


Notable Inhabitants
Pamela Murray - Pamela died in the Murray House many, many years ago. She is not a malicious spirit. She does go out of her way to spook people though and might appear to be into the ephemeral shenanigans.

'Skeletor' - That's his nickname. This creature doesn't have a name that anyone has recovered at the moment. The legends of him go back since the first killings of the house. Some people claimed that they see the shadowy figure in the house. Some claim to have lived through attacks. Some say it's followed them home. What is definitely true is that it can appear off the property.