The Hall of Records

If the frustrations bureaucracy could be given physical form, it would be the interior of what would be City Hall in the real world. This building is just impossible to navigate, makes no sense, and has way too many useless doorways and byzantine corridors.

The Archivist:

Somewhere in this horrible place... Okay, first. Sometimes, the Archivist is at the top of all the endless-seeming stairs, somewhere in the dark reaches of the basement, sometimes in the center of the maze of hallways, sometimes in some random office with an out-to-lunch sign on it. Finding him is just half the problem. The other half comes in dealing with him.

The Archivist isn't even a little bit humanoid. It does have pinkish, flesh-toned skin, and it kind of looks like a big, disgusting, fat human head, but yeah. It's just super-gross. Two small, black eyes are mashed into its lumpy top-portion, set wide on either side of a floppy, crescent-shaped nose that jiggles every time it moves. Its mouth is wide and turns down, showing a row of tiny, jagged teeth and a big, flat tongue inside. It has no hands and no legs, no body to speak of - just a big, gelatinous-looking blob. When it speaks, its voice is low and deep and old-seeming, as if it's coming from a thousand years ago and trickling out of its weird mouth just now. He is not a pleasant creature. He is never in a hurry, and he always wants something weird in return for information. Like, really weird. Human toes, the stickers from banana peels, SIM cards, shavings from green colored pencils, paper fans made in Korea, used LED bulbs.. 

Located In

The Veil

Leads To

  • The City