2019-05-22 - Grilling

Gina and Geoff meet up at the grocery store. They discuss nosy people and glimmers.

IC Date: 2019-05-22

OOC Date: 2019-04-09

Location: Safeway

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 138


The Safeway is rather quiet this evening, well to say that the Grocery store was ever loud would be a bit of a misnomer. The odd customer works their way up and down the aisles, while the faint complaint of a child can be heard when they don't get name brand cereal. Geoff makes his way in from the outside and grabs a cart, his mission is clear as he begins to head for the alcohol section to grab a case of beer to restock his fridge.

Gina's been strolling pretty casual in black sweats, boots, and her red poncho-cloak, with her cart actually filled with real food. Bread. Eggs. Milk. Fruit. Yogurt. A rotisserie chicken. She's checking her phone as she strolls down the alcohol aisle, paused in front of the wine section to grab a bottles of adult capri packs - those nice wine-in-a-pouch coolers, and some Mike's Lemonades. Classy liquor? Or just fruity frou frou liquor? YOU DECIDE! But she does look up at approaching footsteps, and gives Geoff an upnod. "Yo."

Geoff has loaded two cases of cheap american beer in his cart and is pushing down the aisle when he runs into Gina, returning the upnod with a similar "Yo." eying her cart he says "That's what I need, more protein." somberly he informs her as if it were an inescapable omen "Grilling season is here once more, I've got to prepare so I don't fall behind."

Gina looks...maybe a little tired. Is her nose slightly red? Possibly. Her eye makeup is still on point, though, as is her usual level of friendliness. "If you get an umbrella and a good coat, any season is grilling season, G." She points out, eyes going to his own purchase and lack of protein. "Just getting the necessities?"

Geoff nods his head agreeably "That's true, though it's less pleasant then." with a gesture to his cart he shares the secret to culinary success "As you know, the secret to any good dish is a couple of beers for the chef. Otherwise it just gets boring." Only noticing her tired look and the bit of red he asks "You doing okay?"

"Smoky goodness is worth it." Gina says, shrugging and pushing her cart along, "Seriously, not going to at least pick up cereal? Figured cereal was default for everyone." Her pace is slow enough to be a casual but not blatantly obvious invitation to stroll along. "Had a slip last night. Couldn't fall back asleep after it." She says, in response to Geoff's question. Her shrug implies it's no big deal. After all, higher the glimmer, higher the slips.

Geoff has no problem just inviting himself along and turns his cart so as to walk with Gina, anyone who has a problem can speak up "You know you gotta take care of yourself chica. Though I suppose sleep deprived is as good as any state when shopping for groceries." pushing along slowly he asks "Want me to bring you some brisket next time I stop by the diner?"

"I'm down for that. Your brisket is decent." As close to a compliment as you really get without being Michelin quality. "I take care of myself fine. Just keyed up, you know? Fucking bears." Gina says offhand, "But at least I didn't have to deal with anyone else being in there too."

Geoff Bears, of course it's bears. As they pass by cereal he reaches out and snags a box of cap'n crunch "I picked up a couple bags of mesquite wood chips and some hickory wood chips to play with. Should be enough to start the season off." dipping his head he mentions "I know what that's like though...ALways so amped when I get out of a dream."

"Depends on the slip for me." Gina does have a habit of calling them "slip ups" for some reason. "But this was had some dude who did the brain shit and played with some old shit in my head. Plus I ended up waking up running and was a block away." She looks at Geoff, pointedly. "It was wet as shit last night. Thunder, the whole shebang."

Geoff eyes Gina "You know that's the sort of shit you can call and tell me to bring booze for. Drinking with someone is better then drinking by yourself." grabbing a bottle of sriracha as they pass it he points out "I won't even tell anyone and ruin your rep." with a mischievous grin he continues "Speaking of telling, I didn't tell about Carver's card obviously. Though I did let it slip he killed his wife and faked his death to those two. Also that I couldn't tell them why I couldn't tell them about his card because that would be too big of a hint, just that they should watch him in the near future."

Gina shrugs. "I'm bad at sharing." As if Geoff doesn't know. "It wasn't really bad, though. If it's a real shitshow I'll wake you up and make you take me drinking." Which is a generous admission. But she does look amused at Geoff's retelling. "Frankie'll find out somehow. Nosy witch." It's an affectionate slur. "Do kind of wonder what his deal is. Not super interested, but a little." Gina swings into the bakery section, somehow always near the liquor section of safeway, and begins eyeballing her bagel choices. "

"Good, it's a deal then." he says as if her words are a binding promise "Yeah she always seems to find out someway or another. Somehow things never remain quiet for long when she's around. Offered to toss our nosy paranormal investigator friend her way earlier. Figured she'd have a blast there." who the one having a blast is, is left rather vague. When they pull up to the bakery section he can't help himself, he really can't help going for those fresh baked chocolate muffins in the case, loading up two of them in a bag and laying them in his cart gently

Gina actually pauses, and a grin that is only a little maliciously gleeful forms on her face. "Oh. Man. DEFINITELY set Frankie up with both the wife-killer and the career writer." She agrees, and looks so entertained just by the very IDEA. "Frankie's a lot more into the whole scene than I am. You should have her do a reading for you."

Geoff rolls his eyes "I'm not so sure that is a great idea, she's also a lot more into the taking people for as much as she can get from them too." with a chuckle he explains "At least when you give me bad news I can be relatively confident you aren't about to bust out a miracle cure that can be mine for only a couple thousand that's easily paid in several installments."

"Not really that invested in the well being of A, someone who wants to make a living on other people's drama or B, nosy people. As for Carver, though, I was there when he met Frankie. It was a thing of beauty, G. The look of suffering was a trip." In case anyone has any conspiracies on Gina being an agent of the Dark Men, she certainly doesn't stop providing salacious supporting evidence. "Plus she knows you live in a trailer. She'll just make you foot some drinking bills."

Geoff nods in agreement with Gina "Yeah I get ya, on not being that invested in their well being. he seems surprised at that admisson of the instant suffering on Carver's part when meeting Frankie "Really, he looked that bad just meeting her? What happened there to spark that kind of reaction from him? Now you got me curious about it."

Gina's grin widens, "She started talking occult stuff. His first name's Alistair. Famous dude is Alistair Crowley who did all the witch stuff, and somehow she jumped to Thelema and went on big explanation about occult history to fuck with him." Oh yeah, Gina is amused by the memory. "He was already hungover, and you KNOW he knows tons of shit considering he's as shined up as I am. It was like, mansplaining but for psychic shit."

Geoff snorts with amusement "Damn I wish I could have been there to witness that, that sounds pretty damn amazing." with an idle gesture he mentions "I got Easton swinging by for beers tonight so he can talk about all this weird shit he's been dealing with. It sounds like he's handling it worse then I handled my growing pains when I first found out I had the glimmer."

Gina chooses three everything bagels and three cinnamon raisin, the loose store ones. She's complicated like that. "Better them than me. I'm crap at all the egyptian enochian secret demon god--" Gina just waves her hand in a rolling gesture, ad infinitum, "-- crap." But there's a knowing glance towards Geoff when he mentions Easton's issue, and a slight smile. "Yeah, pretty sure he was freaking out. Dude works his brain like a sledgehammer. He doesn't ping too low, either." Her attention goes now to the baked items on sale, especially the cheesecakes. "You'd be better at giving him the cliffnotes than me. I had the shine before I could walk."

Geoff bumps his shoulder lightly to Gina's "Yeah I think he had his first slip the other day. Doesn't seem to be taking it that well." with a wry grin he mentions "I don't even want to think about the nightmare of highschool and glimmering at the same time. It sounds like it lines up for a major pain in the ass not being able to handle things when they are right there in front of you."

Gina accepts the bump-- and after a second, two, she returns it, "Worse in middle school, actually. It was easier as a kid since I didn't know the stakes, and in high school I had some skills already. That kinda in between shit was the worst." And when Gina first went full on goth, too, in middle school. "But I mean, at least I never went into shit blind."


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