2019-05-25 - The Ferris wheel still doesn't break.

Emily, Gina, and Logan take a ride on the Ferris wheel. Then May comes along, and there's talk about being a crazy cat-lady.

IC Date: 2019-05-25

OOC Date: 2019-04-11

Location: Boardwalk

Related Scenes:   2019-05-24 - Festival In the Park

Plot: None

Scene Number: 171


<FS3> Emily rolls Fuck You Guys: Success (7 5 4 3 1)

<FS3> Gina rolls Third Date Or Third Tequila Shot Only Emily: Success (8 5 4 4)

<FS3> Logan rolls You Already Do That But Only In The Basement 🙁: Success (8 4 2 1)

Since random meet-ups are stupid, this was obviously prearranged. They probably did it via text - Emily-to-Gina, something something Boardwalk, fried fish - and somehow Logan is now involved. Since the whole town is like OMG YAY FESTIVAL!!, there are a bunch of people waiting in line for the ferris wheel, which is why Emily has decided, "Well, we're definitely not getting on that death-trap." This while the three of them stand there, looking up at the colorful lights on this lovely evening, with people giddily laughing or whatever at the top of it. "I hope the thing breaks again."

Because it broke at some point in the past. The player forgets when this happened, but it was probably in the '50s or something, and a bunch of people died. It's one of those things kids from around here know about and insist someone in their family died in the accident. Like, their mom's cousin or something.

How did Logan get involved? It wasn't Tuesday, and yet here he was, out of the house. He wears a baggy UW Seattle sweatshirt, drab gray, that's clearly seen better days (really, someone should tell him sweatshirts are for homeless people, but at least he blends in~) and a pair of jeans, normal shoes. At the moment, he's got his attention on the Ferris wheel, lips drawn into a faintly neutral line. "My mother's cousin's uncle's son died in that accident," he grumps. "Heard he was a real asshole."

Gina's been spending an awful lot of time at the diner lately. Of course, she is definitely not doing so TODAY, because with the festival, either less people are eating there (in which case she doesn't need to be there) or more people are (in which case she's irritated at being CONSTANTLY ASKED FOR THINGS OMG). So she jumps on the invitation, dressed in a festive calf-length black poodle skirt with an alligator skeleton instead of the titular poodle, frilly black socks with her high-heeled pumps and a white corset top under a black leather jacket. She's even got a white scarf tied around her neck and little alligator hair clips in her hair. It's a look. She completely ignores any stares and looks her way. "It'd be pretty hilarious if it did break. I feel like nobody's actually tried to fix the thing in like, thirty years or something. My dad told me one of the cars still had his initials carved in em from like, when he was a kid or something."

Fine. Since you guys are all 'here's what i'm wearing' - here's what Emily is wearing: a t-shirt and some jeans and some sneakers. In better shape than Logan's kit, worse than Gina's.

Her hands stay stuffed in the back pockets of those jeans while she looks way up still, tracking one of the little gondolas, probably wishing it would break right now while they're standing here, looking at it. "Yeah?" He was a real asshole. Does she need to say how that must run in the Miller family, or can you guys just figure out that's what her tone implies? "Which car?" Despite having just said that they're not getting on it, she starts walking forward to the back of the long-ass line now. Gina and Logan can come with her or not; she'll stand here regardless.

Logan's eyes take a second to roll right out of his head from Emily's tone. He might've clapped back, but she was already on the move by the time a good reply pops into his head, and he throws his hands up. "She always fucking does this sit," he mumbles over to Gina, but yet he follows dutifully behind Emily, snagging a hand into her back pocket so she can't run too far. It's a thing. "If we get in this thing and it fucking breaks, make sure I don't die in the Fried Fish stand. I can't let that be the way I go out."

"Seriously Ems?" Gina says, raising both brows as Logan rolls his eyes. There's a small snort at Logan's muttered comment, most likely agreeing, before she strolls over, trailing past the other two. There's a glance at Logan, "I'll drag you to the front of Julia's. I'll just make sure you die with your pockets stuffed with fish nuggets and a suspiciously large container of tarter sauce in your pants." Gina agrees. But hey, he won't die in the Fried Fish stand. Even if her words also imply she'll drag him to the front of it regardless of where he lands. Her attention goes back to Emily, "I dunno, they all look the same to me on the outside." Her hands are put in her leather jacket pockets, "Any last wishes while we wait to get on the death trap?"

Emily doesn't get too far. This could be because Logan has a hand in her pocket, or it could be because the line is long and slow-moving; this isn't Disneyland, they haven't got Efficient People Moving figured out in Gray Harbor just yet. The people in front of them in line are normal people, going on about the festival in the park and how the balloon sculptor got into a fist-fight with a magician - "No, dude, their girlfriends got into a fight," his friend insists. - and Emily figures out her wish: "That I could stab people and not go to jail for it." She smiles a happily cracked smile and looks between Logan and Gina: what are their wishes?! "Other than not dying in the fish place. Funnel cake better for you?"

If she was sappy, she could be all BECAUSE YOU'RE SO SWEET but yeah. That doesn't get said.

Logan's attention drifts to the normies in front of them, and soon he's drilling holes into the back of their heads. "Did he really just call me a fucking balloon sculptor?" he grumbles over to Emily, as though that's the most offensive thing he's ever been called. He shifts his hand around in her back pocket, really shoving it down in there, 'cause this line might be slow going but he wasn't gonna have her running off and leaving him in one of those carts to die alone. "I mean I'm pretty sure my only dying wish is to not have to fucking die on a Ferris wheel. But yeah, sure, the funnel cake place would be ideal."

Gina smirks, looking towards Emily and Logan, "Balloon Sculptor and his girlfriend got into a fist fight with somebody else, huh?" She heads closer to her buddies, hands pulling from her pockets to try and swing over Logan and Emily's shoulders. "You two should share the deets. Also, I basically refuse to die on a Ferris wheel and am gonna use you both to cushion my fall so no last wish for me." No, Gina isn't gruesome at all. She's a true friend.

"Maybe he thinks you're the magician." Emily can't turn around, 'cause of the pocket-hand, but she looks over her shoulder at Logan and his shitty sweatshirt, and makes a face before she shakes her head. Probably not. As for being someone's cushion... "Yeah, you're both screwed. I'm gonna hang on for dear life till I can get the bounce house moved over under me." But not under them, speaking of true friends.

Back-tracking while the line inches forward. They'll be there soon! She shares, "Some British twat punched me in the face in the park, so I punched her back. Logan lit her on fire, then her asshole boyfriend threatened to light my hair on fire." Something-something face stabbing, "Chetson showed up."

"How about we just agree I'll fucking fix the Ferris wheel if it starts to break?" Logan says with a hint of annoyance in his tone, because we all know that Logan just ~loooOooOOves~ talking about gruesome deaths. And we all know that Logan would be the most likely of the bunch to break the Ferris wheel, just so he could be the hero and fix it again. But that part goes unspoken. He finally extracts his hand from Emily's pocket, but not before he pinches her hard from her doubtful look. "I'd be a fucking awesome magician," and that is all. His hand loops around her waist instead.

As for the fight? Emily sums it up pretty succinctly, though he has to stress: "I didn't light her on fire. I lit her fucking cigarettes on fire."

They're all jerks here. This is why they hang. "What'd you do to get punched in the face, Ems? Or was it just some weird brit being fussy? There's a LOT of them now." Gina points out, taking a casual step closer as the line ever so slowly dwindles. There's a little grin of fondness when Chetson is mentioned, though, "Did he grab a funnel cake? Chetson's the best. He's like a weird awkward uncle." She praises. As well she might, considering the number of times he's picked her up and driven her home in the police car - never arrested, but certainly picked up as a kid and teen.

There is, however, an eyebrow raise at Logan's clarification, "I mean way to do favors for the chick punching my friend in the face." She says mildly. Probably teasing.

<FS3> Emily rolls Eye Rolling: Success (7 6 3 3 1)

"Wow." Emily's response to Gina's initial question there. "Just. Wow. With the victim-blaming, Gina." She sniffs and looks very, uhm, tragic and not at all like an asshole that deserves to be punched in the face. Cue the rolling of the eyes. "This is why no one wants to work for you, you know." Oh look! They're up here where they're supposed to... pay? Or have a ticket? There's no particular canon for how this Ferris wheel works, so yeah, she - since he's got an arm around her - takes Logan's wallet out of his pocket and pays for them with his money. At least it keeps her from saying anything about how they're definitely going to die if Logan is planning to fix this Ferris wheel - oh wait, no, it doesn't. "We're definitely going to die if you're planning to fix this Ferris wheel."

She doesn't explain about the cigarettes thing. Logan can do that. She's busy trying to see into the gondolas coming down toward them, in case one of them has initials in it.

"She was just standing there," Logan replies to Gina, but in the sort of tone that suggests that's exactly what she did to get punched in the face and maybe even deserved it. Maybe. Just a little. "And there are a fuck load of British people all of a sudden, aren't there? Where'd they all fucking come from?" Britain, probably. Logan doesn't seem to mind when Emily puts her hand in his pocket, but when he figures out she's doing it to steal all his money, there's a grunt. "You haven't died yet, and yet you live in a house I've fixed entirely on my own so.." Nevermind that he also breaks everything in said house entirely on his own. Get in the goddamn gondola, he lets Emily in first. "And I mean I lit her entire pack of cigarettes on fire. While they were in her pocket."

"Brexit, probably. Can't get racist enough in England since everyone regrets everything now, so they show up here." Gina puts the worse possible spin on it for Logan, before she just smirks at Emily's shock. And completely lets herself be paid for if that's an option. "I mean, I figure I'm tempted sometimes, and not everybody has my fantastic self-control." Some might call it a cheeky grin. Some might call it a shit-eating grin. Either way, it's what Gina flashes at Emily. "Anyway, maybe she just was drunk or something." There's a laugh, though, when Logan further explains, "Seriously? That sounds awesome as fuck. I'll have to try something like that someday." Except she can't do fire, at all. Probably? Who knows, with Gina...

"Imagine the train of thought," Emily begins, putting Logan's wallet in her pocket, "that's like... I'm going to leave England, where it's cold and raining all the fucking time, and move to Gray Harbor." It would be ideal if it was cold and raining right now, but her point still stands, despite the pleasantness of the weather right this second. There's an upward glance at Logan and his observation - she hasn't died yet - and she takes one of those 'about to start a fight' breaths inward. But then the Ferris wheel guy is waiting for them to get the fuck on this death-trap, so she does that. "Anyway," safer subjects, "she wasn't drunk. I think she and her boyfriend are, like, mentally-disabled or something. It's hard to tell when people have an accent. She threw up on on Logan's bushes when she was at his house, so there's obviously something wrong with her."

There's a subtle narrowing of Logan's eyes as he cuts a look back to Emily and her 'gonna start a fight' sighing, a brow steadily climbing upward. His expression is plain: don't start, at least not in front of the fucking children (Gina). "She also stole my fucking ketchup bottles. And all the goddamn batteries out of the remote," he says of the drunk Brit, climbing into the gondola after Emily and squishing her as he settles in. "I'm going to put an addendum on my AirBnB listing, 'no addicts or drunks allowed'." Strong words, coming from him.

Gina's the SAME AGE AS YOU, Logan. And older than Emily. But she does fuck with people, so he's got that right. Either way, Gina settles for shrugging, "I mean, probably they just wanted familiar shit. You never travelled to another place and look for like, a cheeseburger or something?" Gina asks. Because she was gone every Summer, and for a few years, who knows Logan and Emily are globetrotters. "It's lame but true. Besides, have you seen the tourist website? This place sounds like one of the fucking Santa cities in California on the town website. All about the great beaches and boardwalk and the 'temperate clime'," Yeah she air quoted. But she also steps into the gondola that will serve as their coffin, looking at Logan to add, "I mean, or just live somewhere smaller and don't have strangers in your space."

"I ate pancakes once in Nebraska," she thinks, maybe it was Nebraska, she says the state like she could be wrong but that's not the point, "and thought, 'I should go home and get pancakes.' But British people call pancakes flapjacks, I think. Or tortillas." Anyway, Emily is getting sidetracked, and she stops doing that by giving Logan a good shove for squashing her, making sure the gondola really teeters precariously while Gina is stepping in. Then she leans over the railing when they lock them in here, and she smiles with dazzling brightness at Gina's suggestion that they live somewhere smaller. 😃 😃 😃 No words about it, though, since she just got a warning look about starting fights. "I like the pictures of the diner on the page for the city. I didn't even know you had vases, let alone enough for every table to get carnations on it."

Has Logan ever traveled elsewhere for a cheeseburger? "No. I like the cheeseburgers I make at home," he grunts. "And the pancakes." And that's that. He slides his arm around Emily's shoulder even though she shoves him, grumbling under his breath about how he's just being a good friend and making room, God Emily, maybe you could learn some manners from Logan. And then he gives her a squeeze... and squishes her again. "We're not moving. And if I didn't have the bed and breakfast, I wouldn't have any fucking money for Emily to steal so we could ride this goddamn death trap." He frowns. The Ferris wheel surges forward. The gears clack and groan ominously. And Logan's arm tightens around Emily's shoulder.

Gina shrugs, and in her usual blunt way that never worries - even on a gondola death trap - about sore subjects, points out, "I mean if you stopped drinking at the drop of a hat and got your hustle on, you could probably afford a cheaper place, especially if you two shack up on Em's crappy teacher salary." As for Gina? She sits across from the pair, and instead of sitting she's actually half standing, one knee on the seat as she leans to look out the window - honestly if there's no plastic/glass over it, she'll probably be leaning out a bit. Not afraid of heights, apparently. "Your life though. You share it with all the crazy mentally disabled drug addicted drunks paying you that you want."

Despite her penchant for saying the absolute meanest thing she can think of about her meal-ticket... "Oh, it's not at the drop of a hat anymore." Emily clarifies this of Logan's whole alcoholism situation. "Just for special occasions." Birthdays? Weddings? "Bad dreams, monster attacks," the usual. "I wouldn't hire him back or anything, but yeah." That's almost a nice thing! So he has to get elbowed for squishing her again. Though she does also slip an arm around him, too, and probably gives him a little smoosh for not being drunk off his ass all the time, go team! "You know you're just tempting fate right now," she adds at Gina, leaning while the thing clatters like it does. "Right?"

This was beginning to be a not-so-very-comfortable conversation for our dear Logan. Emily might notice it, the sudden furrow of his brow and the stern look he throws out of the gondola and out into the distance. "The house is fine," he says quietly. Firmly. This conversation is done. "But Emily's right. I stopped drinking." Mostly. "She wanted me to stop. So I stopped." Sure, he didn't stop because he lost his job, or because he was drinking himself to death. But it's sort of romantic? "If you fall out," he swings a look back to Gina. "I'm not going to try and catch you."

Gina pauses, considering Emily and Logan's words. And then slips back into a seated position, pulling out her cell phone to send off a few text messages. Something in the exchange makes her smirk, reply. Smirk widens, another reply, and then she tucks the cell phone back again, "Got someone to promise to feed my cats, we're cool now." Gina casually mentions, before half-kneeling on the bench again, "And I'll be cool as long as there's not a fucking gale or something. Or nobody Matilda's me out of here." A glance over her shoulder, right at Emily, one brow rising. But she gives an easy smile after, "Cool. Glad you're doing better, Low. And like I said. Your life. You live it."

It should probably be said that while Gina is leaning out, she's not INSANELY leaning out the window, after. She likes her bones in their current configurations. But she's definitely taking advantage of the height to get a good view.

Yes, yes. It's time to stop picking on the house. But let it be noted: Emily technically never said a word about the house. She does say something quietly while Gina is not leaning out to the point of falling to her death, but it's not about the house, or about the probability of Gina falling and dying. When Gina looks back, it just happens to be when Emily is slooooowly lowering her foot back down from where she had it poised, briefly, like she was about to give her friend a good kick in the butt. (Which, considering the history, is really a super fucked up thing for her to be thinking about doing.) So yeah. "Who? Would feed your cats for you, I mean? Like." She looks at Logan, at herself, back at Gina. She has other friends...?

"Well I'm glad I have your permission to live my life, Gina," Logan remarks, leaning down into Emily's whisper. It's probably not nice, whatever it is she says, but it at least relaxes the dark brooding look he was taking on. So while Gina's not looking their way, he turns his head to kiss Emily on the side of her mouth. He straightens up afterward, brows climbing. "You have cats?"

"One day your students are gonna find out how fucked up the teacher they're all hot for is." Gina says with a laugh, as that leg lowers down. And she smirks at Emily's look of confusion. "Geoff. You met him after he got out a few years back? He's a regular at the diner. We've got this whole passionate platonic romance thing going. Just bubbling over with simmering sexual tension." Gina manages to say all this like she's just talking about the weather, which may or may not make it easier/harder to tell if she's being for real. She settles back in her seat with a thump, probably making the gondola shake a little, and grins at Logan, "You're welcome, by the way. And yeah, I've got two of them. Iggy and Vee."

This gondola hasn't broken loose yet. The Ferris wheel hasn't collapsed. The thing jerks violently every time it stops to let people off and on, but no one has fallen and died. This probably counts as a win? They'll have to get off the thing in a minute, though, and nothing exciting happened - except they could kinda see the park from way at the top, that was cool.

"Turner?" Geoff Turner, she means. Emily got kissed and Gina didn't see it, ALSO COUNTS AS A WIN. "With the tattoos and the, uhm, time in prison? I know him from school, actually, and then I ran into him at the park a little while ago. You two aren't..." That's not your business, Emily, and don't be judging while you're cuddling with your goddamn brother-in-law on the Ferris wheel! (She does, though. Judges. And she's just terrible at hiding it.) With a glance aside at said brother-in-law, she says in a whisper loud enough for Gina to hear, "Crazy people always have a bunch of cats." She's all about hypocrisy.

They should get off this Ferris wheel now.

Logan, who also has no room to judge, is also totally judging Gina in the moment. "Who even let him out of jail?" he wonders aloud, looking to Gina to explain this situation. "I heard he shot three men execution style just to steal a bottle of cheap vodka. Which, who steals cheap vodka?" It's not so easy getting off this gondola, considering it sways with the slightest of movement, but Logan gets out first. And he's a nice enough guy to help both Emily and Gina out, too, along only Emily gets a pat on the butt after (sorry Gina). As for cats and crazy people? "We should get a dog."

May had decided to actually leave her house for once and decided to head over to the boardwalk to get some wind in her hair. Her eyes looking to that ferris wheel with a bit of caution as she draws closer, though not dares get on. Not yet at least, just curiously watching it for the time being.

"Yup, that Geoff Turner." Gina confirms, rising from her seat as they are soon to depart! She's pretty...unique, on the boardwalk, with her black poodle skirt with alligator-skeleton applique, white corset and leather jacket, purple hair and all. Her companions look lame and normal and blend in. "What, you see me dating somebody like Logan? Or an accountant? Mechanic? Kindly cop?" Gina throws out, brows rising as throws off each entirely normal guy she'd probably scare off on sight. Think about it, friends. The gondola comes to a shuddering halt, and Gina moves to leave, "Boring people like to judge people who do what they want as crazy. And get dogs."

"That's not what happened, jackass." Emily gives Logan a timely shove; she's just helping him out of the gondola from the backside here, and it's just coincidence that she does it while chastising him for talking shit about Geoff. But then everyone gets safely off the Ferris wheel, and she gets the butt-pat, and the conversation is still going when her feet hit the boardwalk. "I could see you with a cop." NGL, she's just thinking about handcuffs, so says the thoughtful wrist-rubbing she does while flashing an 'excuse these people, they're nuts' smile at May. Then there's a scoffed laugh; "'Kay, let's get a dog. I guarantee you, it will die or run away in, like, a week."

<FS3> Logan rolls Athletics (7 7 6 5 2) vs Emily's Melee (8 7 4 4 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Logan.

Logan may get shoved, but he hardly even stumbles, correcting his footing as he comes off the gondola and narrowing a look at Emily. He still helps her out, but now the butt-pat turns into a butt-pinch. Take that! "Uhhhh,' he frowns over to Gina. "What's wrong with dating somebody like me? There's nothing fucking wrong with me. You know, she bitched about the waterbed and I went out and got her a new bed? I think dating somebody like me would be good for somebody like you," he scoffs, the scoffing getting louder as he cuts a look back to Emily. "The dog'll be fine."

May curiously looks over Gina's outfit before offering a smile with a nod of approval, not as that would be needed. Her attention soon falling on the three as they are getting off of the ferris wheel, they look more entertaining than riding on the rickety structure. As the voices get a little raised, amusement dances in her eyes. A slow deep breathe before she interjects, "I am more of a cat person myself, but my cat is a needy thing." Her steps leading her closer to the group now with her cheeks very lightly flushed, at least through her makeup, hopefully her nervousness isn't super apparent.

"I actually did date a cop briefly, back in California. He got busted by Internal Affairs, though." Gina remarks, again with such CASUALNESS who knows if she's lying or not. But she does glance at Logan and ask, "The fuck you figure that--" But hey, look, somebody else supporting the SUPERIORITY OF CATS. So of course Gina holds a fist out for a knuckle tap, "Iggy is needy as fuck, too. Vee's a total con man, though. He ho's himself out to other people for cat kibble. Pretty sure he'll survive everything."

"So, if your dog dies, do you think it costs a lot to get it stuffed?" Emily asks for no reason. Since he's been picked on, like, a lot in this scene, she throws Logan a bone and tucks in against his side, pulling an arm across her shoulders. Someone waiting in the line for the Ferris wheel they just quit makes a disgusted noise at them, but whatever, she says happily, "Do you have a brother-in-law you can date? 'Cause. I mean. At least he never got busted by the cops of the cops?" Then Gina has found a kindred cat-spirit, which is nice for them. She's back around to, "I bet Violet Whitehouse knows a taxidermist."

Logan's brows go up-up-up, challenging Gina to debate Emily on the reasons why dating your brother-in-law are better than dating cops who get busted by the cops. Though, to Emily, he leans to press a kiss in her hair. "You know, eventually, you're going to just have to settle with just calling me your boyfriend instead of your brother-in-law," he mumbles, not unhappily, but just sort of matter-of-factly. And yes, he totally just labeled them in the middle of the boardwalk. But hey, whatever. "If anybody in this town knows a taxidermist, it's Violet Whitehouse," he mentions, and then looks over to May. "You only have the one?" cat, that is.

May can't help but smile as she gives a gentle fist bump to Dina when it is offered. A soft laugh escaping her lips before she says, "Mine are named Huginn and Muginn, I have two black ones. Both of them are love sponges but want their cuddles at the same time, I not have enough arms." More soft laughing before moving to walk along side with Gina. Her attention looks to Emily as she responds, "I know someone who would do it for not too much. The stuffing of the dog I mean." A brief pause before she continues, "I wonder if Violet would know the same one I do." Possibly, how many different taxidermist could there be in the Gray Harbor area? She looks back to Logan as she says, "Two, but they are mischevious and identical so they tend to take turns and try to mess with people." She pulls out her phone, lightly touching the back to turn it on and the background is her two kitties sleeping and curled up with one another, smiling as she shows off her furbabies.

Without missing beat, Gina tells Emily, "Depends on the size of your dog, but a decent sized dog done by somebody respectable can be like, $900 easy, plus a little over that if you freeze dry vs traditional stuffing. I'd do traditional stuffing though, lasts longer. Violet probably knows a good guy, though." Gina glances back towards Emily, to see how she feels about it... before pausing, "Actually not sure if I have a brother in law or not. I don't keep in touch. And Iggy is black, with this whole tux look, and Vee looks like a walking hairball. Whole reason I get my place professionally vacuumed every couple of months." Gina does step so May can easily join in, her hands going into the pockets of her leather jacket.

Unapologetic Emily shakes her head about this whole boyfriend/brother-in-law thing. "Way less fun." For example, "I have to take my brother-in-law home now, so he can make me some food and lock me back up in the basement. If you know that taxidermist's number, though?" She smiles amiably at May. "Give his number to Gina and she can give it to me? For when the dog we're getting dies, which it will definitely do." Having said what she's going to do, she immediately starts doing it, pulling Logan along by the hand to walk up the boardwalk toward the road, musing, "Where are we going to get nine hundred dollars to stuff our dead dog? We're going to have to sell..." What they're going to have to sell will have to remain a mystery, since they're out of earshot by the time she gets to that part.

May offers a nod to Emily as she says, "Alright, I will." Her eyes watching Emily and Logan curiously as they meander off with talks of the mystery sell. Her attention returns to Gina as she asks, "Do you only have the two cats?I was thinking about getting another but I am unsure how the twins would respond to a kitten."

Gina watches the pair leave with a raised hand that doesn't even wave. Just rises. She keeps up a steady pace, heading towards the funnel cake stand and wandering slow enough May can easily keep up with. "Just Iggy and Vee." Gina confirms. "Not really about to get more pets, myself. Thought about birds, but it's a bad idea with the cats." A very bad idea, Gina!

May offers a nod as she says, "Yeah... I imagine Huginn and Muginn would wind up trying to break into the cage and eat them. End up coning home to a house covered with feathers. I worry about the same with fish. Swimming dinners just taunting them. I may just stick with those two mischevious love sponges." Her steps easily follow along over to the funnel cake place, breathing in through her nose and letting out a pleased sigh at the smell of the delicious, but bad for you, carnival treat.

"Mine are little demons." Gina says, quite casually. She seems to have no discomfort over talking to a stranger, but she does rather exude IDGAF. "I had fishes once and they never tried to eat them. They tortured them by constantly batting at the glass until the fish got so stressed out they died. Evil fuckers." She sounds fond of the cats, though! "I'm Gina Castro." She's not famous, but she's probably known in their generation. "You?"

May laughs a bit before she says, "That poor fish, well cats will be cats, it is in their nature." A brief pause as the name rings a bit of a bell before she responds, "I'm May Cumberbatch. So... up to anything interesting besides getting a funnel cake?" Her thumb jutting to the sweet snack stand.

Gina IS getting her funnelcake. Just fried and sugared, none of that fancy fruit nonsense or anything like that. And she bites into it carefully, shrugging, "Got dumped by that bitch and her brother-in-law boyfriend so they could go screw while looking at dog pictures, so APPARENTLY I'm free to do whatever now." Gina says, licking sugar off her fingers. "And apparently meeting you too. Might be going drinking with a friend later, but pretty much just chilling today."

May orders a normal funnel cake herself, though she is letting hers cool a touch before she is going to take a bite. As she gently blows on it, she listens and offers, "Sorry they did that soo... is that her actual brother-in-law? Or is that more of a joke thing?" A brief pause before she says, "I was debating going out for a drink, been stuck on my rig for a bit and thought might be time for a bit of... socialization." A nervous smile given before she takes a bite of her funnel cake.

"Oh no, she's totally boning her dead sister's husband." Gina says, just throwing it out there all casual-like. "Like rabbits, honestly. You not from around here or something?" Gina asks, looking at May curiously, "Are you visiting the Cumberbatches around here? Cousin or something?" Gina wonders. Because, well, small towns, and she's spent like two decades in town.

May offers a nervous smile before she responds, "I still in my house a lot. Most of my work is on the computer at home. So I just live under a rock more or less. Is that is even still the term now. And I kept to myself mostly in high school, especially after my dad died." She paises before she takes a bite to say, "I really should catch up on some of the local things."

"Oooh, man, you're that Cumberbatch kid!" Gina says, the light of understanding hitting her eyes, "Right, there were all kinds of rumors about a sophomore my senior year. There were always rumors about everyone, though." There certainly were multitudes about Gina. "You should just do whatever. Wanna become a hermit cat-hoarding shut-in, go for it. Live an interesting life doing what you want." Is Gina encouraging her? And if so...which way?

May offers a nod as she says, "Yeah... I am. And I am sure there are always soo many rumors. I doubt most are true though. And... I tend to do that but.. sometimes one needs a change of scenery else they become complacent. I can't really afford to do that. Rather keep my job and detail is very important." A hint of her blush is seen as she softly admits, "I just need to learn to be a bit braver and bolder at times I think..."

"Pretty much." Gina agrees,before she finishes off the last bit of her funnel cake, brushing sugar from her hands. "Well, whatever. There's other jobs you could get that aren't detail oriented, I bet. But if it works for you." She glances towards May, both brows rising, "Clearly you're not really worried about attention, so if you're creeped out by the outside, my guess is it's a phobia, and you're fucked and just need to work through it. Just do shit you hate until it gets normal." Gina is SUCH a kind soul, really. And gives a little smirk. "You'll learn to deal, or you don't. But I better bounce. Cool meeting you."

May nods at Gina's advice before she responds, "I am somewhat working on that. I am sure I'll learn to deal. Worse things than just walking outside, right?" A nervous laugh, before her eyes seem to glance towards something she though she saw before looking back to Gina as she says, "Maybe we could meet up for coffee sometime or a drink? Or go /real/ crazy and have a cat play date? See how my twins are with your Iggy and Vee."

Gina shrugs. "Maybe." She says, checking her cell phone. "Anyway. Be careful where you sleep." She says as she begins to walk away. Without even looking back, she raises a hand, "There are strangers in town, and they love bright young shiny things." She calls out, and soon she's disappearing into the crowd, around a corner - really, simply gone. Though it isn't as if she's a difficult woman to find in town.


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