2019-06-26 - Edible Testing

Genevieve sends Dahlia a text, inviting her over to test some product.

IC Date: 2019-06-26

OOC Date: 2019-05-02

Location: Bud and Buds

Related Scenes:   2019-06-29 - So Many Tacos

Plot: None

Scene Number: 460


The shop will be open in a few days, and Genevieve has been preparing things in between spending time with Eli. He had left to pick a few things up from home, and while he was gone, she sent out a text to Dahlia. It was an invitation to stop over and try a few things that she was going to be selling. Would Dahlia pass up the opportunity? Time will tell.

While she waited to see if her new friend would appear, Genevieve is downstairs, sweeping up with the door open. The rain outside creates a soothing sound in the quiet of the shop.

Dahlia is more than happy to do some taste testing for Genevieve. She returned the text saying she would be there as soon as she got off work. Bar tending was totally not as easy as they made it look in the movie but at least she was doing a passable job. And her trailer was littered with alcohol bottles from practicing mixing drinks. If someone did a wellness check they might just suspect she was an alchoholc.

ANYWAY. Dahlia shows up not too long after her shift ends. Being dropped off by a blue camry. She thanks the driver and steps inside the open door, flashing a bright smile to Genevieve when she spotted the woman. "How're you doing Genevieve?"

Genevieve looks pretty happy all told, she's all smiles as she turns to greet Dahlia. "I'm doing well Dahlia. How are you this evening?" She sets the broom aside and walks toward the woman, peeking out into the weather before she bumps the wedge out of the door so it will swing closed. "Thank you for coming over. I was going to ask Eli to do this, but I'm not all that sure how he feels about edibles." She wrinkles her nose and gestures Dahlia toward the small seating area in the shop. "Please, get comfortable. Can I get you something to drink? I have all sorts of juices, tea.. coffee somewhere and soda."

"I'm doing good. Didn't get fired on day...two, three? of work. So that's a plus. I got a gig bar tending over at the Firefly Club. Interesting place. You and Eli should come by some time and say hi." She mused, settling into a seat. "I'm more than happy to help out. I haven't had edibles in forever. So this'll be fun!" And she didn't worry about having to drive later. Even better. "I'll take some juice. Whatever kind you wanna give. I'm not picky at all."

"He keeps threatening to take me out, so I'm sure that will happen at some point." Genevieve sighs and laughs quietly, moving to the small fridge behind the counter. She kneels down and comes back with two mango juice bottles, setting one in front of Dahlia. "I've been cooking for the last two days. So far I have brownies, a few types of cookies and some chocolates and gummies." She props her hands on her hips, glancing toward the counter. "Obviously I'm not going to get you to try more of a nibble of some of them, but you can take some home if you'd like. Especially the brownies, I think I made too much." She brushes her hair back and grins, walking toward the counter. "Let's try the brownies first. I made them extra thick and chocolatey." She comes back with a brownie on the plate, cut into nine small bite sized pieces.

Dahlia grinned at that news. "I'm glad to hear that. You two probably look adorable together." She accepted the mango juice and took a sip after opening the bottle. "Mm! I don't think I've had mango juice before. Pretty good." Glancing at the label briefly as she listened to Genevieve list off her wares. "Gummies sound interesting...I might snag a handful of those from you too." That glimmer of amusement still dancing in her eyes. "But seriously, I'm happy to take whatever you wanna give me. And then I'll even have money properly soon to shop here. Bring on the brownies." She needed this damnit. When the brownie came out Dahalia nodded her approval. "This looks like it's going to taste delicious." Plucking up a piece and popping it in to her mouth.

Genevieve watches Dahlia's face when she puts the piece of brownie into her mouth. "How does that taste?" Her accent is a little heavier when she's nervous, she looks a little breathless with anticipation. She picks up a piece of the brownie herself, sniffing at the treat before she takes a bite. She tilts her head as she tries to taste the extra ingredient, but she only catches the slightest hint of it. Her gaze turns back to Dahlia, waiting to see what she thinks. "I was also going to ask if you would like to come to dinner some time soon. I'm trying to make friends around here, so Eli doesn't feel like he has to keep me entertained, though he does a good job of it. Probably the only man who would take a girl on a nature walk through a cemetery as a .. date of sorts."

Dahlia chews thoughtfully. She's no expert, but you know a good brownie when you taste one. "I think it's great." Washing it down with some more of the mango juice. "The weed isn't really strong. That can be off putting sometimes. It's just a nice hint of it. But I get the feeling eating a whole one would still give a decent high." Popping another of the pieces in. "Dinner could be fun." She agreed. "I have a friend of mine in town I could bring too if you want to meet more people. Justin. He's really great, basically like my best friend really." Dahlia leaned on the table lightly, eyes widening. "...He took you on a walk through a cemetery...?"

Looking pleased, Genevieve nods her agreement, opening her juice to take a drink. "Sure, the more the merrier. I think we were going to grill on the roof, I'm not completely sure what the plan is yet." She nods at Dahlia, laughing as she moves back over to the counter, picking up two more plates. "He likes nature, and I was on the hunt for morel mushrooms." She steps up to the table, setting down a platter with cute little gummy bears and another with some chocolate dipped cookies. "I have some chocolate chip." She taps one of the cookies. "Snickerdoodles, and these are a ginger snap type of cookie." She gestures to the gummies. "I made these, but I'm not sure if I like them. I think it might be better to buy them from people who make them professionally and then sell them here." She shrugs and lets out a soft chuckle. "Is Justin one of the locals here?"

"I'll text him and see if he'll be free. He's house hunting currently. I tried to get him to look at some of the potentially haunted houses but no dice." Dahlia feigned disappointment before chuckling again. "We'll be down for anything I'm sure. But let me know if you want me to bring anything. Like a side or something." She relaxed in her seat then, watching Genevieve bring the other two plates. She went for the gummies first because these were totally new to her. "And as long as you enjoyed yourself on the walk. That's the important thing, right?" Testing out the gummies with a curious little expression. "Hm...definitely different. Like, not in a bad way but...in a way that you can tell there's more than just the normal gummy stuff. I've never had gummy edibles before." She shook her head at the question about Justin. "Ah, no. He used to come up in the summers when we were kids. That's how we met. He lived in LA. So we reconnected when I moved down there too."

"Oh, house hunting can be very exciting." Genevieve murmurs, taking a seat on the second beanbag chair. She opens her juice again and takes a drink. "If you'd like to bring something, I won't stop you. I was thinking of baking potatoes with whatever we grill, but that might be boring." She nods at Dahlia, shifting a bit to snag her phone from the table. "The gummies always feel stronger to me, I try to drop as little of the THC into it as I can, but it always seems to be overwhelming to me. That's why I think I might need to outsource them. I'm never satisfied with how they turn out." She nods as talk turns to Justin, brushing her hair back behind an ear. "I look forward to meeting him, especially if he'll be staying in the area."

"Eventually I'll join the hunt myself. But for now, it's the old family home." Dahlia shrugged. She clearly had some negative feelings about said family home, but wasn't going to elaborate on them. "Maybe that's what it is. They're tiny, so everything's more concentrated anyway. Outsourcing might not be a bad idea. Or, hell, maybe seeing if someone from one of those companies will talk to you and give you advice?" A thoughtful noise escaping and then she smiled again. "I think you'll like him. You and Eli both. He's really easy going."

Genevieve watches the look on Dahlia's face, her arms folding loosely over her chest. "I can make some phone calls, maybe they use something different in the mix." She eyes the plates with narrowed eyes before she turns a smile on Dahlia. "I'm going to send you home with one of the bath bombs too. Let me know what you think about it, they're outsourced. These ones that I got in are lavender scented. When I used it, it was.. wow. Very very potent." She pulls her feet up on the bean bag and smiles at Dahlia. "I look forward to it. Eli isn't ...he's not very social, he keeps his circles small, but he's such a good person. I think he'd be happy meeting a few new people and getting out there. I hope he'll be happy doing that. I would feel horrible if I made all these plans and he got grumpy about them."

"If they do, let me know. Mostly because I'm just plain curious about it now." Dahlia laughed. "A bath bomb? Fancy. I'll definitely give it a go and let you know how it is." She agreed, running a hand through her hair lightly. "Honestly I think Eli might just be too nice to get grumpy about plans that you two are setting up together. More or less." She chuckled. "He was a quiet kid from what I can recall. I think it would be good for his circles to grow some. It's important to have at least a few people around you that can help provide different outlooks and experiences you know?"

"I'll happily let you know. You're welcome to come by when I'm cooking some of this stuff, if you want some pointers. It's pretty easy, honestly." Genevieve ducks her head, her cheeks pink before she pushes the cookie plate closer. "These ones are dipped in chocolate, but I'm going to have some without." She leans back into her beanbag chair, laughing as she nods at Dahlia. "I mean, he's a very nice man, but I'm sure he has a temper too. Oh, Dahlia. We had an amazing date in Seattle. If you're ever heading that way, let me know, I have some recommendations for you." She takes a drink from her juice and then leans in again to set it down. "How have things been for you? New job is exciting, what else is going on?"

Dahlia grinned a bit as Genevieve blushed, taking one of the chocolate chip cookies. "I'll definitely hit you up. I'm glad you two are hitting it off so well." She relaxed in her own bean bag chair, taking a bite of the cookie. Thinking over how to answer the question. "Well, not too much. I've mostly been taking care of my mom. So this job is a lifesaver because I can't stand being in the house all day." A beat of pause. "My ex from LA is now living here apparently too and I definitely made an ass out of myself drunk texting him the other night...the night we met actually. Haven't heard from him since so I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm nuts." A little shrug of her shoulders. "I'm primarily just tryng to get refamiliarized with the place."

"Your mother is ill? That has to be quite stressful, how are you handling that?" Genevieve turns a bit, facing Dahlia as she speaks. "Mmm always hide your phone from yourself after the second drink, well if you're at home that is. I was having tequila the other evening, and before I had the first shot I stuck my phone somewhere drunk me wouldn't find it." She shakes her head, tsking softly before she starts to laugh. "No, I'm sure he thinks that he is on your mind, that's what happens in those scenarios. You should text him sober, tell him that you're thinking about him or something like that. See what comes of it. Unless you're not thinking about him and you want to be left alone.." A small smile forms on her lips. "Do you want to be left alone?" She glances toward the door. "Well, you're welcome to join us on one of our walks, Eli knows a lot about the city, and he tells me stories. Some of them are not too nice, but most of them are okay."

"It is." Dahlia admitted after a moment, taking another bite of cookie. A little more relaxed now than she was when she initially got here. More open to talking about personal stuff at least. "She was getting better but then took a downturn...which is why I'm here. And there isn't much I can do - which makes it all the more stressful." A little wave over her hand. "But...I'm managing." Mostly evading the 'how are you handing it' part of the question. It was Dahlia's turn to blush a little. "...I don't know. I mean. No one really wants to be alone do they? But...we were bad. The sex was incredible but our tempers really clashed. I don't know if I want to even attempt going down that road again. And I don't think he does."

Genevieve gets to her feet, moving across the shop to pick up some baggies. "I can't sell these because they've been cut up and nibbled on, so I'm going to send them home with you, if you're fine with that." She moves back over to the table packing up the rest of the brownie, the gummies and the three uneaten cookies. She stacks the plates, grabs her drink and sinks back down onto the beanbag. "Well if you ever need someone to come sit with you, or even to pitch in every once in a while, let me know." She pulls her feet up, sipping from her drink. "Being alone has it's high points, you're not depending on a person to keep you entertained, and you end up learning about yourself. If I were you, I would just spend time with him. See where things go. You can think something, but who really knows what will happen unless you give it a chance to." She caps her drink and smirks. "I was not open to dating when I arrived here, I just wanted to open my shop and Eli managed to get under my guard, all while I got under his. Strange how those things happen."

"Load me up with goodies. I'll be your walking word of mouth advertisement." Dahlia giggled. Considering Genevieve for a moment at her offer, she nodded. "That's very nice of you to offer Genevieve. I'll keep it in mind." Dahlia idly toyed with her hair as she listened to Genevieve's advice. "True. You never know until you know...but we'll see. I'm not in any rush with all that's on my plate already." Another smile flashed. "I'm glad we met Genevieve. I think we're going to be great friends."


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