2019-07-06 - Oh S**T

Kevin makes some connections.

IC Date: 2019-07-06

OOC Date: 2019-05-17

Location: Walters House

Related Scenes:   2019-07-06 - Nerd, Meet Houseboat

Plot: None

Scene Number: 733


Kevin carefully pulls up in front of his dad's house, driving slowly and parking with exaggerated care. He's had a couple of rum and cokes, after all, and he knows the cops are there. Indeed, there's a cruiser out front, although the lights are off, and a couple of police officers talking to a narrow, weathered man in his early sixties. Burt Walters has been working three or more low-end jobs for years, and it's taken its toll. He looks at least a decade older than he actually is, and has taken to drinking a little more than he should. Which means he gets a little louder than he should. Which draws the police.

Thankfully, there are no handcuffs involved. Kevin talks to the cops briefly, talks to his dad, makes sure everyone is okay, everyone is calm (that's really just grumpy Burt with that problem), and everyone is headed back to their corners. He watches the police drive off, giving them a too-cheerful wave, then looks back to watch his dad go up the rickety stairs and into the house. Heaving out a sigh, Kevin starts to follow, grousing to himself, "Man, I could have been having another drink with Jess and Harps. Now I'm putting my dad to bed instead of..." he trails off, his steps coming to an abrupt halt and his eyes widening behind his glasses as he makes some connections that eluded him previously, and he breathes out in mixed reverence and disappointment, "Oh shit."


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