2019-07-11 - Smoke and Fire

Isolde dreams of smoke, fire, the Murray house, and a ghost girl

IC Date: 2019-07-11

OOC Date: 2019-05-12

Location: Elm/13 Elm Street

Related Scenes:   2019-07-05 - Going Through The Door

Plot: None

Scene Number: 616


Isolde’s foray into sleep leads her back to the Murray House, or the outside of the Murray House.

She can smell gasoline and smoke. Something that makes her lungs feel tight as she tries to breathe. Down the road is the tree that Easton drove into and oddly enough it’s on fire...maybe leftover gasoline and it ignited by something?

Isolde turns her head wildly, trying to see the source of the smell and the smoke. Her lungs feel like they're burning, she starts to cough, trying to shake the tightness and draw in a breath. The house wasn't the thing on fire. But it would be soon enough. Even in her dreams, she was determined. Finally her eyes land on the tree. There's no car though. No Easton. It's just...on fire. It didn't make sense. But she started walking over towards it.

When she goes to investigate, there’s nothing on the ground, but when she looks up, there’s that ghost that Easton had seen. Staring down at her with a morbid grin, “We miss you.” is what she says before she breaks into demonic giggles.

Keeping her face covered with the sleeve of her flannel, Isolde tries to see if there's anything to show why it's on fire. She can feel the heat from the flames and tries to keep a fair distance from them as she circles the tree. Nothing.

Her gaze lifts upwards to see how much of the tree is really on fire and that's when she sees Amelia. Well the ghost that looked like her.

The demonic giggling sent a shiver right through Isolde's spine, a tinge of fear. She stumbled backwards a little and could feel the flames starting to lap at her flannel sleeve as she got too close.

Isolde can still hear them when she wakes up.

For the first time in a while, Isolde is woken up by the sound of her own strangled scream. She rolls off the couch, coughing and trying to draw in breath. It was just a dream. Not a hurting dream. But she could still feel the heat of the fire. She blindly grabbed for her phone so she could send a quick message as she tried to calm down. This was not a good thing.


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