2019-07-18 - Cleaning Up Messes

Getting her interior fixed on her car after one dark and stormy night and giving a ride to someone who'd been fighting sewer monsters.

IC Date: 2019-07-18

OOC Date: 2019-05-17

Location: Body by Jack Auto

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 736


Mid day, mid July, a good day to be inside for some. Its not full sun hot out there with enough clouds to keep the weather manageable. The garage is warm as could be expected, with fans near the garage doors and the back windows, to keep air flow continious in the garage proper for Jack and any others working in the shop today. There is a helper, a tan skinned man at the back benches, seems to be sewing together nice seat covers, leather maybe, or something close. And there is jack not far away. Seat frames out, all the computer guts inside where it should be for temperature control and adjusting the seat and helping with air bag distribution, what he's finishing is the new foam inside. One seat done with a cover it looks like its brand new, they did fabricate it. He's shapping the second so its a matching set for a certain car.

"Yeah, got me what caused it," he's saying, his voice rises and falls as needed with all the other sound in the garage. "If you want a whiff of whatever it was, old stuffing's still out back in the dumpster. I don't recommend it, but you do you." Said to the main stitching the seat covers.

It doesn't take Erin long to realize they were talking about her car and working on it. Lamenting the loss of her independence, she enters the shop proper where she can be seen and doesn't lurk about outside the doors. "I'd tell you what caused it but I don't think you'd believe me." Her own voice is somewhat raised enough to be heard and she leans a shoulder against the frame to the door, parking herself near one of the fans.. which ruffles her pretty immediately. Luckily the fabric of her dress is just thick enough or heavy enough not to Marilyn Monroe her right here.

The dress she wears is summery and expensive looking. It's a modest cut, the sleeves are kind of like a tanktop, are a few inches wide and button twice on each shoulder with slightly oversized buttons. Her heels boost her 5'9" height to over 6'.

He's more aware of her entrance by her voice than her arrival, with the noice. But its common enough that a new voice in the mix isn't startling either. He looks up and, being male, he certainly takes her in as she takes in the fan. Thankful maybe that she wasn't Marilyn Monroe'd cause he'd certainly look/watch. He takes his eyes back to his work before he looks at her frame too much. "You're right there, believe or not, I probably just don't want to know." He stops cutting the foam a moment, turns to his partner in crime today, "Let me know when that ones done, I'll finish it up and get the seats back in." To which he heads closer to her car, and her by proximity (or the other way around). "It'll be done here soon, ready for the weekend. Smell's out, just finishing replacing the stuffing, which had the last of that scent on it." As in, you'll be free again soon enough, but, "Just, try to stay out of trouble." Mostly he looks at her eyes, though they do trail down, familiarity recalled from a dream perhaps. Catching his thoughts, he lifts his eyes to hers again.

Leaning there against the door, Erin watches him moving around. There's the briefest glances over towards his help but it's Jack she more focuses on. Oh she feels his eyes on her, the perusal is returned probably because of the same thing that piques his.

Not one to linger on thoughts, Erin steps closer to her car and looks inside at her baby, the seats removed for repair. "I gave a friend a ride. He mentioned something about fighting a sewer monster. How much of that is literal, you've got me, but he was wounded, so I helped him out."

After the silence carries on a moment, or more the lull in the conversation, she adds in, "How have things been for you?"

"Yeah," draws out Jack in response as she explains. "Sewer was enough for me," and he could understand the smell better. It doesn't lead to better unerstanding for Jack though, or any sort of appreciation at the revelation. "Hopefully your staying out of it," he says, like the sewers maybe, "All of it. You didn't poke around after the last time we talked did you?" He rubs his beard in thoguht a moment, thankfully his work today wasn't around the engine or grease. "It'd help an old man sleep better." Just as stoic as always, but he's not old, that's maybe his attempt at some humor despite not expressing it in his faatures or face.

Dark eyes regard him while revealing nothing of her thoughts. A considering look though, certainly. "Blinding yourself to the truths out there doesn't protect you from them. It only serves to leave yourself vulnerable to the unknown." Unlike others, Erin doesn't coddle to his head in the sand defense, but she has her own reasons for it. "And no, I respected your wishes and left well enough alone."

His comment has her gaze raking over him again, not so stoic but with a touch of disbelief in her gaze. "I think you have no issues sleeping just as much as I know you're not that old." Older than her, certainly, but not old.

He listens, nods, and gives a slow affirmative again, "Yeah." A hand finally reaches up to touch her car, as if for something to do, just one move, that's fidgety for Jack. "You're probably right. Blinding myself isn't some defense. I'm just not out poking at it, least I wake the dragon, you know." The you know taked on, like he's speaking metaphorically, but the man gives a pause. Not really knowing what is all out there, that might not be a metaphor. "I ain't denying there's a bit of the odd about town, or that something else isn't the cause and root. I'm just trying not to get the attention from whatever it is. I've made my peace, or I'm trying to, I don't need to stir up my own waters as it settles."

<FS3> Erin rolls Alertness+Glimmer (8 6 5 4 3 2 1) vs Jack's Stealth+Glimmer (7 4 3)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for erin.

<FS3> Erin rolls Spirit: Good Success (8 8 7 5 5 3 3 2 1 1)

Erin just watches him, eyes drifting to the way he touches her car. Her baby. "If I were you, I'd learn all I could about it so you're prepared for anything that comes your way. I could try and teach you, but if you just don't have it, you don't." For a moment, she just watches him before she smiles more fully, more vibrantly. "You do have it." Her voice is lowered and the fan covers their discussion from being overheard. Reaching for his hand once she'd seen he had a few nicks and cuts there simply from his trade, she closes her eyes and concentrates there on his person.. Opening her eyes, she looks up at him with a flash of triumph in her eyes even without looking at him. His cuts are all healed up, easily. And anything else that ailed him

Watching her curiously as she speaks then studies him, Jack gives a quiet response to her discovery of sorts. "Yeah, a curse. Whatever it is attracts its all." His thoughts anyway. She takes hiks hand and does what she doest. Its not lost on him, a slight lift of brows, surprise perhaps. Then a sigh, "Damnit Erin." Who knows if she likes going by her last name or not, he probably usually honors that regardless with most people, but her familiar name rolls out. "I don't want any of it. I want to just live my life. I want to just be a guy that doesn't lose a friend or .. others, or whatever." He looks down a moment then shrugs, "Look, I'm good with the surface of the lake, but knowing it more, that's just getting in the deep water. I've accepted what all I know, little as it may be, an understanding with the world we live in here in town. I appreciate the interest to learn it, doing what you do." He does look at his hand/arm as if still not wanting to believe, "But that's for you."

Preferring to be called Erin, that is what she asks of most. Unless she's being deliberately entitled mode. Then it's Ms. Addington. Jack was at the Erin stage. Even when cursing at her. "I'm saying it doesn't always have to be all bad. I was showing you there are choices. It can be good too. It can be really bad, like I can throw fire somehow. Like some medieval witch or something. But I prefer to use mine for good. For healing. And since my discovery of these powers a few years ago, I've been doing other things, learning things. I have my reasons though."

When he reiterates not wanting to learn or know or have any understanding of it she drops her hands and steps back. "You're allowed your own preferences of course, my apologies for overstepping my bounds. I just came by to check on the car. I see it's not finished yet," returning to strictly business. "Just give me a text when it's finished and I'll make sure you're paid and it's picked up."

"You have your reasons, I've mine," he confirms on the heels of her own thoughts. "You just be careful," he says, begrudgingly. Jack doesn't want it and they barely know each other, but still, somewhere under the grease or beard or grumpiness, he's decent enough as a human somehow. Then its back to business of course. "Nah, you're good, no need to apologize. I've set no bounds." Well, he has, but he's being indifferent in the thought. "A few hours, come by closer to 5 today, we'll have the last seat done and both in. I'll text to let you know when exactly." He nods agreement, strictly business.

"Indeed." Erin doesn't push it, even though she wants to. He could likely see it in her eyes the need to inform him of what is out there, beyond the visible. Instead, she gives a nod of acquiescence, finally letting it go. "I will be here as soon as you let me know. Cash or card? I can bring either you prefer to pay." Offering her hand, she looks all business. "I appreciate you taking care of my baby."

Taking the hand, he does look at her eyes, seeing that want of hers, he's perhaps just as stubborn. She thinks it would help him, he think telling her to stop poking at the stuff will help her. Hard for either to give an inch maybe. "Card is fine, we can run it when you pick your baby up. Not a bad car, Itallian and all." His final thoughts on the vehicle before she parts at least.

"I appreciate it." There's a glance over at her car, avoiding his gaze this time, at odds with their decisions. Erin was used to getting her way. He had prevented that. "It's an expensive car, it drives well." Then steals a movie line very deliberately with a grin. "Corners like it's on rails."

Normally not the one to prevent anything, Jack can't stop how he feels. "You got your money's worth Erin." At least a nod that may include a grin at her quote. "I bet it does. It'll shoot you that text later." He looks at her, then the car and turns to get back to the seat he was finishing. He'll probably stop somewhere halfway there to turn around and look at her again, all of her, then back to work.

Finally, Erin releases his hand and takes another step back. As he moves off, she watches him a moment before shaking her head. Murmuring something about Lost Causes, but she can't help but want to change him to suit her way of thinking. "I'll see you later then." Turning, she'll head out as quietly as she entered. That loaner car her insurance got for her was quiet. Nothing sporty or meaty about it. Little wuss car that didn't suit her at all. And she's off... !


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