2019-07-20 - A New Employment Opportunity.

Everly finds her way to the newly-opened Platinum Cabaret and meets its owner, Antonio.

IC Date: 2019-07-20

OOC Date: 2019-05-18

Location: Platinum Cabaret

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 765


It's late. Really late. So late that -- despite this being the club's grand opening week -- there are only a couple of patrons at the bar, and no actual entertainment taking place on the stage. The dull beat of hip-hop music blares from the speakers, but it doesn't do much to create any sort of lively atmosphere in this sleepy place.

One of men at the bar is Antonio, attired -- somewhat incongruently for this place -- in a dark business suit. He's nursing what looks to be a dirty martini, taking casual sips as his eyes scan the main floor. A rough-looking bartender stands idle behind the bar, full-sleeve tattoos on display.

It's a well known fact that certain times at a strip club are better than others, and that the later the evening goes on the uglier the chicks get. Reason is that people are too drunk to notice by that point, right? Who knows, Everly probably doesn't frequent them enough to know if the stereotypes are true or not, but for some reason she's chosen this late hour to show up.

Single lady. Alone. It doesn't seem to matter to her, the cover paid at the door and her ID flashed before she heads inside, a look cast towards the stage to note there is no entertainment up there. Then she starts to head towards the bar, heading towards the sleeved bar tender first.

The well-atiired man at the bar lets his gaze linger over Everly for just a moment, while the hints of a smirk form upon his thin lips. He takes a sip of his drink and is silent for now, raising his eyebrows toward the barman expectantly.

"Yeah? Last call was ten minutes ago, sugar." The gruff-looking man offers the woman a curt greeting punctuated by a snort.

"Good thing I'm not looking for a drink then, darlin'." Everly tosses back at the bartender, flashing him a smile before she leans over, "You guys hiring?" She drums her fingers against the bar, weighing the next words before she adds it, "Waitress, not dancer."

Just to make sure that he doesn't think she's there for that kind of job.

"Well, that's a shame." Antonio finally speaks up, offering a sing-song chuckle before taking a sip of his martini. "Antonio Williams, at your service, Miss. I hope you weren't taken aback by Rick here -- it's been a long night." The proprietor winks once to the bartender, who merely shrugs his shoulders and goes back to wiping down the bar.

"We don't have a kitchen, so you'd just be serving drinks. You OK with that?" He pauses momentarily, eyeing her with that same grin still plastered across his lips. "Of course, someone like -you- could make more money up on the stage, but it's your choice." He cocks his head to the club's solitary pole, drinking again.

"I'm not a dancer." Everly points out flashing a smile at the bartender when he turns off to go back to doing what he was doing, her attention turning towards Antonio when he introduces himself. She takes a step closer to where the man is stand, reaching over to offer him a hand, "Everly Kelly." When he indicates the pole she glances over at it, then back, "You guys that desperate for dancers?"

"Desperate isn't the word I would use. But this isn't exactly Vegas, is it, Everly?" The man in the suit laughs, giving the younger woman a mock toast with his martini glass before sipping from it again. "We are just getting started as a club -- sometimes small towns like this have a surprising amount of talent, y'know? I suppose I shall see what I find." Antonio winks once, taking the woman's hand for a light shake before indicating the nearby barstool. "Please do have a seat. You've waitressed before, I take it? The main qualifications here are that you look the part and are pleasant to my customers, even if some of -them- might be less than pleasant." He laughs.

"Desperate." Everly nods, seeming to have decided that despite his words they are hard up for dancers. When he invites her to sit down she pulls herself up on the stool, spinning around so that she can face the club, "I've been waiting tables off and on since high school, I work another job at the Waffle shop, but more money is always good. I'll be pleasant to them, unless they get handsy. And then I'll only be pleasant if the tips are great, or you pay me to not break their fingers." She turns back towards him, smiling faintly, "And I can promise there won't be any pissed off husbands or boysfriends showing up to cause a scene because I work here."

"Oh, no, you don't need to tolerate any hands-on interaction. That's what I hire unattractive bartenders and bouncers for, isn't it?" Antonio laughs boisterously, drinking as the club music shifts into a trance beat. "I'll pay you double your waffle shop hourly, and you keep your own tips. That sounds fair, I take it?" He raises his eyebrow and prompts her, but then continues on. "And I take it you understand the importance of discretion in a place like this. If anyone starts asking stupid questions or sticking their nose in, you refer them to -me- first. I don't need to spend my money opening this place up just to have some undercover detective run an entrapment scheme, you know what I mean?" He drinks.

"I know most of the cops in town...some new faces pop up now and again, usually they end up here because they've been bounced from their big city jobs." Everly leans against the bar, nodding faintly, "But yeah, I get the importance of discretion. You pay me double?" She gives him a faintly curious look at that before she weighs the various responses that might pop out of her mouth before she settles on, "Deal. Double my hourly, all my tips are mine, and anyone that wants to play grab ass can do it with the bartender."

"Well, you're gonna need to show more skin in this job than at the waffle joint, so it seems fair." Antonio laughs heartily, finishing his martini in a somewhat undignified gulp. He reveals an e-cigarette from his jacket's pocket, and takes a quick puff -- a floral, rose scent. "Not so much that you'd be mistaken for a dancer, but enough to encourage those tips, y'know?" The proprietor winks once. "Think dark colors, crop tops and shorts, that sort of thing. Can spot you an advance for the wardrobe if you need it, too. When can you start?" His grin widens.

"Monday night. Got a family thing tomorrow." Everly doesn't seem overly concerned about the dress-code, judging by the nods that she makes as he describes what it is that will count as a uniform for the club. "No problem, I got shit I can wear, so that shouldn't be any problem." She crosses her legs, heel hooking on the rung of the stool, "I'm going to be up front about this next part, 'cause sometimes shit happens, and I've got to go handle it, but family is good, and they step in when I'm working. But there is a little mini-Everly in the mix, now...I try to keep shit compartmentalized, but shit happens. Right?"

"Of course." Antonio's response is understanding enough, or at least sounds that way. "Family comes first. If you need to leave halfway through a shift or whatever, we'll still find a way to serve the drinks." The proprietor winks once. "And you will let me know, of course, if you run into any trouble. Whether it's an idiot fraternity brother customer or anyone else. I make sure to look after my employees, dear." He winks once, a gesture perhaps intended to be reassuring but open to the recipient's interpretation. "I think you will be very successful at supplementing your income here."

"I usually manage." Everly nods, her arms crossing over her chest as she leans back, eyes scanning the club again, "I know a few girls, might be willing to shake their asses on the pole. Dumb as a box of rocks, the both of them, though. So you can probably short their tips and they'd never notice." She shakes her head, "I'll send 'em by though."

"Hah! There's a referral bonus for you if they sign on -- I appreciate your efforts. We'll have this place making a mint in no time." Antonio, it seems, is fond of exaggeration. He puffs from his vape cigarette again, chuckling under his breath. "I'll give you my cell phone number. Feel free to be in touch, especially if you have any problems or, you know, need any help." That last part is left vague as the boss fishes a black leather wallet from his pocket, sliding a hot pink business card across the bartop to Everly.

"Just for dancers, or for anything you need?" Everly wonders as she reaches for the card, picking it up to read the front of it before she tucks it into a pocket, then she pulls her phone out of another pocket. It's a smart phone that is brand new...two years ago. "I can text you my number, and do the paperwork now or on Monday if you want." She taps her finger against the phone, "You lookin' for something to do to get to know some locals? The family is having a bbq...you should drop by."

"Oh, you seem trustworthy. I'd like to pay you in cash, Everly, unless you -want- me to do all sorts of boring paperwork and take the taxes out." Antonio stands then, making his way around the bar and grabbing a bottle of Jack. He pours two shots, advancing one in front of the woman and holding his in a salute. "I do love barbecue. I'll be sure to stop by. To future success, hmm? But the referral is only for dancers." He winks and then chuckles, as a 70s rock ballad starts up on the sound system.

"Cash is fine." Everly replies, reaching for the shot that he slides towards her, lifting it up in a silent salute before she knocks it back. She turns the glass over before putting it down on the bar, sliding it back towards him before she smiles slowly, "And I'm very trustworthy." She sets the phone down on the bar, reaching for a cocktail napkin, "Got a pen? I'll write the address down."

"Good. Trust is important in a business like this -- we're not serving waffles, after all." Antonio laughs and walks over toward the cash register, fetching a waitress's pad and pen, which he promptly presents on the bartop. "Hopefully this isn't a church barbecue -- folks could be offended by my presence." He takes a hit of his vape.

"No church barbecue." Everly shakes her head at him, picking up the pen and writing down an address, "Just a bunch of folks getting together, eating a lot of food, drinking a lot of beer." Once the address, and time, is written down she pushes it towards him, "Long as you don't mind heavy drinking, and a lot of dumbasses. You'll be fine."

"Sounds like my type of crowd. Or at the least the type of crowd I enjoy." Antonio laughs, taking the napkin and giving it a brief glance, before tucking it into his pocket. "Good. I am glad you thought of our little establishment for your next employment opportunity, dear. I think you'll enjoy yourself." He pours another two shots and drinks one, winking once. "I'll look forward to seeing you sling Miller Lites and rail whiskey to our most discerning customers."

"Keep 'em well lubed up." Everly lifts a hand upwards, offering him a quick salute before she drops her hand back, eyes finding the second shot before she reaches towards it. "It'll be great." She starts to slide from the stool, downing the second shot as she goes, "I'll see you Monday, if I don't see you at the barbecue."

"Good. I'll look forward to seeing you soon, Everly." The club owner takes a hit from his vape, and his eyes track her even as she turns to leave.


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