2019-07-23 - Keeping the Faith

The hospital visit after getting shot. Cherish is on hand to care for the wounded.

IC Date: 2019-07-23

OOC Date: 2019-05-20

Location: Addington Memorial Hospital

Related Scenes:   2019-07-23 - Keeping the Quota

Plot: None

Scene Number: 819


"Whatever we have on your body cam will have to do. Mine and the car's cam won't do anything but show a stolen car that will tell us nothing." Andi doesn't mention the crashing thing, her partner needed her at her best right now and her ribs hurt like hell. But she's able to tune it out. They approach the hospital and she speeds in to the emergency room and jumps out of her car. Since dispatch called ahead, someone is already there with a stretcher and they get Rick out of the car and on it before wheeling him inside. "See you inside in a few!" Andi calls after him. She doesn't take the time to come down off the adrenaline rush, it'll hurt like hell when she does, but she gets back in the car to go park proper so she can go back inside with her partner. Before she does though, she reaches in the metal case in the seat and tugs out a form. May as well get started writing her report now. Taking it with her, she heads inside. waiting for an update on his condition so she can let his family know. If he has contact information on file.

"I hope I got a few good looks at his face. He had that baseball cap..." Rick replies to Andi. "You okay?" As they arrive at the hospital, he pauses as he's brought inside. "Wait..." he offers to Andi, but then he's brought further in. Still holding that hand pressed to his shoulder, where the bullet hit him. He looks around carefully, grimacing a bit. As for contact information on file, there's probably one for an uncle or aunt, but none for parents.

The call ahead has a group waiting for the car when it gets there. Nurses and a doctor jump forwards to get Rick on the gurney and rush him inside, "Vitals!" Cherish calls out, a nurse starting to give them after electrodes are placed upon bare skin once Rick's shirt and armor are removed. "GSW to the shoulder." One nurse calls out. Offering Rick a smile, the doctor soon says, "Officer, I'm Dr. Cherish Renolds. I need to see your wound." Gauze in hand, ready to take over the pressure while seeing if the wound goes through, or they dealing with a bullet lodged somewhere's in his shoulder.

A little later, Andi comes in with her form and she asks about Rick. Of course she really can't go back right now with his wound and possibly going for surgery, so she asks to go to the room he will be taken to.

Frowning as there's that many people around him, Rick nods slowly. There's a brief pause at the words from Cherish, and he nods in return, offering her a smile. "Nice... nice to meet you, Dr. Renolds," he offers, removing the hand. "Or at least... you know..." He looks around again. "My partner, who drove the car. She got shot too..." he says, slowly.

"Nice to meet you as well." Cherish answers while checking out the gun shout wound on his shoulder. "Through and through. Nothing vital hit, but we need an xray to make sure there's no stray shrapnel." The nurses and other medical crew in the alcove move with a chaotic prescision to her orders. "Officer, looks like you might have gotten lucky tonight. Your vest did it's job for the most part." She steps back when an all clear is called for the portable xray that zaps a picture, returning to apply pressure as she turns to look to the nearby monitor to get a look at the xray, "Don't see anything left behind either. We're going to clean it out, and then get you sewed up.."

When asked, a nurse will eventually be able to tell Andi and any other cops that show up, that Rick is fine, and will be released to go home, as soon as they tend to him and get him all bandaged.

Upon being told that Rick wouldn't be required to stay, Andi decides to hang out in the emergency waiting room for her partner. He's going to need a ride home after all. Borrowing a clip board she writes and writes, a slightly smug expression on her face. She's going to be ahead of Rick when he gets released. For now though, she just continues to get it all down while it's still fresh on her mind.

Letting out a deep breath as he hears the Doctor's words, Rick nods a little. "Yes... lucky..." Trailing off as he hears that, he nods a bit. "Thank you," he offers, nodding a bit, before he adds, "If I didn't say it clearly, someone should check out my partner out there too. She got shot, but I think her vest stopped most of it. She said it hurt badly, though..." Because if there's one thing Rick is rather worried about, it's partners getting hurt.

Cherish frowns upon hearing Rick's comment, "She didn't say anything." Turning to one of the nearby nurses, she states, "Go find his partner, and get her checked out as well." The tone in the blonde nurse brooks no argument. The nurse hurries off to find Andi. "We'll take care of her officer." And with that, she settles into taking care of his injury - it's cleaned out, and she's giving him meds to take care of pain as she stitches it close and then bandages it. He'll be given a scrub top to wear - sorry, his shirt was cut off of him, no doubt.

During this time, Andi is found by the nurse, "Dr. Renolds said you were to be checked out? Your partner is insisting you were shot as well, and isn't calming down until he knows you were checked out as well."

The words are met with a flat gaze and the usually chipper officer frowns, leaning over to look down the hall, as if she'd be able to send a glare to Rick. Well, that was a mistake and when she leans over she clutches her ribs then curses rather unapologetically. "Just bruised." But, she gets to her feet and allows herself to be led back. The body cam, vest then her over shirt are removed first but that leaves her in a light teal blue t-shirt. There's no blood, but the bullet did a number on her vest. She's lucky. Hella lucky.

Rick nods as he hears that, looking like he's a bit more relaxed now. "I'm sorry we had to give you more actual work. I'm sure you're already quite busy." He takes that offered scrub top, but doesn't seem to mind. After all, aside from a few things, he's not that tied to possessions anymore.

"No need to apologize. I'm glad that you were a simple case." Cherish answers without hesitation, and once he's made comfortable and is all bandaged up and wearing his new spiffy scrub top, she looks up as another nurse comes by to report on his officer, "Bruised, but okay." Surely that will relieve him a little more to hear.

With the wince, the nurse tsks Andi, and will check her out, calling in a doctor to make sure she's only bruise, and not suffering a cracked rib or anything. Once all is checked out, she's declared fine, and would be sent off with some low grade pain meds if needed, along with instructions on taking things easy for a couple of days.

"I can't say that I've ever been shot before. It doesn't feel good, I can tell ya that." Andi thanks the nurse, "I appreciate that, thank you." Tugging on her overshirt she is very careful about it. "C'mon, Partner. Let's get food. You want to join us?" A brow lifted as she looks over at the nurse.

"I'm glad I was a simple case as well, to be honest," Rick replies a bit lightly. Letting out another breath as he hears the report, he looks a bit relieved. "That's good," he replies. There might be something in his mind. As he hears the mention of food, he looks over at Andi as he notices she's present. "Food... Sounds good." Looking to Cherish again, he adds, "Unless I'm not supposed to eat, of course."

Cherish chuckles softly, then glances up as Rick is joined then by his partner. "With the pain meds, you'll both want to stay clear of alcohol. And you might want to get one of your buddies out there to drive you?" Especially with meds and soreness going on. "Food is good, but take it easy, hmm?"

As for the nurse, she chuckles, "Still got hours yet on shift, I'm afraid."

"Yeah," Andi had taken some medicine that had been given to her. "I may need to go home and sleep. Maybe let Jack know what happened. Convince him I'm not going to die." A hand to her side, she looks at Rick. "I'll drop you off and we'll raincheck dinner. I need some TLC I think." Another nod to Cherish and a smile. "Thanks again." She gathers her mostly written report and heads out.

Rick chuckles for a few moments at the words. "I'll be taking it easy, Doc. Promise." It's said with a smile, before he nods a bit as he hears Andi's words. "Sounds like you've got your night all worked out, then." It's offered with a smile, before he looks to Cherish again. "Thanks. I'll try to keep it a long time before I come back inside here as a patient, I promise." It's offered a bit lightly before he moves to follow after Andi now.

Cherish nods to both as they make ready to head out. For Rick, there's pain meds and antibiotics being sent home with him, along with a follow-up to his doctor. Light duty orders for 2-6 weeks, depending on his heal time. For Andi, pain meds, follow up, and likely a week of light duty until the bruise is healing well.


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