2019-07-27 - Go Home, Faust

Penny has been released from the hospital, but she goes to work first, not home.

IC Date: 2019-07-27

OOC Date: 2019-05-23

Location: Park/Police & Fire Department

Related Scenes:   2019-07-13 - Bathed In Blood   2019-07-19 - Icu Visit

Plot: None

Scene Number: 878


Penny had been waiting for the doctors to release her and they did. Right as a thunderstorm was rolling through town. She was unprepared for things. An Uber had been called to take her from the hospital to the station. She looked like a drowned rat coming in. Which given the heavy rain and the general shape she was in didn't help. The boys at the desk give her a look over and a tentative smile, "Doctor Faust." they dip their heads to her.

Penny gives a nod to them, "Just needing to pick some stuff up from the lab." she rasps out as she keeps heading for the stairs to head down. Need was a strong word to use. Penny wasn't supposed to be at work, but she was more focused on the amount of shit that was rolling downhill and there were more murders happening.

She didn't have time to be laid up in the hospital. She really didn't.

She goes through the door to the lab and is greeted by another tech. They looked stunned to see her there, nearly dropping their clipboard. "I'm just here to check in and pick up files. Don't mind me." she tells the worker. "And yes, I know I look like shit, I don't need to hear it." she adds as she goes over to her desk to look through the stack of case files and autopsy reports. She finds what's needed and then opens them, going through the check list.

"Doctor Faust?" Irene asks from the table. It makes Penny look up and there's a bit of a moment it takes her to realize that everyone is staring at her. "Doctor Faust...why don't you go home and let us handle some stuff. We...we know you're still trying to heal and deal with other things." the assistant tells her softly.

Penny blinks for a minute and then looks down over herself, maybe she needed to take the advice and go...somewhere else. Not home. She still didn't want to face the house. She didn't want to walk into the spare bedroom and see her dead brother in a pool of blood. It just wasn't something she could handle at the moment. Or for a few more days. She shoves the case files in her messenger bag and gives Irene a smile, "Thank you. Please...call me if there's anything you need me to look at. I don't mind helping." she whispers.

Then Penny is heading out. She's going to need to find a place to stay until she's feeling a bit better. Maybe the bed and breakfast or a hotel. Something that had a warm atmosphere and she wasn't stepping across blood stains to get into.


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