
Penny's icon
Penelope Faust
Full Name
Penelope Faust
Gray Harbor Coroner
Creamy Pale
Played By
Jenna Thiam
[object Object]
Supplemental Information
Alexander's icon

He does what he does for his own reasons. I can respect that. I can also worry like a mother hen.

Lucian's icon

We were supposed to get married. I just thought you stopped writing because you were doing other things. Now I learn that you forgot me. How is a girl supposed to react to that?

System Information
  • Coroner - Penny works as one of the County Coroners.
  • Glimmer - Yeah...she's got it in spades.
  • Gatekeeper - Penny tries to keep some things covered up, because stuff gets weird in Gray Harbor.
  • Ballet - Penny still practices.
  • Violin - She has one and is in the earlier stages of learning.

Penelope Henderson was born here in Gray Harbor and the girls start to life was a dim one. Her mother died in childbirth with her. Leaving her father to feel a bit bitter at his second child. But he still had his son so life wasn't all bad. He raised him like he hadn't killed his mother. Which was something that her father reminded her off very very regularly. Like some of the men in town, Dad was a Gold Star drunk. He would drink until he'd be on the brink and then he'd stay in the drunk tank for the weekend.

Penny hoped that he'd die. Her aunt was her life line in life. She helped her through most things, school, figuring out life. Her aunt was also one of the town weirdos. Which...honestly there were a few of them. Couldn't throw a rock without hitting one. She had dreams of becoming a ballerina, moving away from the town and taking her aunt with her. Her aunt supported her through her lessons and the dance instructor was just amazed at what Penny could do.

Then there was The Incident. Penny had turned sixteen and her father was on the warpath about EVERYTHING. He'd been extremely drunk and well...Penny was always the reason for everything being wrong. So he laid into her. Her brother couldn't even break the drunken man out of his fit. Penny ran from the house in the freezing cold, no jacket and no shoes. Just the clothes on her back. It lead her to Firefly Forest given they lived so close to it. Her dad pursued, her brother called the cops and 48 hours later they found a hypothermic and blood covered Penny in the woods. She doesn't like talking about it, but there are some that whisper about her killing her father. (Not that they blame her).

Her father's body was later found, he'd been mauled or broken by some animal. The coroners didn't think that Penny could have made the wounds. Or broken all of his bones. But If they only knew.

Penny's Aunt was granted custody of the children and their lives became better. Her brother ended up getting a football scholarship and going off to Seattle for college. She stayed, her dreams of becoming a world class dancer died in the forest with her father that day. She started studying to be a Coroner for town and county. She was very well versed in anatomy and things, but something always kept her on her toes. She could see the darkness at the corner of her eyes. She also came back with an engagement ring on, but no one has every seen or heard of the gentleman that gave it to her.

She sees herself as a gatekeeper of sorts. If things get too messy or weird, she can help keep the Veil under wraps, because if the whole town suddenly knew that there were people out there that could do things, it would be like the Salem Witch Trials. Just new age and well...a lot more than burning people at the stake would happen she fears.

Penny might be beautiful in the ways that Victoria Waifs and other things that are pale and slight are sometimes called beautiful. She's a few inches over average height with long and unruly curly red hair. Her dark brown eyes, so dark that they are almost black are haunted and usually show the signs of little sleep around them. A new addition to the doctor is where someone tried to slit her throat, the wound is still in the early stages of healing.

She is dressed in a pair of black slacks and a purple button down shirt today. Her work badge, identifying her as a member of the Coroner's office is worn on her hip. She wears a diamond engagement ring on her ring finger as well.

Select a scene type tab to browse scenes.

2019-08-01 - Making Decisions
Lucian and Penny decide that she doesn't need the House hanging over her.

2019-07-29 - Welcome Home, It's Still Fucked!
Penny finally gets up the courage to go home for supplies and Alexander visits.
Alexander, Penny

2019-07-19 - Icu Visit
Lucian visits Penny in the ICU.

2019-07-09 - Mrs. Seymour's Autopsy
An autopsy, and a potential emergent drug issue?
Alexander, Penny, Ruiz

2019-07-01 - Where Do We Stand?
Penny and Lucian sit down to dinner to see where things stand and where paths might lead.

2019-06-22 - Flames Aren't The Worst Thing
A ghost from the past walks back into Penny's life and he doesn't remember a GOD DAMN THING!

2019-06-17 - Mrs. Seymour
A ruckus at a local fast food joint ends in two dead bodies and spilled french fries.
Alexander, Penny, Ruiz

2019-05-27 - A Quick Chat
Penny meets Michael on one of her forays out of the basement.
Penny, Michael

2019-05-24 - Festival In the Park
Addington Park plays host to a little bit of Shakespeare, a craft faire, and some fisticuffs.
Emily, Logan, Aidan, Baylee, Sally, Carver, Penny, Chloe

2019-05-24 - Dead Bodies Everywhere
After a text earlier in the day, Alexander comes to see a few bodies...and does something silly.
AlmightyMe, Alexander, Penny

2019-05-22 - Favorite Coroner
Alexander goes to see his favorite coroner to talk about too many dead children and Gray Harbor history. But I repeat myself.
Alexander, Penny

2019-07-27 - Go Home, Faust
Penny has been released from the hospital, but she goes to work first, not home.

2019-07-13 - Bathed In Blood
Penny's night is about to get worse.

2019-06-21 - Burn It All
Penny's post sewer shenanigans. She doesn't know what to do really.

2016-11-06 - 1000 Days Ago
1000 days ago was November 6, 2016. What was your character doing just under three years ago? This is an "open vignette" scene - not a normal scene, so don't be intimidated by the number of participants. Pop in, share a little glimpse of what your character was doing.
KarmaBum, Violet, Alex, Erin, Julia, Elise, Graham, Eli, Tobin, Aidan, Magnolia, Kevin, Alexander, Easton, Mariah, Jonathan, Sutton, Byron, Carver, Lilith, Bennie, Elias, Cole, Lex, Penny, Harper, Vyv, Andi, Ruiz, Isolde, Lucinda, Genevieve, Lyric, Dahlia, Ignacio, Justin, Itzhak, Finch, August, Isabella, Tyler, Rebecca, Hyacinth, Minerva, Jaime, Joey, Everett, Eleanor, Maddie, Rick, Love, Duncan, Abby, Sparrow, Dante, Zoiya, Kelsey

2019-07-08 - #Justautopsythings
When bones are found and things need answered. Call a group of professionals. In a well lit room that isn't the police station.
Alexander, Byron, Penny, Vivian, Isabella

2019-07-05 - Going Through The Door
The Murray House releases it's latest victim.
Easton, Cole, Penny, Isolde, Ignacio, Itzhak, Finch, August

2019-06-27 - Dancing With The Dead
A group gets stuck in the Addington House at the wrong time.
Byron, Penny, Vivian, Lyric, Justin, Hyacinth

2019-06-21 - A Dark & Stormy Night on Elm Street
A group of slimes appear!
KarmaBum, Graham, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Penny, Finch

2019-06-14 - The Door Opens
Some people go to see if they can find a missing child...and end up finding something far more sinister.
Alex, Easton, Cole, Penny, Isolde, Lyric

2019-05-30 - The Scottish Play
The Seven Ages Theater Company stages their production of Macbeth. They seem to have hired the least competent imaginary army ever, but still. The monsters get fed, and that's really the point.
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Geoff, Erin, Hannah, Julia, Tobin, Aidan, Baylee, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Penny, Nicholas, Chloe, May

2019-05-24 - Guess What I Have?!
When you tell Penny to text you if she gets bodies...she texts you!
Alexander, Penny