2019-08-08 - That Ragged Flannel

The origins of the ragged flannel that Isolde no longer has.

IC Date: 2019-08-08

OOC Date: 2019-05-31

Location: Park/Addington Memorial Hospital

Related Scenes:   2019-08-07 - Shot the Sheriff   2019-08-14 - Broken Bow, Oklahoma

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1071


Isolde hadn't wanted to stay. She wasn't even that hurt! But the doctor's insisted. Just overnight. Because she did still get shot up. She was worried more about Isabella and the Captain. And still so confused. That strange lost man had been William. The one Alexander was looking for. Her fingers twitched. Wanting her flannel. But her flannel was gone. It was blood soaked and the police had taken it. Isolde felt that panic starting to rise. Gripping the hospital blanket tighter.

Breathe…just Breathe. It will be okay Izzy. Count with me. One frog...two frogs...three...

Tears welled up suddenly in Isolde's eyes. She hadn't thought about him in a long time. In fact, her memories of him had been locked away tight and the key thrown away. The only thing left of him was the flannel she wore and she hadn’t even really remembered how she got it or why. It just was. Until now, today. When those memories came flooding back because his flannel was gone and she was never going to see it again.

Oklahoma - April 2010

The Midwest was precisely as boring as Isolde had heard it was. But boring was good. It was a break from the craziness. The bad things. The bad things hadn’t caught up to her yet here. She was walking along the road. Dusty, tired, hungry, hot. But she’d rather be hot than cold. Her clothes had seen better days.

The road was rather desolate. She was certainly in the middle of nowhere. The rumble of a car came into hearing range. Zoomed right past her. A older muscle car. Isolde had no idea what kind. It screeched to a halt, then backed up. The passenger window rolling down and a nice looking man with a strong cowboy sorta vibe leaned over some. “You need a ride somewhere?”

Isolde stared blankly at the man.

“You look like hell, sweetheart. Town’s still about 10 miles out. Let me give you a ride there, yeah?” He flashed a charming sort of smile.

Isolde was uncertain. Most of the time, strangers weren’t very nice, but he seemed nice. And, it was just a ride to the next town right? So she nodded and got into the passenger seat.

Oklahoma - July 2010

“Emory! Emory we’re gonna be late!” Isolde was standing out on the porch of the house, nearly vibrating with anticipation. They were going to see the firework show that the high school was putting on.

Emory laughed as he came up to the door, holding the chairs. Isolde was in charge of holding the blanket. “We ain’t gonna be late Izzy. Don’t worry. There’s gonna be plenty of fireworks.” He led her down the steps, over to the truck. The muscle car just wouldn’t do today. Tossing the chairs in the bed, he wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her forehead. “You’re adorable, you know that?”

Oklahoma- August 2011

Everything had been going so good. Isolde hadn’t stayed in one place so long before, but Emory was patient and kind, and he held her through the withdrawals and the nightmares She wasn’t really sure what love was, but was starting to think that maybe she loved him.

He was taking her on a little drive. They were going to take a hike and have a picnic and take pretty pictures. Maybe they would even catch a frog or two. Though frogs didn’t really like this kind of weather. She was holding his hand, chattering away about the chickens and their melodrama.

It didn’t take long before they had finished their walk. Finished their food. Emory was looking at her with an expression that at outsider could only describe as pure, stupid love. He dug into his pocket then. “I got somethin’ for you Izzy.”

Isolde looked over, taking a break from the cloud watching. “You do?” Shifting a little, looking at him.

“I know we haven’t known each other too long. But I know you’re one a the most amazing people I’ve ever met. And I know I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.” He popped open the box. A ring with an emerald in it. “Isolde, will you marry me?”

Isolde stared at him. That blank stare that she had the first time they met. He wanted to marry her? Then she broke out in a bright grin. Of course! Oh, she had to talk. “Of course I’ll marry you!”

Oklahoma - September 2012

Isolde was sitting on the bed, crying, hugging a bunch of Emory’s flannels to her chest. She had been a fool to think that the bad things would leave her alone now that she was happy. They had ripped him away from her just days before their wedding date. The house was filled with flowers and food but she just couldn’t handle it. There was supposed to be a funeral but Isolde’s mental state was far too fragile. So his parents would handle it. Surely.

She couldn’t stay here. Lest the bad things start killing everyone in town. So she grabbed a few of her things, tossed on one of his flannels, took the keys to the muscle car and left. Leaving that small Oklahoma town in the distance, driving off to somewhere new.


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