2019-08-10 - Ex Post Facto

Vyv receives an unexpected text.

IC Date: 2019-08-10

OOC Date: 2019-06-02

Location: Bayside Apt/Apartment 808

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1113


So, how's everything in Washington?

Vyv stared at his phone for several seconds, then went back to his book. ...then the phone. Then rather more determinedly the book.

Several minutes passed.

He realised he had no idea what he'd read on any of the last ten or more pages, sighed, and traded the book for the phone again.

I can't speak to everything, but the parts involving me are proceeding apace. The shop seems popular.

Couldn't imagine it'd be anything else. I've tasted your wares.

He caught himself smiling a little at the phone, and banished it. No. Stop that.

Well, yes, but one doesn't like to blow one's own horn.

Since when?

A brow arched.

You're good. You know you're good. Why start pretending otherwise now?

...you know how much effort is going into not offering to blow it for you, right?

It got a faint snort.

Not enough, clearly.

A pause.

Be a bit difficult from that distance in any case.

A pause in return.

They're sending me to Pendleton.

He sat up straighter, brow furrowing at the screen.

They're transferring you back?

What if they were? He didn't have to be here to run a shop. All right, he'd just got settled in. The shop was going well. And he was finally getting some answers. But... what if they were?

I think your memory may be flattering me if you think that's enough to solve the distance issue, regardless.

Sadly no. Just a few weeks, I think.

Oh. Well, that made things easier.

He didn't feel as relieved about it as he suspected he should.

Dots moved on the screen for several seconds.

And maybe so. But I'm pretty sure they've still got airports up there.

He read it twice. And again for good measure.

I've not seen one lately, but I suspect I would have heard if they'd gone.

Not even dots. It felt interminable; it was probably half a minute.

Come see me.

Just thinking about it made his chest ache and throat go tight.

I miss you.

That, too. He stared at it a few seconds, and took a deep breath.

There's rather a lot I need to be dealing with up here. I can't just run off.

I'm sure life's far simpler without needing to take me into account, in any case.

Well, yeah.

The barest breath of a laugh.

I miss you anyway.

He started to type, then erased it. Hesitated, and started again.

I miss you too.

This was a terrible idea.

Send me the dates. I'll see what I can do.


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