2019-08-14 - Broken Bow, Oklahoma

Isolde borrows Alexander's computer to try and do some intense Google Searching.

IC Date: 2019-08-14

OOC Date: 2019-06-04

Location: Elm/13 Elm Street

Related Scenes:   2019-08-08 - That Ragged Flannel

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1161


Isolde studied the older model desktop carefully. As if she might accidentally break it. The sticky note was in her hand that contained the password to the account he had made. Aptly marked 'Isolde'. She hadn't used a computer too often at all since being here. But it wasn't too hard to figure out at least. Click the button, type in the password - which was probably frogs - and then wait for it to load.

The red-head wasn't even sure what she was looking for. Or, moreso, unsure if she wanted to validate the memories. So she stared at the computer screen for a long minute or two. Mouse hovering over the 'Chrome' icon. Just do it. Double-click. Presented with the search bar...what did she search for?

What did she remember? Emory. Oklahoma. Dusy. Fireworks. A house. No no no. The bad thing. What was the bad thing?

Emory. Missing. Oklahoma.

<FS3> Isolde rolls Research: Success (8 7 5 5 2 1)

Isolde waited with a hesitant sort of anticipation as the page loaded up. Now would be a great time to have her flannel, which she was still shocked to have back. That Alexander had managed to get it back. But she had entrusted it to his care to get clean.

Wide blue eyes scanned the results Most of it irrelavent. About cities called Emory or missing persons in general. Or random things about Oklahoma. But then there was something. On page 3 of the search results.

Local man missing. Presumed dead - Broken Bow, Oklahoma

Broken Bow.

Why don't they just fix it, Emory? Why's it broken?

Isode winces a bit as the thought crosses her mind. Clicking on the article.

A small Oklahoma town is in mourning this week as authorities deemed long-time local Emory Mays deceased after a week long man hunt............Rumors that his fiance, Isolde Morrison, may have had something to do with the disappearance are circling as she left town days after Mays was pronounced dead. ........ No solid evidence.

Isolde shuddered, clicking away from the article and back to the search results. It was her fault. Wasn't it. She had stayed in town. She should have just left instead of letting herself get caught up in a fantasy. Isolde shut off the browser. That was enough for today.

Emory was real. Broken Bow was real. But there was no way she could show her face there. Not a chance. Not if they suspected she was the one that killed him. But...if his body was never found...was he actually dead? Or was he very, very lost?

Isolde was pained by that thought. Something to save for another day. Logging off the account and standing up. Time to do some gardening. That would take her mind off things.


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