2019-08-24 - Another day at the shop

Nipple piercing, flirting and talk of a tattoo to come.

IC Date: 2019-08-24

OOC Date: 2019-06-10

Location: Pens & Needles

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1275


The shop is quiet today, the low hum of a tattoo gun coming from the back and the quiet chatter of an artist and client obscured by the hanging curtains around the work space. Geoff is lounged on the couch in the reception area that is kept for waiting clients, thumbing through a trade mag and clad in a pair of worn gray jeans, heavy leather boots and an old iron maiden tee.

This place had come recommended by someone at the Firefly so here Bianca was, coming inside with a curious air about her. Her splash of red hair vibrant and slightly ruffled by the light breeze outside. A hand lifts to smooth it as she takes a look around before walking towards the front desk.

Her attire is casual, a pair of black yoga pants that do oh so much for her figure. The matching top stops just short of the hem of her pants so it doesn't quite overlap and there's a tattoo playing peek-a-boo there beneath the shirt and it disappears beneath the pants. Fingernails tap on the desk as she awaits assistance.

Oh and she's got a bruise on her jaw. Isn't that so pretty? All purple like that?

Geoff remains there leafing through the magazine as he waits to see if the kid whose supposed to be manning the reception desk will show up, meanwhile checking out the new arrival and those yoga pants with a half interested gaze. When it becomes clear that no one else is going to take care of it, he picks himself up with a grunt and tosses the magazine onto the end table as he makes his way to the business end of the desk.

"So what can I do for you today chica? You got an appointment or are you stopping by to score a consultation?" His voice slightly gruff as he asks this, though that just seems to be his way "By the way welcome to Pens and Needles."

It hadn't occurred to Bianca that the man seated there worked here but she straightens and puts on something of a seductive smile after giving him a thorough once over. "Lo que quieras, preciosa." Assuming from the chica that he could speak Spanish. "Gracias. I would like work done on an existing tattoo. It was started in Atlanta, Georgia and chances are I will not be returning there." She does have a Spanish accent but it's still easy to understand her. "�Haces piercings? Also?"

Geoff dips his head "Sure I'll have to get a look at it and see if we can get something that will mesh well with it but that shouldn't be too hard." after a tick he adds "And I also piercings, kind of comes with the territory. Though I stop at body mod stuff, so you'll have to find someone else to split your tongue." With a gesture he motions Bianca to follow him to the back "Let's get a look at what you're rocking, also for the record my Spanish sucks unless you want to be harassed." rolling his eyes as he turns to walk towards his chair he says "I really should have learned more then how to pick a fight."

Bianca follows his English as well as she speaks Spanish so she falls to that since he favors it. "I would never split my tongue, but I was considering nipple piercings. A girlfriend of mine told me they were worth getting. Have you had feedback on them from customers?" Her steps are graceful and light as she follows him back. "You have learned the basics then. Curse words and how to count to ten?" The chair is glanced at but she waits his instruction first. "It is on my lower abdomen."

Geoff closes the curtain and calls out to the rest of shop "Jake time for you to stop jacking off and do your job, my break is over." With a wry grin he turns his attention back to Bianca "I've heard they feel pretty good, and from a guy's perspective they're damn hot." crossing his arms he leans back against his counter as he waits for her to get comfortable and reveal the tattoo "Curse words, how to count to ten, insulting mothers, bartering for cigarettes, phrases that a riot's about to go down, you know the regular stuff."

"This sounds like the perfect job for someone," referencing the jacking off comment. "Though sometimes it gets lonely doing it all alone." A meaningful look to him. "I've been thinking about getting the piercings. Would I need to set an appointment for those? Bianca hooks her thumbs into those tight yoga pants and slides them down just almost until it's too far. A wink is tossed in his direction just before she gets into the seat and lifts her shirt to just under her firm breasts.

The tattoo is a peach blossom flower, just something small that spans no large amount of skin. The red head is petite though, both in body and stature. "Riots? Where..?" Then it dawns on her and she smiles. "Life Happens. I almost had an unfortunate incarceration myself."

Also, on her ribs is another bruise to match her face.

Geoff responds loud enough so that it'll carry towards the front "If he doesn't watch his ass it's all he'll be good for." before his voice returns to more conversational tones "True, and I could manage the piercing today if you wanted. They're pretty fast and easy, though heads up we're not really a jewelry shop so you'd have to be content with some barbells until it healed up."

Turning his attention on the tattoo with a clinical express he asks "So were you wanting to turn this into a big body spanning piece or just do a bit of fill in work around it." eyes darting to the bruise he examines it for a split second before looking back to the tattoo, and gesturing "With some grayscale around it, and filling in a few falling blossoms we could have a pretty killer piece here. My favorite work is doing botanicals, can't go wrong with traditional but going for watercolors or Japanese style can really elevate it to a masterwork."

Bianca looks amused at the direction he shouts, more at the words he says too. Though when it turns more to business she has an answer right away. "Barbells is all I'd want for the piercings. Are yours pierced?" A nod to his chest.

A hand smooths over the tattoo and she really does listen to his suggestions. "I think that sounds like something I'd want. I like the idea of botanicals, but I'm not just wanting only peach blossoms anymore. I'm no longer a Georgia peach or a southern belle or anything close. I was thinking of something like a wrap around that doesn't touch but spirals upwards some. Once around, I think."

Geoff chuckles and shakes his head "Nah, never really struck my fancy and and never been long term with a chick who was into that. So it's plain ol' nips for me." Tapping his foot he thinks "Okay so I got an idea but this it would definitely take a number of sessions." gesturing towards her body he makes a circular motion with his finger and moves it upwards "So what if we went with a sort of blossoms in the wind type piece. We start at your existing piece and spiral up, we'll use gray scale for the winds and details around it and highlight with colors petals and birds." wobbling his hand he says "The upside is that it'd look killer once done, downside is with that sort of design you'd have to get some awesome talent to be able to work in around it if you ever wanted to fill in the rest of the space." walking over to the edge of the curtain he leans out and pulls in a cart on wheels "I got every thing I need for piercing right here."

"That's too bad. Maybe get them done anyway, just in case you run into someone interested in that sort of thing." Bianca doesn't bother pulling up her pants yet, or pulling down her shirt, but that's likely because she's intent on getting the piercings. "The amount of sessions doesn't affect me any. You're easy on the eyes." While she has noticed the flirting being unreciprocated it hasn't toned down hers much. It just came natural to her more than likely.

"That sounds really beautiful." Her phone is brought up and she brings up her photos. "What about something like this, but embellished with more, like you explained, more flowers, a tumble of color and other things?" https://imgix.ranker.com/user_node_img/50020/1000380305/original/flower-stomach-tattoos-photo-u1?w=650&q=50&fm=pjpg&fit=crop&crop=faces
%Her eyes follow the tray and she nods. "If I get touch ups I can come to you. I'd like to set an appointment for that. Definitely the piercings today."

Geoff chuckles at that "You know I might just have to do that, never hurts to be prepared, right?" his eyebrow arching at that with a roguish grin "And it's good to hear I at least have my looks going for me. I'll start working on some designs to see how you feel about them." glancing at the image on the phone he studies it rather neutrally "We could do that, I'll work on a few variations of that as well." making a flippant upwards gesture he says with a grin "Okay chica, now's the fun part where you get to flash me, and I tug at your nips for cash like a streetwalker."

"Oh definite variations. I don't want something someone else has exactly. And I'm very sure you could do something better than this. It's just the sort of spiral design base I'm interested in. I really want you to embellish it and make it something you'd be proud of." Bianca smirks, a look flickering over his covered chest. "And yes, you really should get it done too. Advertisement and all that."

Stalling was out of the question and Bianca lifts her shirt which leaves her covered in the bra still. It's at least a front fastening one. "If I'm paying you to do this, you get to unfasten the bra. I want a little foreplay at least." Wearing an enigmatic smile she reaches for the waist band of her pants and tugs them up, covering part of her tattoo, "Ready when you are," she murmurs. "Mind the Spanish words of endearment when the time comes."

Geoff looks relieved, "Good because no offense I've seen that tat in the trailer park and you're a bit classier then that sunshine." Going to the cart he opens up the top and does quick look over the tools making sure he has everything he needs before her words are bringing his attention back to her "Wow, now I'm really feeling cheap I don't even get dinner out of this." A good natured roll of his eyes accompanying his actions as he leans forward to unfasten her bra and part it, to free her breasts from the cruel restraint imposed on them by society "Now keep the bra out of my way or better yet take it off completely." a wink coming as he says "No judgment back here for going topless." turning back to his work station he grabs a fine marker and turns back "I'm guessing you want them horizontal and not vertical?"

"Yes, just the design, the spiral look, not the content. I'm glad you have higher standards as well." Laying back, Bianca watches him lean in to unfasten her bra and she sucks her lower lip in between her teeth as she makes a soft, moaning sound. "That's the closest I've been to sex in far too long. I'd buy you dinner out, or breakfast the morning after."

Yes, that's laughter in her voice as she sits up and draws off her shirt and slides the bra down her arms, placing them casually over her legs and laying back again, topless this time. Rounded breasts, taut nipples a rosy hue and creamy, unblemished skin, barring that bruise on her ribs and the other on her jaw is all there on display all the way to the slight flaring of her hips . "If these were your toys to play with, would you prefer horizontal or vertical? You choose what is best."

Geoff examines the breasts with a sort of critical gaze as if deciding what would work best for the canvas in front of him before he decides "Horizontal, vertical seem like they'd be a bitch to bite." with a snort he says "Can't go getting in the way of a good bite." and then he is pulling his stool up and tugging on a pair of black latex gloves. Examining her nipples he takes the fine tip marker and places a dot on either side of first the right nipple and then the left, working out the perfect angle to guide through so as to not have anything off kilter "Okay so this is going to sting, and probably won't feel all that sexy for a week or two, but once they're healed up you're going to love them, or so I've been told." The man tossing the marker back onto his desk before grabbing a disinfectant pad and rubbing over and around the soft little nubs, the alcohol in the wipe no doubt leading to a tingling effect. "Do you need a squeezy stress reliever toy while I do this, and are you a screamer? Nothing quite like being surprised with someone screaming in your ear while you work." all the while he is grabbing an individually wrapped piercing needle from the tray, then grabbing a sterile wrapped barbell and opening it up to thread on to the end of the piercing aperture.

His eyes on her is enough to keep the nubs all taut for him. The biting part just adds to the imagery. "I'm looking forward to exploring them. The biting and sucking and.. you get the picture." Using her hands to grasp the side of the table she is laying on, Bianca uses that to keep herself still. "I'm just a screamer in the bedroom." A slow smile up at him. "As for a toy, well if you're not offering yourself then no, I'm fine with the table." The flirting comes all too easy, especially when he's not taking her seriously. "Ready, chico."

<FS3> Geoff rolls Spirit: Success (8 5 4 4 4 4 3 2)

Geoff grabs a pair of specially made pair of tiny tongs with holes through the majority of the grasping end, taking it he clamps down on her nipple and tugs it outwards, probably a bit further then was absolutely necessary. Pausing for a second he eyes it to make everything is lined up straight, and quite blatantly to those who glimmer he is using spirit to preemptively numb the pain and speed her healing. Then without giving his client undo time to think about what's happening he pierces the needle through the flesh and tugs it on through the other side, threading the trailing piercing on through till the retaining ball on the end stops snug against skin. Keeping the nipple still held taut he works to unthread the end of the needle from the barbell "See that wasn't so bad, was it?"

It was sort of a muted pain and Bianca looks at him with just a little suspicion, having an idea but not fully calling him on it. Some things were just better not to know. There's equal pain but it feels good too and nothing on earth could stop that soft sound of arousal she makes when he tugs it out further than necessary. Her eyes close so she misses when he reaches in to do the actual piercing. Her hands tighten on the table on both sides of her as her breasts rise and fall with each breath. "How could something that hurts feel so good?" she muses. "Oh Dios, I have to do it again now. Can you kiss it and make it better?" Though the words are murmured seductively there's humor in there too. "What are the instructions for care for these once I'm home?"

Geoff threads the ball end onto the piercing and says "Because I've got the magic touch chica, and I'm pretty sure you mean you /get/ to do it again now given that it sounds like you're enjoying yourself a little bit here." opening another sterile barbell he threads it onto the end of the needle and begins the process over again by clamping onto the opposite nub and tugging it firmly out "Keep it clean and sterile, I got a small tube of ointment I'll give you to apply to keep it from getting infected. Also for now kisses are off the table, you need to keep it clean, understand?" and then he is threading the other barbell through.

"I'm losing my touch. Not even a smile!" Bianca laments, still keeping it light. "I may be enjoying it a little though, nothing wrong with a mixture of pleasure and pain. Especially when the pain will go away and then only good will come of these." Laying there, she gives a slight nod, careful not to move too much. "Ointment. I don't have to come back in for a check up or anything do I?"

Geoff laughs and shakes his head "I tend to get a little caught up in my work. Trust me, you're not losing your touch at all." screwing on the end of the second barbell he says "And definitely wrong mixing a little pleasure with pain every now and then, it keeps things interesting. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other enough in the coming weeks what with the work that you want that I won't mind checking them out again. You know to make sure everything set properly." he cracks a grin at this last bit, "Let me get you my business card and I can shoot you some art throughout the week for you to consider."

"I like it when a man is dedicated to his work and takes it seriously. Especially when it involves my body and permanent changes to it." There is no immediate move to get up from her position on the table, but Bianca does look down at the barbells now impaling her nipples so ruthlessly. "Those look sexy. If you get yours done, when I come in again for my first visit for the tat, you can show them off to me." Sitting up now, she reaches for the bra, "Yes or no? Would it help keep them from rubbing on my shirt or be too constricting right now?" Dangling the bra in question.

Geoff chuckles and says "You think they look sexy now, wait till we get started on that tattoo and complete the look, guys aren't going to be able to keep their hands off of you." examining her chest and then the bra he gives a shrug "Whatever works best for you right now, I've seen folks swear by one or the other. I think you rock the topless look but I don't think the police are going to be that fond of it." as for me he peels the gloves off and tosses them in a biohazzard trash bin "As for me, I'll think about it but I'm thinking you just want to see me without my shirt."


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