2019-08-25 - Preparing For A Seance

Minerva is preparing the apartment and herself for a seance.

IC Date: 2019-08-25

OOC Date: 2019-06-11

Location: Gray Harbor/Kosimar Psychiatry - Apartment

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1284


<FS3> Minerva rolls Occult Lore: Great Success (8 8 8 7 7 6 5 2 1)

In a few days Irvriya and a few others were going to be doing something that others would call foolish or reckless.

She called it research.

And she wasn’t even sure if calling to the restless spirit of William Gohl would even work. And if it did she was hoping he was feeling a tad less murdery.

Murdery, that’s a word, yes.

<FS3> Minerva rolls Enochian Magic: Success (8 5 5 3 1)

Irvriya was making sure that mirrors were covered and that the windows wouldn’t let in a ton of light. She was a bit anal about things going right. She didn’t want Alexander or Isabella hurt during this.

If she got hurt it wasn’t like there would be world ending amounts of hysteria. She had people to help her. She was just really tired with everything. She was needing another vacation after all of this.

Maybe she’d go to Tel Aviv with her parents after she was done here. Or maybe Billy would get so pissed to be disturbed that he murdered her. Who knew?

She didn’t know what was going to happen and she was just as anxious about it. But she needed to present a put together front to everyone. She couldn’t be weak until after shit was done.

And who knew when this was all going to be done.


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