2019-08-27 - And Then There Were None

5 year plan blown to hell.

IC Date: 2019-08-27

OOC Date: 2019-06-13

Location: Bayside Apt/Apartment 502

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1308


The door closed behind him.

Such a sound of finality.

Erin doesn't even bother walking over and locking it up behind him. Why bother? She knew who the killer was and he had a fucking key to her apartment. He had all along. If he wanted to get to her he would have done it by now.

That left her with... exactly no one.

Her parents, despite their deaths only being recent, had left her a long time ago.
Just like everyone else. Everyone always left.

I'm not good enough for you. He had said.


The day planner was on the counter still and she swipes it off to allow the contents to flutter and settle everywhere. It didn't satisfy her. She finds his beer bottle and lifts it, prepared to smash it when she catches sight of the socks. The socks he'd stuffed his crotch with earlier.

I love you too much to remove the dick cushioning in front of you, grab your beer in your apartment to break up with you. That's just a whole other level of fucked up.

Gathering the socks, she picks them up and leaves the beer bottle on the floor for now and seats herself beside it. A couple of the socks are unrolled and she removes her high heels and slips his socks on. They reach to her knees and she laughs, laughs and laughs.

Until the laughs turn into sobs. Hard, gutwrenching sobs.

Everyone left. Why would she think it'd be different?
That he would be different?

"Fight for me dammit. Fight for us!"

But he was already gone.
The five year plan was over before even even a week had passed.

Laying down on the floor she gathers the remainder of the socks to her, wrapping her arms around them, then reaches for the beer bottle and holds on to it too.

She was fucking crazy.
Or she was on a fast train there.

She calls herself every kind of fool as she closes her eyes.
Sleep would be a long time coming.


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