2019-08-29 - A Bloody Aftermath

Minerva is cleaning up blood after Billy the Ghoul tried to murder Alexander during their seance.

IC Date: 2019-08-29

OOC Date: 2019-06-14

Location: Gray Harbor/Kosimar Psychiatry - Apartment

Related Scenes:   2019-08-27 - Summoning a Ghoul

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1338


The first rays of the morning sun were starting to spill through the large windows of the loft and Minerva was still sitting with her back to the wall with her knees tucked up to her chest. She felt like she’d failed.

And Billy had almost killed Alexander right in front of her and Isabella. That would have been worse, but he was being taken care of from what she’d gathered from calls to the hospital.

The blood had been left on the floor as the police wanted to get photographs. But now there was just the metallic scent that hung in the air. It made her want to cry and it made her sick to her stomach. Why had she agreed to do this?!

There was no taking it back now. She was praying that Alexander would pull through and there was going to be less of her offering to host catastrophe’s. She didn’t want a friend to die. And especially when it was her fault for not making sure they were better protected.

Just because you had the knowledge, didn't mean you needed to use it, but Alexander would have went elsewhere to get the seance done. She was just mad at herself.

Now there was a monumental task of cleaning the blood up. Nothing ever prepares you for cleaning blood off of the floor or the walls or the table. The woman goes about her task as she moved the table back to its original place.

The supplies were cleaned off and then she went about going to make a bucket of cleaning water and grabbing the mop.

With every swipe of the mop she’d remembered what happened last night. Focusing on it had made her want to throw up and this time she dropped the mop and ran to the sink where she vomited.

This was becoming a normal.

Which wasn’t good for anyone.


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