2019-08-31 - Seven Nation Army

Before the evening festivities, Ico and Lyric work on a song and dance.

IC Date: 2019-08-31

OOC Date: 2019-06-15

Location: Platinum Cabaret

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1363


Ico had shown up early to fix a few things. About to head off before changing his mind to work on songs. Sitting with water and his notebook. Some dounds going on in the place. Today looking a bit more casual in s black buttoned up shirt that is form fitting. With dark blue jeans. Sitting with his phone out now as he seems to be having issues figuring out some of the lyrics. Having found a decently quiet spot Occasionally saying hi to passing coworkers, if anyone is around.

Lyric comes in but not dressed for work yet. Not in her booty shorts and club shirt. Currently she's dressed in a crop top and a skirt, probably something she'd learned from Zoiya. Her socks reach her knees. Putting away her phone after texting a couple of people she slides it onto the table and sits across from Ico. "Hi Ice. What song are you working on?" The phone is slid to the side for now and she looks at the paper curiously.

Ico does look up. Not seeming to mind her choice of clothing. His own phobe set down but kept nearby. "Hi Ly. Midnight Riders." As if that explains everything. "It's about all of us. Both musicians and we others that slave away in the night." He explains some more. Starting to drum with his hands in a pretty fast rhythm. "Figured that would be the intro. And let you fit in the guitar." He explains.

Lyric gets a text and smiles as she answers it, tapping out a response she seems fairly confident of before sliding it to the side again. She looks up and smiles. "Midnight Riders. I like that, but want to tell me what lyrics you have so far? We'll see what we can do? Maybe you just need inspiration. Or a muse. Has Park been around?"

Ico shakes his head about Park, "Nope. And I thought you were my muse." He suggests playfully. "Or did you become someone elses muse now?" He teases with a wink and nod to the phone. "And well. Got this 'When the night has fallen and silence sits there are those of us that hold the line. With fire and ice we fight the night. This is why we're called midnight riders.' But something is missing before the climax of the chorus. and some words should perhaps be changed." Sighing to himself. Seeming a bit off.

"Are you saying I am inspirational?" Lyric flutters her lashes, but it's clear she's only teasing. It's not a flirt really. Propping her chin on her hand she glances over at the phone when he asks and laughs, reaching to check another text. She texts another time, one handed this time, and slides the phone aside again. Looking down at the paper, she murmurs the words he has to herself, testing them. "I think a few more adjectives would help. When neverending night has fallen and silence sits there like a tomb, there are those who hold the line, trying to light up every room. With fire and ice, we midnight riders, fight our battles night by night. With just our instruments to guide us... something something.. rhymbes with night." Laughing, she gives him a shrug. "I'm not sure. This isn't exactly easy."

Ico grins, "So far." After which she proves her help in writing the song. "Damn, guess I'm too slow." He offers with a smile. "How come?" He asks about it not being easy. As for if he is jealous, hard to say. His question and worry seeming genuine.

"Was that okay then? I do love writing. It's a challenge to rhyme, and I know not everything has to rhyme. But I just add adjectives when I feel something needs more." Lyric hadn't asked if he were jealous, that's not something she'd ever ask anyone with any seriousness. "You created the topic of the song, I just added some things." Another text comes through and she checks it, just looking at the screen a moment. "And sometimes," she says softly. "Sometimes situations make me think of lyrics to songs already written that very much fit. Does that ever happen to you? It happens to me all the time."

Ico nods and smiles, "Yup. Might have to sing it out a bit faster but should work well." Clearing his throat. "We midnight Riders. fighting the light night after night. We midnight riders. Standing tall till the sun hits the sky!" The last part cried out a bit longer and stronger. reminiscent of glam rock style. "Not rhyming but still." Said with a grin. Nodding about her question. "Very often. Even after the singers have said what it means, which can be a third thing as well." Watching her some. "Thanks."

Lyric applauds when he sings it, "That's great so far. Now for the rest. Some meat lyrics that will inspire passion in the listener and make them want to hear it repeatedly. Sometimes it's the words, sometimes its the way a tune goes that makes me want to buy it so I can listen to it all I want." Lyric nods about the last. "Yeah that's true. but sometimes I hear a song and imagine how the video would be, how I interpret the song and the artists is so different. It's interesting to see the differences."

Ico nods, "Behind our faces of every bliss, there are the struggles behind at risk. The praise and ligths can hide the pain, but the scars are there, for every gain. So never forget who holds the night." He suggests, tilting his head. "Perhaps starting the chorus again there." Shaking his head though. "Too much? Not sure if we want a banger style song or an emotional journey and celebration of the night workers." A grin about how she finds stuff about the songs, and how it translates to her. "Agreed. It is what makes music interesting. Same song and tune can have different meanings to different people. Thus we need to find a good way to incorporate it all with the instruments." Nudging her. "I'm glad I stuck around."

"Oh yeah there see? You got it. The depth of the song, where you more define the meaning that the first verse led up to." Lifting a hand she offers him a high five, "That's great, Ice. Definitely not too much. There has to be a build up. I love songs that have meaning. I mean I love all music, but you know what I mean." She smiles when he nudges her. "Glad you did too. This band was a great idea. If we can get the others as into it as we are, we'll have it made."

<FS3> Ico rolls Composure: Success (8 7 3 3 1)

Ico high-fives her in turn and chuckles a bit. "Thanks. And yeah, I know what you mean." Nodding more, "Yeah, I just think work is a lot for them. But we will get there." He assures her. "Until then the two of us can just do acoustic stuff for all the songs and such." He suggests. Lifting his hand briefly, but then retreats it to lift the pen and write down what he just sang. "So, looking forward to tonight?"

"Body shot night?" Lyric takes a look around and laughs. "I can't even imagine. Up until the other day I didn't even know what a body shot was. I had to get a lesson in it so I could help Mae or Dahlia set up for them." Her hand lowers after the high five. "I'm hoping a few friends of mine come in too. It'll be a lot of fun to see everyone. And then Amateur night too, it's coming soon." Her phone remains silent and she gives it a look, but it is brief. "I think no news isn't good news."

Ico grins, "Well then, should be a fun night. Are you going to be offering? Figured I can offer to any that might prefer that. But someone doubt I'll have takers." Wanting to try and break out more and live the rock n' roll style. Nodding about her friends, though a brow is raised. "What news?" Since she was looking to her phone. Leaning in a bit. "Everything okay?" Trying to see how she is doing.

"Offering? Myself?" Almost squeaking out the second word. "For body shots?" The two of them are both off duty for now but prepared for the evening. Lyric isn't in her DJ uniform, but in a crop top and pleated skirt. The two have a notebook with writing on it between them, she sits across from him. Her phone is nearby and silent. "Oh nothing really. I'm ready for tonight to start though. I'll help the girls and the boss all I can between setting up sets of songs. I think Amateur night may even be busier."

Ico chuckles and nods, "Yeah, why not?" He asks and smiles. Another nod though, "Ok, well. I'm here if needed." He assures her. A soft laugh about amateur night. "Probably. I did get some tips and dance some with Mae. Was fun." He admits, shrugging his shoulders some. "You'll be doing great as usual." He suggests and turns the notebook to write on something else briefly, but soon flips back to where they were. "So, I was thinking strong fast drums to start. With just some rhythm guitar, and simple bass. Then in the chorus you take over. Perhaps along with Park, if she is doing bass for this one. During the verses keeping things simple, giving room for keyboard to shine. What do you think?"

"Mae is one of my favorite people. I really like when Love is the bartender too. I like working here, the people are fun. Have you talked much to Dahlia? She is really sweet too." Lyric's attention goes back to the music easily. "Fast drums, you start it out? Then we come in with the guitar, bass and keyboard? I like that." She gives a little shake of her head. "I think Park said she didn't sing? Maybe I was wrong."

Ico smiles and nods, "She is awesome. And Love was fun as well." Shaking his head about Dahlia though. "Not yet. Hope to. Not really talked much to Cristobal either, despite both of us working near the door." Shrugging about Park. "No clue, but I meant with bass. I did want to see if we should both sing the midnight runners part. And do you want to sing one of the verses?" Snickering at something then. "I did run into some other musicians, tried to get so both bands might be able to play at different spots together. Usually easier to get to play that way. You know, two bands playing and they don't need to look that much, means a lot more music that they don't have to worry about." He suggests. Shifting to lean back. "By the way, still haven't gotten to dance with you yet." He offers and grins.

"Dahlia is really sweet you're going to love her." Lyric smiles at the mention of the bouncer. "Cris is so beautiful. I mean those eyes.." She rolls her own. "He danced with me, it was fun, the song he wanted me to play made him dance. I know he was wanting to dance with Mae, but she had sat down and I was already dancing. It was fun, that whole night was fun." Again, she props her chin on her hand, "I like dancing. Want me to put a song on?" She gets to her feet, leaving her phone on the table for now. "So what did the other band say? What sort of music do they play?" Walking over to the DJ Booth she goes over some of the songs. "Do you know how to Salsa?" With a grin, she puts on a very unlikely song. Seven Nation Army - Marcus Collins. "Ok come on, lets dance." The music starts playing and she starts doing the steps alone.

<FS3> Lyric rolls Dancing: Success (7 6 5 5 2 1)

<FS3> Ico rolls Dancing: Good Success (8 7 6 5 4 4 3 1)

<FS3> Lyric rolls Singing: Good Success (7 7 6 6 2 1)

Ico chuckles and nods, "That he does." He offers agreeingly. "Dancing is fun, and sure." Tilting his head. "They are still at the same stage as us." He explains. "No name, no genre. Not sure on all members." He explains and chuckles. Nodding about salsa as he leave his phone to join her. Putting it on the notebook, after closing it. "I have done some salsa. And this is a nice cover. I do like Jack White's singing though." Starting to take steps towards her, doing it in a slow typical ballroom dance style. One arm out towards her as he closes in. Swaying hips some before trying to take her hand to start dancing with her properly.

"I like Marcus Collins!" Lyric exclaims, dancing, the steps the twirls, the dips, making him lead her but doing all of the moves. He's better than her at it though, and she sings along with the lyrics. She's pretty good at it too. "Or the Lyric Bates cover?" Teasing about her own singing.

"I'm gonna fight 'em all
A seven nation army couldn't hold me back
They're gonna rip it off
Taking their time right behind my back
And I'm talking to myself at night
Because I can't forget
Back and forth through my mind
Behind a cigarette
And the message coming from my eyes
Says leave it alone
Don't want to hear about it
Every single one's got a story to tell
Everyone knows about it
From the Queen of England to the hounds of hell."

"Take it from here, Ice!" She continues dancing with him, but drops the singing so he can take the rest.

<FS3> Ico rolls Singing: Good Success (8 8 6 5 5 4 4 4 2 2)

Ico chuckles and nods, "So do I, the other is just a bit unique." Spinning her in between, doing some fancy moves. But occasionally letting it be more regular salsa tempo. Especially when she sings."I prefer the Lyric Bates version." He offers with an amused look.

"And if I catch you coming back my way,
I'm gonna sell it to you, yeah,
And that ain't what you want to hear, but that's what I'll do.
And a feeling coming from my bones, says 'find a home',
Oh, find a home,
Find a home."

Focusing a bit on the dancing then as he dips her looking and winking before going back tomoving his hips in time with hers, a hand on her waist to lead.

Lyric laughs, tilting her head back and having a good time just dancing with not a care in the world. "Find a home." she giggles. "Find a home," she sings, "One with a garage so the band can shred. And if you don't find me a home you're gonna wish you were dead!+" She laughs so hard she has to quit dancing except for a spin and a "Tada!" And the songs ending by then anyway. "That was so much fun.

Ico laughs along and dances. Coming to a stop as she does. "We will. Park is in on joining us at the home as well, so should be easier to find a place." He suggests while catching his breath. Brushing some hair from her face. "If you sing and dance like that at the booth you will be stealing all the attention." He jests. Watching her face for a moment with a warm smile before moving to grab some water. "Want some?"

Since Lyric hadn't put any other songs to play after, the music just ends and she finishes her laughing. "Park is.. interesting. I guess I don't remember much about her since High School. She's very different than most people I know. But you're vouching for her then she's in..." When he brushes her hair back from her face she ducks her head a little, lifting her own hands and tucking it back a little. "Thanks. I dance back there and sometimes sing a little, but nothing real loud. I'd never want to take attention from anyone. And no one can outshine Mae and Dahlia, they are the stars here." She shakes her head about the water and walks back over in time to check her phone. "Looks like it's about that time." Her phone is taken with her to the DJ booth where she tucks it away so it won't be misplaced or stolen. "Are you ready for a busy night?"

Ico nods. "She is a good musician from what I've heard." He offers. A small smile as she ducks her head some. "I don't know her much better than you, admittedly." Shrugging some at that as he takes some to drink before moving to gather his things. "Of course." Moving to put it all away before returning.
Ico is dressed in a black buttoned up t-shirt that is a bit form fitted, along with dark blue jeans. Looking a bit more casual than usual. A little bit of sweat visible on his forehead. A hand get run through his hair. "We're gonna kill it." He assures Lyric with a thumbs-up.


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